Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1124 Surprise! ! ! The beloved was blocked to collect debt~


"Let us congratulate Ryoto Kigi and Nanako who tied for the first place and won the championship of the ××× Yangbeila City "Flower Rest Festival Grass-type Pokémon Beauty Contest". "

"The two contestants who won the championship will each receive a championship crystal trophy, a jeweled laurel crown, and a cash prize of 500,000 yuan."

"Ye Mili and Lai Erfu who won the runner-up will receive a runner-up crystal trophy and a cash prize of 300,000 yuan respectively."

"Musang Wei, who won the third place, will receive a third place crystal trophy and a cash prize of 100,000."

"Let us use the warmest applause and cheers to congratulate the five contestants, Ryoto Muki, Nanako, Yemili, Lai Erfu, and Wei Musashi, for their awards~"

"At the same time, I will also give applause to other contestants who participated in this conference and presented us with wonderful performances." The host Christina announced the final ranking with the most enthusiastic voice.

The five judges got up from their seats and applauded the five winners, while the audience cheered loudly for the names of the five winners and Pokémon.

"Lin Liangren...Lin Liangren..."

"Lin Liangren...Lin Liangren..."

"Nanako... Nanako..."

"Nanako... Nanako..."

"Coconut Millie... Coconut Millie..."

"Lai Erfu... Lai Erfu..."

"Musang Wei... Musang Wei..."

"Musang Wei... Musang Wei..."

The competition was over, and the audience cheered loudly for the winners, as if they wanted to release all the energy left in their bodies.

"Next please, Pokémon Beauty Pageant, Barbara, Chairman of the Competition Committee; Mr. Igor, Editor of Pokémon Fashion Weekly——

Prizes will be presented to Yoshito Kigi and Nanako who won the championship of this tournament. "

"Papa papa..."

"Next please,

Ms. Qiao Yilian, general manager of the Pokémon Center and Little Orange Island branch; Ms. Hara Sadako, editor-in-chief of Pokémon Friends magazine——

Awards will be presented to Yemili and Lailfu who won the runner-up of this conference. "

"Papa papa..."

"Next, please, the talented performer who has won the five-time Yanbeila City Fairy Beauty Contest: Miss Nina...

Awards will be presented to Wei Musang who won the third place in this conference. "

"Papa papa..."

In the auditorium off the court, among the thunderous applause, the top three contestants including Ryoto and Nanako came to the stage to receive their honors and awards.

Lin Liangren: "..."

Nanako: "..."

Coconut Millie: "..."

Lailf: "..."

Musang Wei: "..."

At the end of the awards ceremony, the five winners, including Ryoto, also gave a short speech.

Originally, I was just talking about participating in the competition to experience and feel, but I didn't expect to be able to win the championship in the end. My husband was naturally very happy.

Especially because of this "Flower Rest Festival Grass-type Pokémon Beauty Pageant", Monarch Snake actually established a fetter link with him, and his strength has also been greatly increased.

And this is what makes Liang Ren the most happy. After all, he just met by chance in the competition, so sign up to experience, and his real profession is a Pokémon trainer, and strength is very important to him.



The winners made a brief acceptance speech, and then the organizer of this year's beauty pageant, Li Wei, CEO of Shangmei Culture Communication Company in Yangbeila City, took the stage to give a closing speech.

Then, under the announcement of the hostess Christina, the ××× "Flower Rest Festival Grass Pokémon Beauty Pageant" in Yanbeila City also ended successfully.

The thin-shell dome of the Grand Theater opened, and after the judges, contestants, and audience enjoyed the fireworks together, the contestants and audience also began to leave in an orderly manner.


At the entrance of the Grand Theater, I accepted an on-site interview with Yangbeila City TV Station and other media reporters, and then Yoshito and Nanako took a taxi directly, and returned to the room of the Pokémon Center as quickly as possible.

"Oh my God, I'm so tired after playing all day today." Upon returning to the room, my beloved fell on the bed, buried his face in the soft pillow, and lamented loudly.

But as soon as the beloved lay down on his side, a certain debt collector came to the door.

"Yah Duo—(?>?<?) Beloved, pay me my salary quickly. You promised me in the morning to help you collect plant dew. If you finally get the ranking, you will give me a share of the money."

The dull beast rides on the lover's neck like a big horse, and pulls the lover's ear to demand debts.

"You little heartless person, how much money and resources I have spent to train you to be so strong now, and now I want you to do something and ask me for money."

"Stupid beast, if you touch your conscience, won't it hurt?" the lover asked scoldingly.

"Ya Duo—('⊙ω⊙`) I'll touch it~" Hearing what his lover said, the dumb beast stretched out its small meaty claws, and put it on the chubby belly with a serious expression.

"Yah duo—(??′?`?)? I touched it, and my conscience doesn't hurt at all~" The dull beast crawled and hugged his lover's head like a tree pillow tail bear, and stretched out a stick He poked his finger on the cheek and replied.

"I told you to touch your conscience and you touch your belly, what the hell~ your conscience was eaten by you." Seeing the mischievous appearance of the dumb beast, the lover couldn't help but have a few dotted lines floating across his forehead, and said in a rather speechless tone .

"Stupid Beast, thank you for getting up so early in the morning and helping us collect dew together. At that time, I also promised that if I won the prize, I would give you pocket money."

"Today, Sayuri and I were able to win the championship. The plant dew you collected played a big role, so this is a little wish from me and Sayuri, please accept it."

Nanako took out her mobile phone and sent a big red envelope to Slowlymon's WeChat.

"Wow ~ 50,000 yuan, Nanako Saigao!!" After receiving the transfer reminder, the dumb beast shook its head happily and somersaulted in the air.

"Yah Duo—(??o??) Unlike some people~ who like to cheat money from our children's paper." Dumbbeast thanked Nanako, and also teased her husband.

"When will I lie to you for money, Xiaodai, don't slander people."

"Since Nana transferred you 50,000 yuan, your boss and I will surely swallow your share, so please accept the red envelope."

Lianren, who was lying on the bed to relax, also took out his mobile phone and sent a 50,000 yuan red envelope to the dumb beast.

"Yah duo—(?_?~Hey, my beloved is also high!!"

Ryoto and Nanako both won the championship. They thought they were just dumb beasts earning a thousand pocket money, but when they saw that they had earned a hundred thousand, they were so happy that they couldn't find Bei.

Today is different from the past, because of the Zijin City Mega Evolution Invitational Tournament and the previous night of the Jinhuang City City Arena promotion match, Liangren is now worth over 100 million yuan.

Now the Kanto Alliance is in a high position, leading a high salary, and has been allocated a two-story villa by the alliance in the Xiangshanfu District of Jinhuang City, and many resources for cultivating Pokémon can be directly applied for free from the alliance. Need to spend my own money~

In addition to the investment holding "Sun News", Flora's management is now fully on the right track. Whether it is now or in the future, it can be said that the lover no longer has to worry about running out of money.

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