Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1125 The Reward of the Elf, a Gift from Heaven

"Shortsboy of the Elf ()"!

The few Pokémon under him, because of the long-term "stocking" intentionally guide and cultivate their personalities, grow and improve their wisdom, so Li Ren really treats them as friends and companions with equal status to himself.

The beloved bought a mobile phone for each of them, opened a bank card, and gave them a certain amount of discretionary pocket money every month.

Compared with the cost of carving it, it is mainly to listen to songs and buy some genuine digital albums from singers you like.

Lucario likes to play games, so his pocket money is recharged for games, and he buys skins in "Glory of the Elf".

The game character "Lucario" is Lucario's natal hero. Recently, because of the new skins "Bogus Hero" and "Bogus Paladin", Lucario's wallet was directly emptied.

For the two girls Monarch Snake and Tiejiabei, most of their monthly pocket money is spent on skin care and cosmetics.

As for Dumbbeast, a greedy little money fan, a small part of his monthly pocket money is for buying food for himself, and most of it is for his girlfriend Tie Jiabei to buy jewelry and cosmetics.


In the eyes of outsiders, the way my beloved takes care of Pokémon is very troublesome, but it is this very "complex and troublesome" care that makes the relationship between all Pokmon and my beloved very deep.

As an ordinary person who is not born with superpowers, Ryoto can establish bonds with four Pokmon under his command, Bi Diao, Slow Beast, Lucario, and Monarch Snake.

This cannot be summed up in a simple sentence of good luck or coincidence. If the situation of the beloved is placed in other traditional craft industries, then there is one sentence that is most appropriate to describe him.

——'My beloved is in the business of a Pokémon trainer, that's really a blessing from God'——

Ryoto's trainer talent is very high, very suitable for the profession of Pokmon trainer, it's almost like he was born for it.

Whether it is the guidance of past life experience memory, or this life squatting in the library of Rainbow City to study; whether it is really knowing what to do in a certain place, or it is really a coincidence that made a passive choice.

From his debut to the present, regardless of his own growth or the improvement of the strength of his Pokmon, he has not encountered any major bottlenecks.

Always improving, always improving,

So unknowingly, my beloved has stepped ahead of his peers, and without knowing it, he has reached a height that many seniors in the circle need to look up to.

And all of this, in my lover's view, is due to the "troublesome" way I treat my Pokmon under him, and get along with my Pokmon under "troublesome".

Perhaps it is because it is too "cumbersome and troublesome", so the Pokmon under him feel sorry for him, and want to repay him by working hard to improve their strength, and God also gives him a lot of good luck opportunities in the dark.

Before he knew it, he had reached the height he is today.

The three main players, Bi Diao, Dumber, and Tiejiabei, have already broken through to the Heavenly King level, and now Lucario and Monarch Snake of the second echelon have also broken through to the Quasi-Tianwang level and started to sprint towards the Heavenly King level.

Lucario's fighting skills have been honed to a very deep level during the training in the Zijin City Fangyuan Riverside Metasequoia Forest Camp in the first half of the year.

After returning to Golden City in Kanto, Yoshito asked for leave not long after to go to the Yangjiao Valley in the depths of the Tsukimi Mountains for training. There, Yoshito met Shiba, the king of fighters who also trained hard in the Yangjiao Valley.

Lucario, who has become proficient in fighting skills, has finally reached the pinnacle of fighting skills after practicing with Shiba for a period of time.

Afterwards, Ryoto began to develop and excavate the power of waveguide in Lucario, from "Moonview Mountains·Yanghorn Peak Valley→Orange Islands·Three Gods Island→Mandolin Island..."

Along the way, three phases of waveguide development training, Lucario has achieved:

———Waveguide Breakthrough, Spiral Wave Missile, Stealth Shield, Counter Shield

————Wind Killing Formation, Spiral Shuriken, Gale Palm, Gale Kick, Smashing Steel Elbow, Iron Knee Top

———— "Waveguide Practice Method·Initial" (can be improved)

Although Lucario does not have the inheritance of the king and the champion, it has found its own way.

It only needs to constantly hone and perfect its fighting skills, practice and perfect the waveguide cultivation method, and there is no problem for it to break through to the Heavenly King level, and the road ahead is bright and smooth.

On the side of Monarch Snake, after activating and awakening the water power in the bloodline, acquired a solidified and permanent "water attribute"

And after awakening this part of the power, a set of skills gift packages such as "Praying for Rain, Water Gun, Water Cannon, Tide Spin, Water Tail, Liquid Circle, Water Wave, and Water Oath" were directly presented.

After a period of training, Monarch Snake has directly changed from a pure grass-type Pokémon with many attribute shortcomings to a Pokmon with no attribute shortcomings and a balanced dual-attribute of water and grass.

With his own power, he can break the routine and perform the powerful multiplayer combination skill "Water Oath + Grass Oath".

Under the arrangement of my beloved, Monarch Snake has been learning the four grass-type powerful skills of "Strong Whip, Sunshine Flame, Flying Leaf Storm, and Hardened Plant" since the day before yesterday.

After the Monarch Snake has mastered these four grass-type powerful skills, the Monarch Snake's combat effectiveness can be considered fully mature, and it can completely take charge of the battle.

Afterwards, my beloved's plan is to pass on the inheritance of the champions of the water attribute through the "Spiritual Essence Bead · Silly Hippopotamus" used to activate the power of the water bloodline.

By absorbing the experience of this part of the inheritance, the water system is used to leverage the grass system, and then the two attributes of water + grass break through to the heavenly king level~

The plan is very clear and organized, but it will take some time to really break through to the Heavenly King level.

Unexpectedly, the "Flower Rest Festival·Grass Pokémon Beauty Contest" who came to Yangbeila City today established a "bond link" with him, and now my beloved is more confident that the Monarch Snake will break through to the king level~

The beloved turned his head and glanced at Lucario, who was lazily lying on the bed and playing games on his mobile phone, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

"Perhaps Monarch Snake can really break through to the Heavenly King level before Lucario." My beloved thought to himself.


Because at today's Pokémon beauty pageant, both he and Nanako won the championship. After lying down in the room of the Pokémon Center for a while, Ryoto and Nanako also went out to find a high-end restaurant to celebrate.

When the celebration was over and we were walking back after dinner, it began to rain lightly.

"Shushashasha..." The fine raindrops fell, hitting the green belt plants on both sides of the street and the leaves of street trees, making a rustling sound.

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