Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1122 Dark Horse Contestant: Wei Musashi! !

——Before going on stage, the audience expected the Monarch Snake to make a shocking performance, and the Monarch Snake did not disappoint them, it did it successfully.

——Before going on stage, the audience expected Ryoto to get full marks again like Nanako in this round of performances.

"Lin Liangren...Lin Liangren..."

"Lin Liangren...Lin Liangren..."

"Monarch Snake... Monarch Snake..."

"Monarch Snake... Monarch Snake..."

The Beloved and the Monarch Snake met the needs of the audience and responded to their expectations, and the audience who got what they wanted at this moment also conveyed their greatest enthusiasm to the Beloved and the Monarch Snake by cheering and shouting.

Performers and audiences, idols and fans, maybe that's it.



The competition is still going on. A total of 25 contestants have advanced to the finals, and there are still 3 contestants behind Liangren who have not yet appeared.

However, after seeing the shocking performance of the Beloved Monarch Snake, and watching the subsequent performances, both the judges and the audience felt a little dull.

The three contestants who appeared behind Liangren were not the favorites to win the championship, and the judges and audience did not have much expectation for these three.

And these three contestants also knew the principle of "not steaming steamed buns for breath", and when it was their turn to perform on stage, they also tried their best to do their best.

It's a pity that the strength is limited after all, so the final performance is somewhat unsatisfactory in the eyes of the judges and audience. Even after watching the performance in a professional, fair and impartial manner, the final score of the judges is still not high.

The performance of the three contestants behind Liangren is over, and this round of finals and the ××× Yangbeila City "Flower Rest Festival Grass Pokémon Beauty Contest" are also coming to an end.

Although the contestants and spectators have already used the calculators on their mobile phones to calculate and add up their scores in the four rounds of the competition, they already know where they are now.

And there is no suspense about who the top three are, but after all, the competition process is here.

Therefore, the results of the four rounds of performances of the players are calculated,

There must be a process to get the final score ranking, then determine the top three, and then award awards.


"Everyone in front of the TV, welcome back, this is the event site of the ××× "Flower Rest Festival Grass Pokémon Beauty Contest" in Yangbeila City. "

"After you sing, I will appear on the stage. 25 contestants presented and demonstrated 25 wonderful performances, and just now, the final round of the competition has officially ended."

"Now that the contestants are knocking out the first stage and the final round, all the performance results have been released, and then we will convert and add up the scores of the 25 contestants in the four rounds."

"Then rank the converted and summed results according to their level. The contestant with the highest score will become the champion of this year's Yangbela City Flower Rest Festival Fairy Beauty Contest. The runner-up with the second score will be the runner-up. will be honored as the runner-up."

"So, contestants and viewers, are you all ready to reveal the final answer?"

The host, who sat in the first row of the auditorium during the performance, stepped onto the stage again at this moment, and asked loudly with a clear and loud voice and enthusiasm.

Without waiting for the audience to answer, the host Kristina announced decisively and directly: "The conversion of contestants' scores has begun!!"


Knockout (1)

First place: Ryoto Mugi, Nanako (50 points x 15% = 7.5 points)

Second place: Ye Mili, Lai Erfu (49.4 points × 15% = 7.41 points)

Third place: Miranda (48.9 points × 15% = 7.34 points)

Fourth place: Mary (47.8 points × 15% = 7.17 points)

Fifth place: Wei Ya (45.6 points × 15% = 6.84 points)



Only 15% of the results in the first knockout round can be converted into the final results. Although Ryoto and Nanako scored full marks in this round, in the final conversion, even compared with the fifth place player in this round, the score gap is not even 1 point pull away.


Knockout (2)

First place: Ryoto Mugi, Nanako (50 points x 20% = 10 points)

Second place: Ye Mili, Lai Erfu (49.3 points × 20% = 9.86 points)

Third place: Miranda (48.6 points × 20% = 9.72 points)

Fourth place: Mary (47.5 points × 20% = 9.5 points)

Fifth place: Lilu (45.9 points × 20% = 9.18 points)



The two knockout rounds are stage shows, the content and form have not changed much, and there is little room for players to play and maneuver.

Although due to the promotion to the finals, the judges and the audience have more stringent requirements, and the rankings of the low-segment players fluctuate greatly, but the top five do not actually fluctuate much, and only the fifth place has changed.

In the second round of the knockout round, although the discount ratio became larger, the gap between the scores of the top five players was still small. Ryoto and Nanako, who got full marks in this round, did not widen the gap with other high-score players.


Semi-finals (free show)

First place: Ryoto Mugi, Nanako (50 points x 30% = 15 points)

Second place: Ye Mili, Lai Erfu (49.5 points × 30% = 14.85 points)

Third place: Gagarin (49.4 points × 30% = 14.82 points)

Fourth place: Miranda (49.2 points × 30% = 14.76 points)

Fifth place: Wei Musang (49.0 points × 30% = 14.7 points)



The semi-final round is indeed the stage where overtakes are most likely to occur. In this round, low-segment players suddenly rose up, and there were many examples of overtaking high-segment players.

Even among the top five top players with the most stable performance, two players who were originally ranked lower were caught up in a wave of catching up.

Gagarin, the third-placed player, is the No. 1 semi-final player whose subordinate Ye Jingling played the tragic grass flute on the stage. His score in the semi-final round was as high as 49.4 points, catching up with the seed players Ye Mili and Lai. And Husband, the score difference between the two sides is only 0.1

In the fifth place, the girl next door, the sun flower monster with a warm and healing smile, was squeezed out by Musang Wei.

Because I liked to steal the limelight of Pokémon when I first staged the catwalk, and the stage style was too showy and ostentatious, so the scores I got from the judges were not very high, but the strong personal style made the audience like it very much.

In addition, Wei Musang is older among the contestants, and she has the charm of a mature woman that other girls and girls do not have, so she won the right to advance through audience voting in both rounds.

In the semi-finals, she did not disappoint the audience who supported her.

Her unique ghost + grass attribute in the Carlos area, and a very large pumpkin monster, amazed the judges and audience with a "Halloween Fireworks Show".

She didn't score high in the first two rounds, but she directly counterattacked in the semi-final round and rushed to the fifth place.


Finals (free performance)

First place: Yoko, Nanako, Ryoto Mugi (50 points × 35% = 17.5 points)

Second place: Wei Musang (49.6 points × 35% = 17.36 points)

Third place: Ye Mili, Lai Erfu (49.2 points × 35% = 17.22 points)

Fourth place: Miranda (49.1 points × 35% = 17.18 points)

Fifth place: Gagarin (49.0 points × 35% = 17.15 points)



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