Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1170 Strengthening and energy spells~

The training content of Mini Dragon is not complicated.

Run in groups of 10 minutes under 1.25 gravity field;

Hit the stream stone with all your strength, and practice the dragon's tail for 10 minutes~

Consciousness voice transmission summoned the dumb beast who was meditating in the sea of ​​clouds, and Liangren arranged the training ground for the mini dragon next to the training ground for the monarch snake, where he could clearly see it.

For the first training, there is no need for a good person to supervise, as long as you stand nearby and watch, the miniature dragon will be very active.

However, for the first time training, you also need to be careful not to let the miniature dragon get injured during the training. It is very easy to get injured if you are eager for success and fail to control the intensity.

"Ya Duo—(′?w?`) Xiaolong, get ready, I'm coming." In the sky, the dull beast said telepathically.

"Yiyou—(???) Brother Dumb, I'm ready, you can start." On the open grass by the stream, the miniature dragon raised its head and responded.

"Ya Duo—(′?w?`) ~ ok, here I come."

After the dull beast finished speaking, it precisely controlled the operation of its superpower, and a gravity field with an intensity of 1.25 times and a coverage area of ​​ten meters in diameter was instantly covered.

The center of the circle below is the mini dragon, with a diameter of ten meters around it, the grass on the grass is directly bent by gravity and bends down to the ground.

"Yiyou~" the miniature dragon screamed in surprise.

1.25 times the gravity does not seem to be strong, but it is still a certain pressure for the miniature dragons who are training for the first time at this stage.

However, Mini Dragon refused to admit defeat, twisted his body to speed up his adaptation, and then started running training.

The beloved set an 18-minute timer on his mobile phone, observed the mini dragon, and looked away after seeing that there was no problem with it.

The beloved here mainly supervises and guides the training of the Monarch Snake.

The stopwatch in my hand timed the Monarch Snake. It took 13 seconds for the Monarch Snake to do energy transformation training for the first time.

After less than half an hour of training, the energy conversion training time of the Monarch Snake has been reduced from 13 seconds to 3 seconds, and the time consumption has become a fraction of the original record~

Distance to reach target: instant,

It is already very close, and now it can be considered as the final flooding.

"Monarch Snake, let's start." After adjusting the stopwatch, the beloved nodded to Monarch Snake.

"Wum~" Monarch Snake nodded in response, closed his eyes and started training.

once... twice... three times...

Training again and again, each training, Monarch Snake has improved, reducing 13 seconds" to 3 seconds", and now the energy conversion efficiency of Monarch Snake is very high when it casts a strong whip.

It is somewhat difficult to shorten the time by 1 second every time training is performed as in the beginning, but now there is still an average of seven or eight milliseconds of progress per training session.

Liang Ren is still very satisfied with this speed of progress.



After more than ten minutes of training, when the Mini Dragon completed a set of running training, the Monarch Snake finally achieved the "instantaneous" energy conversion during the casting of the powerful whipping skill

"After completing the energy transformation, the next step is to use the transformed grass attribute power to strengthen the rattan whip."

"This is the most critical step in performing a strong whipping, and it is also the last step. Sovereign Snake, keep your spirits up." Looking at the Sovereign Snake who was eating blue oranges to restore its strength, the beloved said solemnly.

"Wum~" Monarch Snake nodded, because it was not the first time to do skill training, so Monarch Snake was very familiar with every link.



Let the Monarch Snake rest for a while to adjust the state, and then he guides the Monarch Snake to do the next training.

"Although the step of energy strengthening is very critical, don't be too nervous. After all, it is not difficult to complete this step."

"If you want to strengthen the rattan whip from scratch, making it longer and thicker in an instant, and the mass density is greatly enhanced, it is obviously not an easy task."

"However, you have already learned this skill. The energy formula that needs to be strengthened to launch a powerful whip has been imprinted in your body unconsciously. The next thing you have to do is to find, familiarize yourself with it one by one. understand them."

"Have a thorough understanding of every energy spell, and can freely manipulate the skills when they are activated, allowing them to exert their own effects to help you strengthen the vine whip."

"Wum~ I understand." The Monarch Snake listened carefully to his lover's explanation, and with his clever mind, he quickly understood what his lover meant.

"let's start."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" the commanded king snake, and then acted quickly.

The reason why Pokémon skills are called skills, and the reason why the ordinary impact is different from the skill "impact" is because the skill moves contain energy spells with various enhancements or special effects.

Ordinary impacts are directly related to the height, weight, and strength of the player. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a Jenny to knock a Blastoise, but if you use the skill of impact.

Not to mention that a Squirrel can knock down a Blastoise, even a little Lada or a green caterpillar can knock down an adult.

The difficulty of Pokémon learning a skill is not just brainstorming, the key is the specific transformation and use of energy, and this use also includes using power to outline a spell with special effects and that can take effect.

It is very difficult to create new moves. Fortunately, the powerful whipping that Monarch Snake is learning now is not a brand new move. It only needs to be learned step by step to successfully master it.


Although Monarch Snake has successfully used the powerful whipping skill many times before, he actually doesn't know much about this skill.

It just follows the experience instilled in it by the cheating golden finger system when learning this skill earlier, and performs it according to the feeling in the dark.

But now what it has to do is to disassemble this skill, understand its principle and mechanism, and master the work of every position in every link.

Mastering each link proficiently is the basis for mastering this skill.


With the help of Goldfinger, Monarch Snake has learned the spells contained in the Strong Whip skill, and it will appear naturally when the skill is activated.

The whole process is like writing on a dry slate with a brush dipped in water. After the skill is cast and the caster removes the maintenance energy, the energy spells outlined will disappear.

To understand and master these energy spells, the only way is to perform the powerful whipping skill over and over again, and then to understand it carefully.

Strong Whiplash, as one of the grass-type ultimate moves, contains many energy spells. According to the functions, they can be generally classified into the following categories——

1. Promote the growth and thickening of the vine whip, thus producing the effect of the Huoying Qiudao family's doubling technique.

2. Increase the quality and density of rattan whip.

3. Enhance the power of the monarch snake itself.

4. The anti-gravity technique allows the heavy power of the rattan whip to only act on the opponent, and will not cause any burden and pressure to the Monarch Snake...

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