Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1171 The Strong Heart of the Mini Dragon

Strong Whip is one of the grass-type ults. The skill mechanism and principle are similar to the skill Vine Whip. The latter can be regarded as the primary version, while the former is the upgraded enhanced version or the ultimate version.

Both of them also have the effect of enhancing the strength of the caster, but the power increase brought by the strong whip to the Monarch Snake is far from what the rattan whip can match.

If the powerful whip brings a strength increase of 10, then the increase brought by the rattan whip is at most only 1~

The various effects contained in the skills come from energy spells.

It is also a strength increase, and the power increase formula contained in the skill Vine Whip is also very similar to the energy formula contained in the powerful whip.

To achieve a greater increase, look at it from the level of energy spells.

Either the superposition of multiple low-level energy spells of the same type, or the combination and linkage of multiple low-level energy spells of different types but with a certain connection.

Either it exists and has this kind of advanced skill technique that can bring a greater increase, or it has the above three at the same time.

In any case, the reason why powerful skills are different from low-level skills from the perspective of energy operation formulas is because the former contains a large number of energy formulas and is more complicated.

The learning and mastering of skills is the learning and mastering of energy spells, and further exploration is the learning and mastering of knowledge.

Under normal circumstances, if Pokémon is not smart enough, the difficulty of learning skills is estimated to be very high.

Stupid trainers and Pokémon, it is best not to learn too many skills and moves, it is enough to master some skills that can be learned within the scope of ability.

'Specialization' has become more and more popular these days, perhaps because of the limited abilities and resources of trainers, and 'like' is mostly an excuse and pretext.



The good man didn't think about it, and established a bond with the slow beast suspended in the air and meditated, after sharing the perspective of the slow beast's superpower.

The beloved also accompanied and guided the Monarch Snake wholeheartedly, learning and mastering the energy movement technique contained in the powerful whip.

As my beloved said before,

The skill of Strong Whiplash contains a large number of energy spells with higher levels and more complex combinations.

However, it is not very difficult for Monarch Snake to learn and master. Firstly, the IQ is online, and secondly, there is a trainer beside him who gives ideas and guidance.

The golden finger of the system has already transmitted all the experience of strong whipping to Monarch Snake by way of enlightenment.

You don't need to learn from scratch, you just need to memorize deeply and then analyze and understand step by step. In this case, the guidance given by the beloved to the Monarch Snake is also very simple.

Memorize it by rote first, and then slowly understand it.

Under the strategy of my beloved.

It took the Monarch Snake only half an hour to memorize all the energy spells contained in the strong whipping, and it took less than two hours for the Monarch Snake to fully understand all the energy spells.

Learning and mastering the energy movement technique is the most crucial step in skill learning, and it is also the last step.

The Monarch Snake has understood the energy formula contained in the skill of Strong Whip, so it can be regarded as a preliminary mastery of this skill.

"The next step is a process of practice makes perfect, Monarch Snake, there is still half an hour before the sun goes down, let's train for a while."

"Now for the skill of Strong Whiplash, you have perfectly mastered all the links of launching and taking effect. The next training is to connect all the links."

"Condescending, understand and master this skill from an overall and general perspective. There is also no shortcut in this process. It is to constantly display skills and accumulate experience."

"Do you understand?" The beloved said to the monarch snake.

"Wum~" Monarch Snake nodded.

Compared with the exciting and passionate battles on the battlefield, daily training is very boring and boring, but this is a process that must be experienced to become stronger.

After studying the energy spells on the Monarch Snake's side and preparing for the final stage of intensive learning, the miniature dragon next to him had already completed all the training for today.

①Under the 1.25 times gravity field, 6×10 groups of running training physical fitness.

② Use your tail to whip the stream stone 100 times~

③Train Dragon Tail for 10 minutes.


On the first day of training, although the training intensity was not too high, it was still difficult for the mini dragons.

After running under 1125 times gravity for an hour, although each group can rest for two minutes at the end of 10 minutes, at the end of an hour of running, the mini dragon is also close to collapse.

If the gravitational field running in front is just tiring, just a test of physical strength and spiritual will, then the tail whipping the hard rocks in the back will be a bit painful.

Although there is no regulation on how long a group should train and how long you can rest between each group as before, but the training of tail whipping brook stones is also stipulated by Liang Ren.

That is to use [full strength], the first time I use my tail to slap a hard stream stone with all my strength, even the miniature dragon with a very good and strong personality almost cried out in pain.

Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is the instinct of all intelligent life. Because the young life is weak, it is more sensitive to the perception of danger.

For example, children don't like to eat sour and bitter foods, and this is the reason why they cry when they get injections.

If the miniature dragon beat the hard rock with all its strength with its tail for the first time, it was because it did not have a clear prediction of the tail pain that this behavior would eventually cause, so it was ignorant and fearless.

So after tasting the bitterness and pain, and then whipping the hard stream stone with all its strength with its tail, it is a test for the miniature dragon just to make up its mind to make this decision.

The body's instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages makes the mini dragon back down, but the desire to become stronger finally overcomes the instinct.

Between the first time and the second time, the mini dragon hesitated and hesitated for half an hour, but when the desire to become stronger overcame the instinct of the body, the time spent on subsequent training became less and less.

10 minutes... 7 minutes... 5 minutes... 3 minutes... 1 minute... Until the end, after the blow is over, the miniature dragon can draw towards the stream stone again without hesitation.

Although he accompanied and guided the training of the Monarch Snake, his beloved also kept an eye on the Mini Dragon.

Whether it's Mini Dragon's timidity at the beginning or his decisiveness later, every progress and improvement is seen by the lover.

The tail whipped the stream stone, and the scales on the tail were broken and oozing blood. My beloved let the slow beast help the mini dragon to heal it.

Break and then stand, reborn.

It was very difficult and painful to use the tail to beat the stream stone with all its strength, but after the training, the strength and strength of the miniature dragon's tail improved significantly.

Then I rested for half an hour before training "Dragon's Tail". Sure enough, the power of Dragon's Tail was much stronger than before.

"You did a good job, Mini Dragon, then you should take a good rest." My husband patted Mini Dragon's head in praise and said.

"Yiyou~" the miniature dragon nodded.

After the first day of training, although the miniature dragon still looked childish and childish, Liangren noticed a change in the miniature dragon's eyes.

The miniature dragon has grown up, with a warrior's temperament all over his body, and a warrior's light and look in his eyes.

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