Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1221 The results of the finals of the beloved

"Congratulations to Contestant Liangren and Monarch Snake, who are the first to receive a full score from Barbara's judges."

"The other four judges, what kind of evaluation will they give to the performance just now?" The host Christina dragged out a loud voice.

"Full marks...full marks..."

"Full marks...full marks..."

"Full marks...full marks..." The host Christina just finished her words, and the audience, who had been completely conquered by the charm of the Monarch Snake, booed loudly.

It was not until Igor, who was sitting next to Barbara, was about to make a comment, made a gesture of pressing down with his hand, that the audience gradually calmed down and became quiet.

Igor: "It's beautiful and shocking, or in other words, Liangren and Monarch Snake never let us down.

From the catwalk show on the first stage to the free performance on the stage of the final round, every performance of the Liangren contestant and his partner Monarch Snake amazes and shocks us. "

"However, apart from the beauty and shock, there is one thing I have always wanted to mention but I have never had the chance to mention it. It was not until I saw the performance of the Contestant's Monarch Snake that I finally found the opportunity to mention it:

The Pokémon beauty pageant is not just about the beauty of Pokémon, but also has many other characteristics. Among these many aspects, the most direct point is the strength of Pokémon. "

"Don't think that the beauty pageant doesn't require Pokémon to have strong strength, and don't hide and be ashamed to show the powerful strength of Pokmon just because you choose to participate in the beauty pageant."

"Beauty and strength are not in conflict. Beauty without strength is just a paper flower, which cannot stand the test of depth. It will fade after a drop of rain, and burnt after a touch of sparks. There is no strength to support it." Beauty is like a castle in the air."

"The beauty supported by strong strength is the real beauty, and on the stage of the beauty pageant, strong strength itself is also a kind of beauty."

"It's like the Monarch Snake of a beloved contestant. Because of its great strength, it was able to control the wind and rain, attract thunder and electricity just now on the stage, and the shocking natural weather was effortlessly manipulated by it."

"If Monarch Snake didn't have such a powerful ability, if all the contents of this performance were presented with the help of stage special effects, then the final work would definitely not have such a stunning and shocking effect as before."


After talking about beauty and strength, let's turn the topic back to the performance of the Monarch Snake just now. "

"The performance of Monarch Snake just now is very beautiful and shocking, and as Miss Christina said when she helped canvass votes, this performance is thought-provoking and conveys a strong power to the audience."

"This is a very wonderful performance, a performance that even I dare not say that I can do it, and for this performance, my score is undoubtedly a perfect score of 10~"

After the narration and commentary passed, the judge Igor also showed his score, and the performance of the Beloved Monarch Snake won the second full score.

Nina: "Then let me tell you about my feelings."

"On the stage of the previous semi-finals, the Monarch Snake of the Liangren contestant was No. 2. The performance at that time was very similar to the performance of the No. 1 contestant Ye Jingling. It was a sad performance."

"However, Ye Jingling's performance only vividly and realistically depicted and performed a sad date that did not wait for the appointment. The performance itself only stayed on a relatively superficial level to express sadness."

"As for the performance of the beloved contestant Monarch Snake, although it also depicts a half-blood elf who lives in the clan of his father Xishi Hairen, but is not accepted by the clan, and has never seen his father and mother orphans~"

"Although the performance was sad, there was a sublimation at the end, which dilutes the original strong sentimental atmosphere. The resolute quality shown behind the Monarch Snake makes people feel moved while being sympathetic to its life experience.

So the performance of the Monarch Snake semi-final won the unanimous full score of our five judges. "

"In the last round of the finals, Liangren's appearance order was No. 22, which was very late, so before waiting and looking forward to the performance, I kept thinking and guessing in my heart, Liangren on the stage of the finals What will the contestant's monarch snake perform."

"Because the cards in the semi-finals are in front of the Liangren contestants, they are all Gagarin contestants performing sad content. On the stage of the finals, the previous performance story is followed, and the show is Ye Jingling's self-healing after encountering emotional injuries. recover, and gradually become stronger."

"So I was also guessing in my heart at the time, whether the Monarch Snake of the beloved contestant would show the plot behind the show on the semi-final stage like contestant Gagarin on the stage of the finals."

"Dilgate the sad part of the life experience of the monarch snake, and focus on showing the strength of the monarch snake in the process of waiting for and looking for relatives."

"Originally, I had almost made up the back of this story in my mind. I didn't expect that Monarch Snake, a beloved contestant, did not perform the family search I guessed on the stage of the finals. Instead, it was such a challenge to challenge myself and discover my true self. , A performance that surpasses itself."

"In the beginning, my head didn't even turn around because the plot jumped too fast and the content of the performances in the semi-finals and finals were not related."

"But as I looked back, I suddenly found that I quickly substituted it in. I found that the content seemed unrelated. In fact, the two performances of the semi-finals and the finals have a lot in common. point"

"Both performances conveyed a kind of unyielding vigor, a fighting spirit of constant exploration, challenge and self-transcendence.

I want to formally possess and have such qualities. It is the first time for Contestants Liangren and Monarch Snake to participate in the Fairy Beauty Contest, and they will present so many amazing and shocking performances on today's stage. "

"At the same time, it is precisely because of Mr. Liangren's quality that in other areas of life, he has achieved such amazing achievements at such an age that we all are amazed."

"So for the performance of Monarch Snake just now, my score is undoubtedly a perfect score of 10~"

After Nina sighed sincerely, she also showed her own score. The performance of Beloved and Monarch Snake just now got the third full score evaluation.

Joelian: "The healthier the elf is, the more beautiful she looks... 10 points out of 10."

Sadako Hara: "The stronger the elves, the more attractive they are... out of 10."

"Congratulations to Contestant Liangren and Monarch Snake. Their performance in this round of finals has won unanimous full marks from the five judges."

"Contestant Liangren and Monarch Snake, with a full score of 50 points, are tied for first place with player No. 1 Yoko and player No. 5 Nanako on the scoring list of players in this round."

"Let us congratulate Liangren and Monarch Snake with the warmest applause and cheers, and at the same time thank him (it) for his wonderful performance." Host Christina loudly announced Liangren's results.

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