Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1167 Strike while the iron is hot, special training

It may not be an easy task for Pokmon who have just started training in the early stage of strength to control and reduce power spillover and waste.

But for the strength that has reached the early stage of quasi-king, it has passed the transformation of the power in the body into vapor and liquid.

And now that the power in the body has been transformed from liquid to solid, it is not difficult to control and reduce the energy waste in the process of releasing skills.

Coupled with the guidance and encouragement of a beloved person, the training enthusiasm and efficiency of the Monarch Snake are very high.

Even if Strong Whiplash is a grass-type ultimate move with an initial damage value of up to 120, it is more difficult to control the power during the skill casting.

It took less than two hours for the Monarch Snake to achieve the small goal set by the Beloved to control and reduce energy spillage and waste.

Now that the Sovereign Snake uses the powerful whipping skill again, his whole body is no longer what it used to be. The overflowing grass-type energy turns into emerald green flames.

Now the Monarch Snake uses strong whipping, regardless of the inside, just looking at the outside and the appearance, the Monarch Snake gives people a feeling of returning to nature.

In the process of casting skills, there is no longer any energy spillage, and there is no longer any waste of power visible to the naked eye.

"Monarch Snake, it's almost done, let's take a rest first, and by the way, let me tell you what you are going to do next." The beloved stopped the Monarch Snake who was still training.

Although it took two hours to achieve the small goal of the first stage, the lover is still quite satisfied.

"Wum~" Monarch Snake nodded.

It took nearly two hours to perfectly control the process of releasing the skill without wasting power, and the Monarch Snake himself didn't think there was anything to be proud of.

Giving the same task to Bi Diao, Slow Beast, Iron Armor Shell, or even Lucario, I believe they will do better and better than it.

"Okay, don't feel dissatisfied. You can complete the goal in two hours. This result is already very good, and you, Monarch Snake, are not determined to attack things."

The good man took out a few blue oranges from the system warehouse, handed one to the gluttonous dumb beast in his arms, and handed over the other few to the monarch who was exhausted after training.

"Wum~" Monarch Snake nodded, and ate the blue tangerine sent by his lover without saying a word.

"Everything is difficult at the beginning. After the first step is successfully taken, the difficulty of the subsequent training will be much easier."

"Although your training goal just now was to control and reduce energy waste, you continued to use the powerful whip skill for two consecutive hours."

"I will divide the small training goals for you later. In fact, you have also improved a lot without knowing it, so you will find that it will be much easier to overcome and achieve the mission goals I set for you later."

Seeing that the Monarch Snake became a little silent, the beloved raised a finger and explained with a smile.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo " Mr. Snake who was holding a blue orange in his mouth and hadn't had time to swallow it suddenly raised his head to look at his lover and asked.


"Physical direction and body strengthening skills, analyzing the activation process of the entire skill principle mechanism, actually completing the first half of the body strengthening, this skill has actually been completed."

"It means that after Sister Milip has used her super power to grow and strengthen her hair, no matter whether it has carried out the goal of entanglement or not, Sister Milip has successfully used the skill of "Entanglement".


"In the same way, after you have strengthened the two vine whips with grass-attribute power, no matter whether you have whipped the enemy or not, you have actually completed the skill "Strong Whip"."

"Because compared to the previous process of launching and taking effect of the entire skill, whether it is winding control or strong whipping, the realization of this ultimate goal is actually much simpler."



While watching the monarch snake eating and resting, the lover conveyed his thoughts and explained his point of view to the monarch snake.

The long-term "free range" is to stimulate and guide the germination of Pokémon's personality, wisdom, and independent thinking ability. All the seemingly meaningless and unnecessary things that Liangren once did are now gradually producing results.

It is not forcibly instilled, nor is it coaxed to treat ignorant and low-intelligence life, let alone what the trainer said, Pokémon must be absolutely obeyed as an order.

The beloved explained the analysis in an equal and objective tone, and the monarch snake also thought carefully following the logic provided by the beloved. Soon the monarch not only understood and remembered what the beloved said, but also fully understood and absorbed it.

Seeing that the Monarch Snake understood, a smile appeared on his beloved's face.

"Controlling and reducing the waste of energy in the process of casting the powerful whipping skill is only the first step, and the next thing we need to do is to complete the most crucial step in the process of launching the powerful whipping skill to take effect."

Listening to what my beloved said, Monarch Snake's expression became very serious and focused.

"The next thing we have to do is to transform the power and strengthen the body." Liangren said.

Although the Monarch Snake has been able to successfully perform a strong whip and transform the power to strengthen the body, the Monarch Snake has also been able to do it.

But just like the previous energy mobilization would be wasted, the Monarch Snake did not complete the following steps very well.

What the good man has to do now is to break down the whole process from the activation of the "Strong Whip" skill until it takes effect into small steps, and then let the Monarch Snake achieve perfection in every step.

"Sovereign Snake, the power in your body is mixed with water and grass dual-attribute power. To use the grass-type skill of Strong Whiplash, you must transform the power you seek into pure grass-attribute power."

"Although you have repeated this step many times before using other grass-type skills, and you are already familiar with it, but different moves have different degrees of difficulty when performing this step."

"So for this small link, we also need to do intensive training alone." The beloved warned the Monarch Snake, lest it underestimate these small details.

However, the Pokémon trained and bred by him obviously didn't have such a frizzy personality. After the beloved man finished speaking, the Monarch Snake also nodded seriously.

"Since the ultimate requirement for the skill of Strong Whip is to be able to cast instantly, then the process of power transformation is naturally set to be cast instantly."

"Monarch Snake, rest well, we will continue training."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" nodded, training to become stronger is my business, so naturally there is no thought of being lazy.

After taking a sip of water from the cup handed to him by his beloved, the Monarch Snake started training with great enthusiasm.

The beloved also took out a chronograph stopwatch, and first tested the current time required for the monarch snake to transform its power.

"Monarch Snake, now when you cast a strong whip, the time required for energy conversion is 13 seconds." In the next training, you need to consciously compress the time consumption. "

"I hope that after every training session, I can see your progress. Can I do it?" My beloved asked while looking at the Monarch Snake, holding the Slowly Beast in one hand and the stopwatch in the other.

"Umm~ I can." Monarch Snake replied very confidently.

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