

The climate in southern China is warm and rainy, and there is a lot of fog and dew in the field in the morning. It can be said that it is not suitable for driving in the field in the morning.

Ryoto and Nanako made a decision after a brief discussion and reached a consensus. The next two people used to train Pokémon in the morning and traveled in the afternoon.

Because today is the first day, Ryoto and Nanako also decided to stay in this field for a day, and continue their journey tomorrow afternoon.

This afternoon and tomorrow morning, I will use it to help Pokémon with training.

I rested in the small town of Lingang for three days, and I just took my Pokémon to the seaside for a morning jog every morning. I had no place to stay because I was constantly on the sea.

It can be said that the training of Liangren and his Pokémon has stagnated for a while since leaving Sanshen Island and embarking on the gym challenge journey.

When I first set off, I thought that blindly training would not do much to improve the strength of Pokémon, and the strength of several Pokémon had already entered the bottleneck period.

Traveling to challenge gyms, accumulating experience in the process of traveling and fighting against powerful trainers, will be even more beneficial to the improvement of Pokémon.

But from Mandolin Island → Tangerine Island → Grapefruit Island → Big Orange Island → Little Orange Island, and countless uninhabited islands and various deserted islands.

After traveling for so long, whether it is a lover or all the Pokmon under his command, he has seen a lot of natural scenery and cultural customs, which need to be digested well.

Fuyu from Mandolin Gym, Russell from Satsuma Gym, Ayi from Yuzu Gym, Kanto Ice Queen Kona...

Fighting against so many powerful trainers, Liangren and Pokémon have also gained a lot of experience, and they are also well absorbed and integrated.

Staying in one place for too long, continuous closed training is tantamount to building a car behind closed doors, and it is not good for Pokémon.

But I have been traveling everywhere, wandering around without a fixed place, and my horizons seem to have been broadened, but if I don't find a chance to settle down, it will also be of no benefit to the trainer and Pokmon.

Right now, I have been traveling for a period of time, and training has been suspended for a period of time. I have gained a lot of experience from traveling and playing gyms, and it is indeed necessary to restart the training plan now.



After discussing with Nanako to temporarily stay in this wild area with lush water and grass today, apart from the Monarch Snake, Yoshito also arranged training for other Pokémon.

Bi Diao, Dumb Beast, and Tiejiabei have broken through to the Heavenly King level, and have fully grown into the mature combat strength of the three members under Lianren's subordinates.

However, the maturity of combat power does not mean that no training is required. After all, the king level is not the end point of the three favorites, and even the beloved thinks that the champion level is not the end point of the three.

Moreover, the maturity of the three favorites does not mean that they have no shortcomings. On the contrary, there are still many problems.

As far as the big brother Bi Diao in that team is concerned, as a sensitive attack Pokémon, although it is very fast, very flexible, and has sharp attacks, this does not change the fact that Bi Diao is crispy.

If you encounter a super-powered Pokémon who has mastered the "Tricking Space", or like in the exhibition match with Kona three days ago——

Bi Diao was used a shield-in-shield move by Sister Mi Lip, hurt Bi Diao's wings with a mirror reflection, and then connected with a entanglement move, forcing his lover to choose to admit defeat.

As a flying Pokémon, there is nothing wrong with Bi Diao's agility attack, but the spiritual will of "burning courage" that completely abandons defense pushes Bi Diao's ability to an extreme.

The sword is slanted, forward indomitable, only attacking but not defending, Bi Diao's fighting style has become more extreme, with good sides and bad sides.

But since the bullet has been fired, there is no reason to turn back.

Since Bi Diao can't and can't learn defensive skills, the good man tries to find a way to make use of Bi Diao's strengths.

As long as the flying is fast enough, the opponent's skills will not be able to hit Bi Diao; as long as Bi Diao's attack is fast enough, the opponent will have no chance to launch a counterattack...

However, regarding Bi Diao's crispy skin, Liang Ren has recently wondered whether it is really impossible to change.

After adding points the day after tomorrow, Bi Diao's "race value" reached the ceiling at 601, which is indeed lower than the 660 of Slowly Beast and 644 of Iron Armor Shell.

But if you don't compare it with the dumb beast, in the world of Pokémon, the race value of 601 has already exceeded the normal quasi-god.

Although Bi Diao's strengths are concentrated in double attack and speed, but the physical strength of 91 and the dual defense race value of 65 are actually not too ugly.

Although it is not a defensive elf in the conventional sense, Bi Diao has the hidden characteristic of "strong chest muscles", a hidden feature that will not be weakened by a decrease in defense.

"The 50% reduction in defense ability brought by "Burning Bravery" can be weakened or even eliminated by the strong chest muscles. "

Ever since Bi Diao was defeated by Kona's Mi Lip sister in an exhibition match three days ago, Liang Ren has been thinking about this question.

He was thinking about Bi Diao's "strong chest muscles", a hidden feature that he has always underestimated or even ignored.

The characteristic is the most magical ability endowed by God or nature to the life of Pokémon in the dark.

An armored clam with "snowfall, aurora, and extreme cold body".

You can summon wind, snow and hail weather to enhance your ice-type moves, you can summon the Aurora Curtain to provide yourself with a large amount of damage reduction, and you can also activate the extremely cold body in ice and snow weather to continuously recover your physical strength.

The characteristic of "sharp eyes" brings Bi Diao the ability to see through falsehoods, detect flaws, and the hit rate will not be reduced.

So why can't the "strong chest muscles" with its own defensive power that will not be weakened, not offset the negative impact of the reduced defensive ability brought about by the courageous will of burning ambition——

As a high-level professional trainer, Ryoto knows that if the "mysterious protection" that can defend against various negative abnormal states suddenly fails.

Then there is no doubt that it is not that the skill of mysterious protection no longer has the ability to defend against negative states, but that the opponent is too strong.

The negative force contained in the skill of the opponent's move has exceeded the defense limit of the mysterious guardian——

The same logic is substituted into Bi Diao's hidden characteristic "strong chest muscles".

The characteristic of strong chest muscles has the ability to prevent one's own defense from being weakened, but after the activation of the courage of burning ambition, Bi Diao's defense ability was greatly reduced and weakened.

So is it true that the defense-cutting ability contained in the courage of burning ambition exceeds the resistance ability of Bi Diao's "strong chest muscles".

If the strong chest muscles are deeply excavated and developed, can the characteristics of strong chest muscles resist the reduction of defense brought about by the courage of burning ambition.

"Iron armored shells can improve their understanding of nature and the power of weather by learning and exercising the four skills of "natural power, secret power, and weather ball", thereby indirectly strengthening and exercising the characteristics of snowfall. "

"Then can Bi Diao also strengthen and exercise the strong chest muscles through direct or indirect methods?"

In front of the camp, Liangren sat on a small stool, looking at the various ideas he put forward in his notebook, Liangren fell into thinking.

If the negative effect of lowering the defense brought about by Burning Will can be eliminated, although Bi Diao's defense is not as good as that of the armored shell, at least it will no longer be the kind of crispy skin that will be hit hard by the opponent.

At that time, although Bi Diao will still be unable to learn and use defensive moves under the influence of the bravery of burning ambition, his overall combat effectiveness will also be greatly improved after his own defensive power has been improved.

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