

After the training, the miniature dragon rested in his lover's arms, and the monarch snake after the rest was also ready to start the final training.

Whether it is study or training, it is important to strike while the iron is hot. The Monarch Snake learned the skill of strong whipping through the skill CD at noon, and its training has not stopped in the afternoon.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" the whole 'person' seemed to be in high spirits.

Activate and mobilize the dual-attribute power of water and grass in the body, quickly and efficiently separate and transform it into pure grass-attribute power, and then use the energy of the pen as ink to draw and outline energy-enhancing spells at the root of the rattan whip on the shoulders and neck...

Only the Monarch Snake, the caster, knows this complicated process. As a bystander, Liangren only saw the Monarch Snake make a whine, and then two vine whips shot out from the neck and shoulders.

Thin vines as thick as a thumb were ejected, and then grew and thickened at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally grew into thick vines as thick as a teenager's forearm.

The skin of the vines has thick tendons and bulges, as if the bottom is full of muscles, and the surface of the vines has bright red fluorescence that is changing and flowing. These are the weight, strength... increases brought about by the effect of the energy spell.

"Hoo hoo..."

Two vine whips that seemed to have been super-multiplied were pulled out violently, and the air was pumped out with a sonic boom.

"Bang bang!!" The rattan whip smashed to the ground, and with a loud smashing sound, the soil on the grass rolled upside down, grass clippings flew, and a ferocious five-meter-long crack in the soil was formed.

Just looking at the damage caused by this skill, people who don't know it might think that this is some Pokémon who used the ground-type ultimate trick here: Earth Crack.

"Papa papa..."

"Not bad. I just learned it at noon, and I've only been training for an afternoon now. I can barely master it. It's a surprise that the skill's destructive power can reach this level."

Looking at the Monarch Snake, the beloved did not hesitate to praise him.

"Wum——" Hearing what my beloved said, Monarch Snake's eyes were so happy that they narrowed into two crescent moons.

"After training all afternoon, everyone has worked hard. Let's go back to the camp and have an extra meal in the evening." Liangren said.

"Ya Duo—(??o??) Extra meal, extra meal,

I want fried chicken legs. "

"You just know how to eat."



Liangren walked in front holding the dumb beast and the mini dragon, and the monarch snake was a step behind.

The snake's kiss was lightly opened, smelling a smell of wet mud and green grass, the monarch snake suddenly remembered something, turned to look at the grass that had been ruined badly because of its training in the afternoon.

"Wum~" Monarch Snake groaned, and opened his mouth to gather energy to release a volleyball-sized emerald green energy ball.

The energy ball spit out lightly into the air, then pouted its tail and pulled it out like lightning.

"Bang——" The energy ball exploded by a tail turned into a cloud of energy stars and spread out, and the green grass below that was contaminated by the energy stars suddenly grew wildly as if it had eaten some tonic.

The vegetation on the grass returned to life, and even the shocking crack in the earth that was drawn out by the strong whip was no longer eye-catching under the cover of the green grass.

Looking at his masterpiece, Monarch Snake nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and walked towards the camp with his beloved.

"Brother Liangren, how is the training of the Monarch Snake and the Mini Dragon going?"

Having just returned to the camp, Nanako, who stayed in the camp tent in the afternoon to help the Pokémon with the training plan, greeted her with a smile and asked.

"Yeah——" the beloved nodded.

"The Monarch Snake has basically mastered the skill of "Strong Whip", and only needs continuous training to increase its proficiency. "

"This little guy, Mini Dragon, also trained very hard this afternoon, and his strength has also improved significantly."

After talking about the Monarch Snake, the Beloved did not forget to praise the Mini Dragon.

In the first training, the performance of Mini Dragon was very good.

You must know that when Bi Diao was still Bobo, his paw was injured in the first training, and he complained coquettishly to his lover.

There is a saying in human society, "Three years old, grow old". This sentence is also applicable to Pokémon. Judging from the performance of the miniature dragon in today's training, I can predict that the little guy will have a bright future.

"Monarch Snake, Mini Dragon, you two stay aside and take a break, I'll make dinner here."



The two Pokémon agreed, and then happily ran to gather with Bi Diao, Slowly Beast, and Nanako's Pokmon, muttering as if to show off the results of this afternoon's training.

Seeing the expression of the miniature dragon offering treasures, Liangxin couldn't help but smile, and secretly said: "After all, I'm still a child who hasn't grown up."

Ryoto looked away, and then he and Nanako prepared dinner together.

"Brother Liangren, I just saw the news that the "Flower Rest Festival Grass Pokémon Beauty Pageant" will be held in Yangbeila City the day after tomorrow, do you want to participate? "

Nanako, who was helping her husband wash the vegetables, raised her head and asked excitedly, as if thinking of something.

""Flower Rest Festival Grass Pokémon Beauty Contest"? I'll ask Monarch Snake later, if it's interested, I'll take it along. "

Hearing Nanako's words, Yoshito stopped what he was doing, raised his head and thought for a while and said.

"Yeah, okay~"

"By the way, Yanbeila City will hold the Flower Rest Festival Grass Pokémon Beauty Contest the day after tomorrow. We don't start until tomorrow afternoon. Will it be too late?" My lover frowned slightly, worried.

"No, it's not far from Yangbeila City. We'll leave tomorrow after lunch. We should be able to reach Yangbeila City before dark." Nanako said with a confident expression.

"I feel that I can make it there. I'm worried that I won't be there until tomorrow evening. The Flower Rest Festival and Grass Department Pokémon Beauty Pageant will not have enough time to prepare."

"Don't worry, since we plan to participate, Miss Qun'er, Meilihua and I will make preparations in advance tomorrow morning."

"Brother Liangren, you can safely train the Monarch Snake and the Mini Dragon." Nanako comforted.

She is not a character who likes to cause trouble for others, especially when her lover has already made plans, she would rather give in a little than disrupt her husband's training plan.

"Okay, tomorrow afternoon we will ride on the Pidou and head to Yangbeila City at the fastest speed. Then you will have a lot of time to prepare."

"Okay." Nanako didn't say anything more when she saw her husband's firm attitude, but she also felt very sweet when she saw that her husband was willing to make certain changes to her plan.

"Yah duo—(??′?`?)? Beloved, didn't you say that you would add an extra meal at night? What delicious dinner did you make?"

When the beloved and Nanako were chatting, the little head of the dumb beast suddenly drilled from the bend of the elbow of the beloved, and asked excitedly.

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