Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1165 Wilderness Area, Training of the Monarch Snake



As the largest known island in the Orange Islands, Little Orange Island really cannot be faked.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, they climbed over the hills and entered the field area. Ryoto, Nanako and all the Pokémon walked slowly until the sun rose to the middle of the sky, but they were not able to go out.

"There is a small stream ahead, let's camp here for the time being at noon." Yoshito said to Nanako who was beside him.

"Yeah, okay." Nanako nodded and agreed.

"Lucario, come and pitch a tent with me."


The sky was on the back of the eagle, and Lucario responded, and then jumped directly from a height of seven or eight meters.

"Swizz swish..."

"Bang!" Lucario flipped with his knees tucked in, and Lucario landed on the ground smoothly, causing grass clippings to splash everywhere on the ground.

"Lucario, you guy, do you want to break your leg so that you can be lazy and not train?" The man who took out the tent and stretched his face darkened, and trained towards Lucario.

"Aww~ Brother Master, what shall we have for lunch?"

"Don't change the subject for me, Lucario, you are getting more and more mischievous after learning from the dumb beast."




On the flat grass by the stream, after Lucario and Lucario set up the tent, the beloved also started cooking.

Leaving the town in the morning and passing the pier, Liangren bought some fresh sea fish at the fish market, and picked a lot of wild vegetables along the way.

In addition, it rained two days ago, and Liangren also collected a lot of edible mushrooms on the grass in Linxi, which can be used for lunch.

Stir-fried Wild Vegetables

Mushroom Bisque

Charcoal Grilled Sea Fish



After a while, the whole camp was filled with the aroma of food.

The food during the trip is not as fine as the restaurants in mainland cities, but it is simple but has a special flavor. This is travel.

With Nanako helping her, Ryoto quickly prepared lunch, and the two ate together with their Pokémon, chatting over and over again.

"I rested in Lingang Town for three days without training, and the next training about the Monarch Snake, Brother Liang, you are ready to start."

"Sunshine Flames, Hardening Plants, Strong Whiplash, and Flying Leaf Storm are the four skills. Brother Liangren, which one do you plan to let the Monarch Snake choose first to practice?" Nanako asked curiously.

"Hmm~ I haven't thought about this. Among the four skills, except for hardened plants, which are the most lethal and have no foundation, and are difficult to train, the other three skills basically have prior experience."

When it came to the training of the Monarch Snake, the beloved suddenly regained his spirits.

The prior experience mentioned by the good man means that before formally learning these skills, Monarch Snake has already learned skills and moves with similar skill principles and mechanisms.

Strong Whip - Vine Whip

Sunshine and flames - photosynthesis

Leafstorm - Grass Blender


With previous experience, the beloved believes that after using the golden finger of the system to help the Monarch Snake learn,

No matter which skill you are training, the progress will be very fast.

"So, dear brother, what are you planning?"

"Let's learn "Strong Whip" first. Monarch Snake has been training rattan whip as a core skill in the early stage of strength. The experience accumulated from training rattan whips will become nutrients for Monarch Snake when learning strong whipping. "

"Moreover, the skills in the Monarch Snake's skill pool currently include control and special attack skills, while physical damage skills are somewhat lacking." Liangren thought for a while and made a decision.

"Is that so—" Nanako was also thoughtful after hearing what her beloved said, as if thinking about whether the skill pools of her Pokmon were reasonable.

I don't know if it's because she has stayed with her beloved for too long, but Nanako has also become very obsessed and focused on the issue of Pokémon training and training.

After lunch, while helping to clean up and wash the dishes, Nanako was still thinking about Miss Qun'er, Meilihua...the rationality of their skill pools.

The lover didn't bother her, but after walking around the camp for a few times to eat, he brought the Monarch Snake to the open grass by the stream.

"Monarch Snake, you have rested and relaxed for three days, and we will start training again during the next period of time in Little Orange Island."

"Before you end your trip to Little Orange Island and go to Makot Island, where the next gym is located, your goal is to learn and master the four powerful grass-type skills of Sunshine Flame, Powerful Whiplash, Hardening Plant, and Flying Leaf Storm."

"Wum~" Hearing the training plan of his beloved, the bright red eyes of the monarch snake are full of fighting spirit.

"That's right, with your momentum, whether it's the high-intensity training for the next period of time, or hitting the Heavenly King level later, I believe everything will be fine."

One person, one pet, four eyes met, and a bright smile appeared on the face of the lover who felt the fighting spirit of the monarch snake.

After the Monarch Snake activated the water power in the awakened bloodline and became a Pokémon with dual attributes of water and plants, its own shortcomings were almost filled.

The lack of powerful skills that cause damage and explosion is the last shortcoming of the Monarch Snake, which can be made up for later.

After the Monarch Snake has learned and mastered the above four high-damage tricks, the combat power of the Monarch Snake is basically mature, and then it will be integrated with the champion inheritance of the water system in [Stay Hippo Spirit Essence Bead].

Through the advancement of the water attribute as a breakthrough, the grass system can also break through to the king level.

Compared with Lucario, who has matured in combat power, reached the middle stage of quasi-king, and has mastered the "Birdguide Training Method", Monarch Snake seems to be far behind, but in fact the road ahead is smooth.

Lucario has no championship inheritance, no special adventures, and no senior guidance like Frozen Bird and Hippo King. For the time being, he can only rely on himself to break through to the King level.

Monarch Snake seems to be one step behind at the moment, but maybe it will be able to come from behind and overtake soon, and it may not necessarily be Lucario who breaks through the king level one step ahead.

After all, the guys under Liangren are very good at creating miracles and bringing surprises to people.

"I just have time today, let's learn "Strong Whip" first, and then find out how it feels. "

"Are you ready?" After speaking, Liangren took out a box containing a skill disc from the system backpack and said.

"Wum~" Monarch Snake nodded and responded that he was ready.

"In this case, let's start." Satisfied with the solemn and serious attitude of the Monarch Snake, Liangren nodded, put the skill disc back into the system backpack and chose to use it.

Seeing the disc box disappear from the lover's hand, Monarch Snake adjusted his breath, and then calmed down and closed his eyes.

Monarch Snake, Bi Diao, Slow Beast... All of them know their own trainers, and they have the super power to help their Pokmon quickly learn skills and moves.

It's not the first time that someone has used superpowers to 'teach' it to learn skills and moves, and the Monarch Snake also looks very familiar with it.

As soon as he calmed down and closed his eyes, a wave of experience about the "Strong Whip" skill appeared in Monarch Snake's mind like a revelation.

Strong whipping, learn! ! !

:. :

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