Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1180 Garden City: Yangbeila City

Yangbeila City is located in the middle of the Little Orange Island. It combines two completely different styles of antique flavor and modern sentiment, and has the reputation of the city of gardens.

Sitting on Bi Diao's back, Nanako was looking at the map of Yanbera City on her mobile phone, while Yoshito was watching the travel video of Yangbera City.

Yangbeila City is a city of gardens. Looking down from the high-altitude perspective on the back of Bi Diao, the buildings in Yangbeila City are not tall, basically all are small western-style buildings with three or four floors.

Looking at this city, Yoshito couldn't help but think of Tokiwa City and Yoshien Yinyu City that he had been to before, but compared to the style of Tokipan and Yinyu Forest City.

In front of this Yanbeila city surrounded by gardens, the colors are brighter and more gorgeous. Before Bidiao even landed, Liaoren was fascinated by all kinds of blooming flowers in the garden.

The air and the wind were filled with the aroma of roses and tulips, which made my beloved, a traveling traveler, unknowingly relax his tense nerves.

"Bi Diao, let's go down." Coming to the sky above Yangbeila City, the beloved patted Bi Diao's broad shoulders and said.

"Bi Diao—" Bi Diao opened his mouth and let out a clear eagle howl, dived down, and soon landed in a park with a fountain.






"Hoo hoo..."


The swooping Bi Diao raised its wings sideways to slow down due to the wind resistance, and the fountain in the park was swayed by the wind blowing from the landing of Bi Diao.

It was 12:47 when we departed from the Linxi camp in the wilderness area, and the time to arrive at Yangbeila City was 13:20.

It took less than an hour to arrive at the destination Yanbeila City, and both Ryoto and Nanako breathed a sigh of relief.

Tomorrow's "Flower Rest Festival Grass Pokémon Beauty Contest" event organizers have not opened an online registration channel. To participate in tomorrow's event, you can only register offline.

Registration for this event started two days ago.

The deadline for registration is five o'clock this afternoon. If you miss the time, there is nothing he can do about it.

Of course, in his capacity, if he insists on participating, he can naturally exercise his privileges, but this is obviously not his style.

"Brother Liangren, let's go to the Pokémon Center to register now, and then check in for accommodation and stay first. The rest of this afternoon will be used to prepare for the competition."

"Yeah~ good." Nanako's proposal was exactly what my beloved was thinking at the moment.

"Bi Diao, thank you for your hard work, come back to Baby Ball first."

"Beep carving~"

Use the baby ball to take back the huge and eye-catching Bidiao outside, and only put the dull beast outside.

Knowing what to do next, Ryoto and Nanako didn't hesitate.

Yoshito was holding a dull beast in his arms, and Nanako was holding a beautiful flower in his arms. The two checked the map on their mobile phones, walked straight to the outside of the park, and then rushed along the street to the Pokémon Center in the city center.

"Buzzing..." Ryoto and Nanako walked along the street, and the drone Rotom in the sky also buzzed and spun its blades at high speed to follow along.

As a garden city, Yangbeila City can be said to look up, and you can see blooming flowers everywhere. The street view makes the lovers who come to Yangbeila City for the first time have a feeling of eye-opening and feasting.

Even the drone Rotom, whose camera was always focused on the lover and his party, couldn't help but turn the camera away from the lover after entering the city of Yanbera, and took pictures of street scenes everywhere.


Gangbi Diao chose to land at the Fountain Garden, which is closer to the city center, so Ryoto and Nanako didn't have to walk for too long after leaving the Fountain Garden.

Navigating according to the electronic map of the mobile phone, the two discussed the arrangement of the performances at the beauty pageant tomorrow while admiring the beautiful street view.

After walking for about ten minutes, the mobile phone navigating in the hands of Slowly Beast indicated that he had arrived at the destination: Yanbeila City Pokémon Center.

"Already arrived, is this the Pokémon Center?" Nanako looked up after hearing the navigation prompt, and looked at the small western-style building in front of her with a slightly surprised expression.

The Pokémon Center in Yanbella City is built in a three-story bungalow surrounded by trees. There is a big letter "p" outside the attic of the bungalow, and the sign of the Pokémon Center is hung at the door.

Compared with the Pokémon Center that my beloved had seen before, the Pokémon Center in Yanbeila City seemed to be a private bungalow.

"It is indeed very different from the Pokémon Center I have seen before, but this may be the local characteristics of Yanbeila City." Liangren explained with a smile.

"Yeah——" Nanako nodded, but didn't delve into this issue.

When I came to the Pokémon Center just now, about the free display at tomorrow's beauty pageant, after some discussion and exchange of views, the two already had a plan in mind.

Right now, the two of them also want to complete the registration quickly and register for accommodation at the Pokémon Center, and then the rest of the time can be used to rehearse the show with Pokémon.

"Let's go, let's sign up first." My husband said.

"Yeah, okay~" Nanako responded, then followed her lover up the stairs, pushed the door and walked into the Pokémon Center in front of her.

——Ding ~ Ding ~ Ding Dong ~ Ding! !

"Hello~ Trainer, is there anything I can help you with?" Seeing the two approaching, Miss Joy at the front desk asked very gently.

"Hello~ Ms. Joey, we are foreign trainers who are traveling. We have received news that there will be a grass-type Pokémon beauty pageant at the Flower Rest Festival in Yangbela City tomorrow."

"So we came here specially to participate in the competition. May I ask if the registration has expired? Can we still register for the competition?" Liangren explained to Joey.

"So that's the case." Joey nodded.

"The deadline for registration is not until five o'clock in the afternoon today. Of course, it will be no problem for the two of you to register now."

"Please show your identity documents, and then report the grass-type Pokémon you are going to compete with tomorrow. I will enter the entry information for you here."




After showing his ID card and the elf, Joey was a little surprised when he was recognized, but nothing else happened.

The psychological hints that Slowly put on the faces of Liangren and Nanako to make others hallucinate and reduce attention will lose their original effectiveness if they stare after seeing their ID cards.

Fortunately, there was no one in the Pokémon Center at the moment, so Joey's exclamation at the front desk did not cause much sensation.

After registering for the competition, Liangren asked Joey to help them register and stay overnight at the Pokémon Center.

Finally, after waiting for more than ten minutes in the leisure area for Joey to help all the Pokmon to do a whole-body health checkup, he took his luggage upstairs.

Long-term training for Pokémon, I still have a sense of propriety, but if I don’t raise Pokémon for a long time, I still worry that the mini dragon will accidentally leave some hidden wounds.

Fortunately, his worry was unfounded. After Joey's careful inspection, no matter whether it was the Monarch Snake who had been training very intensively in the past two days, or the Mini Dragon who had just started training, they were all in good health.

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