Elf’s Shorts Boy

The special point of the first thousand one hundred and twenty-six chapters of the miniature dragon

"Shortsboy of the Elf ()"!

The Orange Islands are located in the low latitude area of ​​the equator, surrounded by islands and surrounded by islands, with plenty of sunshine and abundant precipitation.

Except that the weather on Sanshen Island is always the same, after leaving Sanshen Island and embarking on a trip to challenge the Orange Alliance Gym and collect badges, the weather experienced by Ryoto and Nanako.

It was almost two days of sunny days, followed by two consecutive days of rain, and the sunny days and rainy days alternated regularly in this way.

Ryoto and Nanako have long been familiar with the sudden rain. You must know that they have encountered it before when they were traveling at sea.

The sea is very windy and rainy, and there are no shelters or shelters around. As long as it rains, even if you have an umbrella, you will soon be soaked by the sea wind and rain.

When the weather at sea changes to rain, it is not just as simple as getting wet, but also the test from the stormy sea.

As the famous poet Gorky wrote in "Petrel", the wind is rolling with dark clouds, between the dark clouds and the sea...

However, unlike the brave and fearless petrels, long-winged gulls never dare to challenge the sky, let alone shout "let the storm come more violently." It seems to have disappeared without a trace.

The reason for this is because the rainy days at sea are more violent and frightening than the rainy days on land, and the solid land can always bring people a sense of security.

Just like at this moment, when the sky started to rain, Nanako didn't feel panic, because her husband had already let the dumb beast in his arms hold up a rainbow-colored umbrella for the two of them.

The two walked along the sidewalk in silence, and the others they met were in a hurry to find a shelter from the rain, but Yoshito and Nanako were leisurely admiring the rain under the rain. city.

Because of participating in the "Flower Rest Festival Grass-type Pokémon Beauty Pageant", after coming to Yangbeila City, neither of them had a good appreciation of this beautiful city.

The reason why Yanbeila City is called a garden city is because beautiful flowers can be seen everywhere, and any place can be called a garden. The only difference is the size.

The buildings in Yangbeila City adopt the names of flowers, such as: Rose Apartment, Violet Building~

The streets of Yangbeila City adopt the names of flowers, such as: Lilac Street, Hyacinth Avenue~


Right now, Ryoto and Nanako are on Lilac Street,

A street full of lilacs.

At this moment when the night falls and the lights come on, the fine drizzle is carefully cleaning the garden city, washing away the contaminated dust and making it look brand new.

Ryoto and Nanako admired the street scene in the rain at first, but soon lost his mind, thinking about how to proceed with the training of the mini dragon.

When Nanako looked away from the lilac flowers on the street, looked at the contemplative husband next to him, and looked at his handsome side face, the girl couldn't help but smile.

Turning her head to look at the lilac flower, looking up at the street lamp along the side of the umbrella, and then turning her head to look at the contemplative lover, the girl couldn't help feeling a special desire in her heart.

The average boy calls this desire: at this moment, I suddenly want to chant a poem.

"Cloves of Sorrow" Nanako


A lilac is a grain of sorrow,

Embracing and falling with the rain,

Under the dim light like threads like silk,

The night is silent.


A pair of wings and a dream,


wait for the dawn,

That streak of gold on the horizon.



"Brother Liangren, what are you thinking, so engrossed?" Nanako asked curiously as she saw the handsome profile of her devotedly concentrating face as the fine raindrops made a rustling sound on the umbrella cloth.

"Hmm!!" Hearing Nanako's voice, Ryoto also came back to his senses.

"I'm thinking about the training of the mini dragon. Lucario's combat power is now fully mature. After the Monarch Snake learns the two skills of "Flying Leaf Storm and Hardening Plant", he can also officially become a king. Start a sprint. "

"In the future, I will devote more energy to the miniature dragon, so I am thinking about how to help the miniature dragon to train more appropriately."

Yoshito rubbed his chin with his hand, then turned around and told Nanako what was on his mind.

"Brother Liangren, didn't you make a training plan for the miniature dragon a while ago, and you have accumulated experience in breeding bidiao and dumb beasts, the early training of the miniature dragon should not confuse you, brother Liangren. "

After hearing what her beloved said, Nanako herself became puzzled.

"The previous training plan was only for the general part of the basics. For the exclusive ability of the miniature dragon, the training plan has not yet been formulated."

"The little miniature dragon is the child of Mr. Du's champion fast dragon. The starting point is much higher than that of the eagles. When I took over the miniature dragon eggs from Mr. Du's fast dragon, I made a promise to cultivate the little miniature dragon. Train to be the strongest dragon elf."

"So I hope that, whether it's the early stage or the mid-to-late stage, I can be as perfect as possible when it comes to the training of the miniature dragons," Liangren said.

"So that's the case, but what you mentioned just now, does the exclusive ability of the mini dragon refer to its characteristics?" As an excellent trainer herself, Nanako quickly grasped the key from the words of her husband point.

"That's right, it's the characteristic of miniature dragons." My husband nodded.

"As a quasi-god in the Kanto region, because it is so rare and precious, I never thought that I could subdue a miniature dragon to cultivate it, so I don't know much about its characteristics."

"I just vaguely remember that the characteristic of the miniature dragon is "molting skin", so is there any problem with the characteristic of the miniature dragon? "

"In addition, I remember Brother Liangren, you said before, didn't the mini dragon just hatched from the egg, and the characteristic shedding and the hidden characteristic magical scales have awakened?"

"It stands to reason that the characteristics of the mini-dragon don't need to be activated anymore, don't tell me, Brother Liangren, do you want to strengthen the characteristics of the mini-dragon at this stage?" Nanako analyzed it, and the puzzled look on her face became more serious .

"That's not the case. The miniature dragon has just begun to receive training. Basic abilities such as physical fitness, strength, speed, and skill proficiency have not been completed. At this stage, it is too early to strengthen the training of characteristic abilities."

"The reason why I mentioned its characteristics is because the characteristics of these series of miniature dragons are very special."

"Oh~ how do you say that?" Nanako doesn't know much about mini-dragons, so after hearing what her husband said, and learning about the characteristics of mini-dragons that she didn't know about, Nanako suddenly became interested.

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