Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1179 Departure, go to Yangbeila City~

The ability to appreciate beauty is an ability that every highly intelligent life basically possesses. After watching the video taken by Liang Ren, the Monarch Snake almost understands what Liang Ren just said:

"For tomorrow's performance at the Yangbeila City Flower Rest Festival and the Grass-type Pokémon Beauty Contest, my husband has already thought of a very good idea. '

"Wum~Master, do you mean that I will perform like this on the beauty pageant show tomorrow?" Monarch Snake raised his head and looked at his lover and asked.

"Yes, I have a feeling, if you can reproduce this scene in the video, Monarch Snake, the response at the beauty pageant will definitely be very good."

"Uhm~ If that's the case, I'll perform this at the beauty pageant tomorrow."

Seeing his lover's affirmation, Monarch Snake also made a decision very straightforwardly and decisively.



Morning training is over.

Mini Dragon has completed 6×10 sets of gravitational field running exercises, and his physical fitness has been improved. The proficiency of the two skills of "tornado and electromagnetic wave" has also increased from low-level to intermediate-level.

As for Monarch Snake, after a morning of training, he not only learned and initially mastered the skill of "Sunshine Flame", but also has a clue about the show that will be held at the beauty pageant in Yangbeila City tomorrow.

This morning's task was not only completed satisfactorily, it was overfulfilled.

Returning to the camp with the two pets, Nanako, who was actively preparing for the game with Miss Qun'er in the morning, has also returned to the camp.

"How are you getting ready, Nana~" Looking at Nanako's relaxed and happy face, when the beloved asked this question, he already had the answer in his heart.

"Hmm~" the girl smiled.

"Yesterday, I received the news that there will be a grass-type Pokémon beauty pageant at the Yanbeila City Flower Rest Festival, and after learning that the final stage is a free display of Pokémon, I decided to let Sayuri do a dance performance."

"However, for the selection of dance music, I have been hesitating between Mr. Bian Zuilun's "Flower Sea" and Mr. Naka Kosuke's "Flower"."

"This morning, Sayuri and I went to the field to collect wind and find inspiration. Looking at the wild flowers blooming in the field, I finally stopped being entangled."

"Tomorrow, at the beauty pageant of the Pokémon of the Flower Rest Festival, the Grass Department,

I decided to have Sayuri choose Mr. Kosuke's "Flower" as dance music. "

Nanako, who was no longer entangled in hesitation, said this with a clear and bright smile on her face.

"Brother Liangren, what about you~ When you were training Monarch Snake this morning, did you think about what kind of show Monarch Snake will perform at tomorrow's beauty pageant?" Nanako asked.

"Of course, not only have I seriously considered it, but now I have a very good idea." My beloved replied with a smile.

"Wow~ As expected, you are worthy of Brother Liangren, and you are very efficient in handling things." Nanako praised with such an expression.

"Haha, I just happened to have an inspiration." Yoshito said while laughing, and handed the phone to Nanako.

"This is?" Nanako looked puzzled.

"It happened to be photographed during Monarch Snake's training in the morning. Tomorrow I'm going to let Monarch Snake perform according to this, but the specific details need to be redesigned and arranged."

"It's just that Nana, you help me as a staff officer~"

"Okay." Nanako nodded seriously after hearing her beloved's explanation.

Her movements were not slow, and she clicked on the video, watching the inadvertent charm of the Monarch Snake in the video, Nanako opened her eyes and opened her mouth wide.

"This... This is really amazing. Brother Liangren, you are right. If the Monarch Snake can reproduce this scene, the other contestants at the Yangbeila City Flower Rest Festival tomorrow will be eclipsed."

Nanako said very firmly after watching the video taken by the beloved for the Monarch Snake.

"It would be an exaggeration to let the other contestants be overshadowed. Not to mention the others, just Nana, you and Sayuri, and Monarch Snake and I don't have the confidence to win."

"In addition, the scene captured in the video is more or less coincidental in the weather and light, so it may be difficult to present this scene on the stage."

"So what do you mean, my beloved?" Nanako also fell into deep thought after hearing what her beloved said.

"This short video that happened to be taken can only be used as an inspiration for performances and stage programming. The specific presentation still needs to be carefully designed."

"In this regard, Nana, you have more experience than me, so I need you to give me more advice." My beloved said.

"No problem, leave it to me." Nanako readily agreed, although both of them will compete tomorrow, but with their relationship as lovers, there is no such thing as rivalry.



Bi Diao, Tiejiabei, and Lucario came back from training with Pokémon, and my husband, who was discussing with Nanako about tomorrow's Flower and Grass Pokémon Beauty Contest, also began to prepare lunch.

I set off from the Lingang town yesterday, and there are still a lot of fresh ingredients that were picked when I crossed the hills, so I took care of it briefly.

Fresh and tender bamboo shoots are used to make chicken soup, Chinese toon sprouts are used to scramble eggs, leeks and black fungus are mixed together and he also scrambles an egg.

Although there are not many dishes, whether it is Nanako or Bi Diao, Slow Beast and Lucario, they are all full of praise for his cooking skills.

Even Bi Diao and Silly Beast teased Liang Ren: "If you made a table of dishes and put them in front of us, you didn't need to fight us. We were all willing to be subdued by you."

Of course, the beloved is also very happy when he hears this. At the beginning, he relied on the strength of his father and righteous men to subdue Bobo, and he subdued the dumb beast at the seaside dried fish farm in Hualan City.

"...There was no battle, basically it was for nothing." Liangren couldn't help complaining.


"Everyone, are you ready? Ready to go."

At the Linxi camp, after lunch, Liangren and Lucario were busy, dismantling and bundling up the camp tents and putting them away.

Because Yangbeila City will hold the Flower Rest Festival-Grass Pokémon Beauty Pageant tomorrow morning, the time is very rushed.

So Ryoto and Nanako didn't care about rest after lunch. After dismantling the tent and disposing of the domestic kitchen waste left over from the past two days, they released Bidiao directly to go to Yangbeila City.

"I'm ready."

"Let's go." The lover gave an order, and Bi Diao flapped his wings, squatted down and carried the two of them into the sky.

Today's weather is very good, the sky is as blue and bright as a polished gemstone, and a few floating clouds are dotted randomly on the sky.

"Hoo hoo..."

Bi Diao spread his wings and flew high, his ears were full of the whistling sound of the wind passing by, and the scenery on the ground below quickly passed behind.

Compared with hiking, the speed of riding Bidiao is really many times faster, and this is the result of the good man deliberately slowing down Bidiao to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

But even so, it only took a few minutes for Bi Diao to fly out of the wilderness area, and it took less than half an hour to cross the forest and hills and arrive at the boundary of Yangbeila City.

Looking into the distance, at the end of the terrain where the steps are increasing, there is a very large urban building complex——

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