Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1169 Mini Dragon Training Day 1

It is proposed to eliminate the negative impact of the bravery of burning ambitions by excavating and developing the hidden characteristics of Bidiao's "strong chest muscles".

The good man separated a consciousness into the super space, and had a discussion with the super personality 'No. 2' who has no independent consciousness and emotions, and can maintain absolute calm to maintain the high-intensity calculation of the brain.

Number two also said that the idea he proposed is feasible.

And No. 2 also brought up a point that my husband didn't think of before, that is, "strong chest muscles" have the same characteristics as sharp eyes. Although my lover usually doesn't notice, in fact, the strong chest muscles are always in effect.

Another point put forward by No. 2 is: "Brave of Burning Will" under normal conditions, respectively brings 100% increase in attack ability and 50% reduction in defense ability to Bi Diao.

This data is actually based on the effect of "Strong Chest Muscle". If the effect of the "Strong Chest Muscle" feature is blocked, it is very likely that the effect of Burning Will on Bi Diao will be——

100% attack boost, 100% defense reduction.

At present, only 50% of Bidiao's defense ability is reduced when Burning Bravery is activated. In fact, it is because the strong chest muscles help Bidiao offset part of the negative effect of Burning Bravery's defense reduction.

Next, if he wants to tap the ability to strengthen the hidden characteristic "strong chest muscles", although the idea is feasible, the difficulty is also very high.

On the basis of 50%, it can be further reduced to 49%... 47%... 45%... It's okay to say.

But if you want to completely eliminate the defense reduction brought about by the courage of burning will, and reset the 50% data to zero, it is estimated that it will not be possible in a short time.

Now the Monarch Snake has to learn "Sunshine Flame, Strong Whiplash, Hardened Plant, Flying Leaf Storm", and later find a way to absorb and integrate the inheritance of the water attribute champion in the spirit bead of the dull hippopotamus...

Sovereign Snake and Lucario are facing the bottleneck of breaking through the king level, and Mini Dragon has to start training. He has a lot to do, and his energy is very limited.

It is estimated that the plan to develop and tap the potential of "strong chest muscles" for help Bi Diao will be delayed a little later.

However, regarding the upcoming busyness, the lover is not bored, but feels very fulfilled and happy.

Whether it is a trainer or a Pokmon under him, they will be limited by innate or acquired conditions,

After the strength reaches a certain stage, it will fall into a bottleneck, and it will not make any progress for a long time or even for a lifetime.

It is very rare in the entire professional circle of Pokémon trainers like Liangren and Bidiao to be able to keep busy and improve their strength continuously.

Pokmon that invested a lot of time, energy and resources in the early stage had to retreat from the ace team to the ordinary main force or even the second and third echelons due to limited qualifications in the later stage.

For example, the armored shell that Kona sent to fight in the exhibition game before, was Kona's strongest trump card in the early days, but now it has retreated to the end of the main team of the first echelon without knowing it.

To carefully cultivate a Pokémon, the trainer will invest a lot of time, energy and resources.

And if the qualifications in the later stage can't keep up, and the Pokmon is changed to focus on training, the resources devoted to the former will basically be wasted.

Bi Diao, Silly Beast, and Tiejiabei, as the first Pokémon to follow their beloved, are also very ordinary Pokmon in the eyes of outsiders. Now it is a miracle that they can break through to the king level.

The strength can still go up, and as their trainer, Liangren should really feel lucky.

The special intensive training of the characteristics of "bidiao" strong chest muscles" can be postponed for a while. "

"The current priority is to help Monarch Snake master the four high-damage grass-type skills, followed by the training of miniature dragons, and the training of Bi Diao will be put later."

On the notebook in his hand, the good man marked the upper right corner of the training plan page of the Monarch Snake, Mini Dragon, and Bi Diao with a red marker and marked the number ①②③——



After going back to the camp for a rest, and helping Bi Diao, Slow Beast, Tiejiabei, and Lucario to arrange the training tasks, Liang Ren took the Monarch Snake to the grassland by the stream where the training was done earlier.

But this time, besides the Monarch Snake, there was also the little guy named Mini Dragon who was supervised and trained by him.

"Mini Dragon, as a child of Mr. Du's champion Kuailong, your talent is beyond doubt."

"The reason why you were not arranged for training as soon as you hatched from the elf egg is not only to let you have a relaxed and happy childhood, but also to allow your body to fully develop."

"At this stage, your body has grown very healthy and strong. A while ago on the beach of Dagan Island, you also officially fought against other trainers' Pokémon and won."

"So I'm going to officially arrange for you to train from today, are you mentally prepared?" Liang Ren looked at the miniature dragon on the field seriously and said.

"Yiyou——I'm ready." The miniature dragon replied firmly.

"Okay~" The lover nodded in satisfaction.

Training is a process that must be experienced to become stronger, and this process is also very arduous and boring, soaked in sweat, tears and even blood.

If it wasn't for Pokémon to voluntarily accept training and have a strong heart to become stronger despite hardships, the trainer insists on Pokmon to train, and the effect will not be too obvious.

Fortunately, the atmosphere of competition in this small team of Liangren is very strong. Being in such a team circle, Mini Dragon has also been nurtured and influenced.

In addition, as the child of the champion Kuailong, Mini Dragon already has fighting blood flowing in his body.

So for the lover who is going to formally train it, Mini Dragon is not only not afraid of difficulties, but is very happy and full of expectations.

"Training should be done step by step. Today is your first training. The task I gave you is not heavy."

"Physical training is something that cannot be ignored at any stage. After a while, I will let the dumb beast apply a gravity field of 1.25 times to you, and then you will run under the gravity field."

"A set of ten minutes, a total of six sets, and a two-minute rest after each set."

"In addition to physical training, the main content of your training this afternoon is to slap the rock by the stream with your tail a hundred times, and then train the skill "Dragon Tail" for ten minutes. "

"How is it? Do you understand the content of your training this afternoon? Do you have the confidence to complete it?" Liangren closed the notebook in his hand, looked at the miniature dragon and asked seriously.

In daily life, Liangren has always been very lenient with his Pokémon, but when it comes to serious business, such as training, Liangren is also very strict.

"Yiyou—have confidence." The miniature dragon didn't feel the slightest discomfort with the change in the attitude of the beloved, but because of the very strict attitude given by the beloved, the miniature dragon felt like he had finally grown up.

It is now also an adult like the three brothers Bi Diao, Slow Beast, and Lucario. Thinking of this, Mini Dragon is very happy.

"Since you are confident, let's start training this afternoon."


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