Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1173 Milk Sauce ~ Roasted Vegetables with Milk Sauce! !

"You know how to eat. Didn't you want to eat grilled vegetables with gravy last time? Let's make grilled vegetables with gravy for dinner today."

The beloved patted the dumbbell's little head and said.

"Ya Duo—('⊙ω⊙`) Grilled Vegetables with Gratin, O~ Yesmora." Hearing the dinner menu, the Slowpoke excitedly shook its head and twisted its buttocks in the air.

"Don't be lazy, you guy, remember to use electromagnetic waves to power the oven later." Liangren said.

"Yah duo—('???`) I said, my dear, don't you know how to tame an electric Pokémon?"

"It's irresponsible to subdue a Pokémon in order to use electrical appliances during the trip, let alone you can do it with a slow-witted beast~"

"Ya Duo—(╯^╰)~Hmph, you asked me to learn "flame jetting" for the convenience of boiling water for bathing while traveling, and "electromagnetic waves" for using ovens and induction cookers. "

"My dear, you know how to squeeze me, I'm almost being spoiled by you as a tool." The dull beast flew up and landed on the shoulder of the beloved, with two legs riding on the neck of the beloved, like a tree. complained like a pillow bear.

"Where, you are now a pure super-type Pokémon, and you are asked to learn "Flame Jet" to deal with the insect-type Pokmon that restrains you, and to learn "Electromagnetic Wave" to control in the battle. "

"Yah duo—(??o??)~Fart, you have many reasons."

"Brother Liangren, this pumpkin is so hard, can I cut it into this size?" Nanako, who was helping to chop vegetables, asked.

"Yeah, and then cut it in half into two smaller pieces, it will be easier to taste when it is baked later."


"Stupid beast, please preheat the oven first, and I will blanch the diced carrots and tender broad beans." As the "chef" in the small traveling team, Liang Ren very skillfully assigns tasks to one person and one pet.

Nanako helped Ryoto put on his exclusive masculine pink strawberry apron, and then skillfully handled the ingredients.

①Blanch diced carrots and tender broad beans in water, pick up and store

②In a frying pan heated with olive oil, stir-fry the bite-sized pieces of chicken

③Put the chicken pieces out without turning off the heat, and stir-fry the cut vegetables with harder texture: pumpkin, zucchini, potato pieces, and green and red pepper pieces


"Then pour the blanched diced carrots, tender broad beans, and chicken nuggets that have just changed color after stir-frying into the pot, and stir-fry briefly with all the vegetables."

"Because it will be baked in the oven later, so it doesn't need to be cooked very well." Yoshito explained to Nanako who was handing him the ingredients while frying.

"Brother Liangren, you are amazing, but I don't have much talent in cooking." Nanako said in a low mood.

As a good wife and loving mother girl, she doesn't know how to cook. Others don't think there is anything wrong with it. After all, it is this age, but Nanako still feels a little guilty in her heart.

Therefore, every time her husband cooks, she will watch and learn carefully from the sidelines, hoping that one day she can cook super delicious meals for her husband to taste.

"Sprinkle a little salt, and the next step is to pour these fried fresh vegetables into a heat-resistant container and spread them flat." Yoshito turned the pot skillfully, while explaining the process to Nanako.

"And put it in the oven to bake?" the girl asked.

"No, I have to make a sauce next, isn't today's dish called grilled vegetables with gratin~"

"Oh, milk~milk~, do you want to use milk?"

"Well, milk is just one of the ingredients, and next we're going to make a sauce called Béchamel."

"Béchamel sauce?" Nanako was puzzled.

"Béchamel sauce is a type of white sauce that's used for gratin vegetables. It's delicious."

"Baijiang?" Nanako continued to ask questions when she heard another unfamiliar term from Liang's mouth.

"Western cuisine, that is, the white sauce used in Hezhong, Carlos, and Galar cuisine is commonly known as white sauce, and Béchamel sauce is just one of the white sauces."

"Béchamel is basically a roux diluted with milk."

While Yoshito explained to Nanako, he didn't stop his movements.

After pouring the fried vegetables in the pan into a heatproof container and laying it flat, rinse the pan briefly with hot water.

The gas stove continues to heat up.

"Oh~" Nanako nodded while secretly remembering it in her heart.

"First cut the onion into thin strips and fry it in a generous amount of butter."

"Stir fry slowly over low heat, enough not to burn it."

"After the onions are fried, let's add half a cup of low-gluten flour." Liangren said.


"After adding the low-gluten flour, the next step is to keep stirring." Liang Ren kept stirring with a small wooden spatula in his hand, and soon the buttered onions in the pot became dry and lumpy.

"This is……"

"This is a normal phenomenon, and it's not a failure. Next, let's pour in a large glass of milk." Liangren slowly poured a full glass of milk into the pot and stirred it with an egg beater.

After a while, the dry batter in the pot melted into the milk and turned into a white viscous sauce exuding the aroma of milk and butter onion.

"The next step is to pour the sauce over the vegetables laid out in the box container, and finally, put a few small tomatoes as an embellishment."

"Wow, you look so appetizing." Nanako said with bright eyes.

"It will be more fragrant after it is baked."

"Daddy, have you heated up the oven over there?" My beloved turned to the dumb beast and asked.

"Yah Duo—(??o??) has already warmed up~"

"OK, after Nanako arranged the six small tomatoes, Yoshito sprinkled some cheese on top."

"Bake it in the oven at 250 degrees for 15 minutes, and it's done."

Put the heat-resistant container filled with vegetables and topped with sauce into the oven after a long day of work, and this meal of grilled vegetables with milk sauce that the slow-witted beast is thinking about is basically completed.

"After 15 minutes, you can eat."

"I'm really looking forward to it." Said Nanako on the side.

As Nanako said, she is not good at cooking, but she is good at eating one by one.

If Bi Diao, Slow Beast, and Lucario are just snacks, then Nanako is really a big eater.

However, for the lover who likes to cook, this trait of Nanako not only does not reduce points, but makes the lover feel very cute, and at the same time makes him like it even more.

15 minutes... 10 minutes... 5 minutes...

Seeing Nanako's friends Bidiao and Lucario sitting around the oven with small benches, Ryoto felt that this scene was extraordinarily warm and harmonious.

After waiting for 15 minutes, the oven made a 'ding' sound, and the gratin vegetables were freshly baked.

"Wow!! It smells so good."

"Bi Diao—(???) just for dinner~"

"Ya Duo—(??′?`?)? I want exactly five bowls~"

"Aww—??????? I want to eat three big bowls of rice~"



The freshness of roasted vegetables, the sweetness of cream and cheese, the sour aroma of roasted tomatoes...

All kinds of aromas are wonderfully mixed together, turning into a unique aroma of food that attracts greedy insects and makes people's mouths secrete saliva.

Watching Bi Diao, Slowly Beast, and Lucario make a declaration of cooking.

Even if you are usually not interested in this kind of food, there is a hint of longing in the eyes today.

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