"Shortsboy of the Elf ()"!

"The entire series, three stages, and the characteristic in the stage of Mini Dragon and Hack Dragon is the "molting" that probabilistically eliminates the negative abnormal state suffered by itself at the end of each round, and the hidden characteristic is the defense power in negative abnormal state "Magical Scale" that has been greatly improved"

"However, after the hacker dragon evolves into the final form of the fast dragon, the first characteristic will change from "molting → spiritual power", and the hidden characteristic will change from "magic scales → multiple scales""

"After evolution, the characteristics change. Looking at all the known Pokmon, although it is not common, it is not uncommon. However, the characteristics of most Pokmon are always fixed."

"As for the characteristics of miniature dragons and hackrons that have changed after evolution, I wonder if it is possible to inherit and retain the abilities of the first two characteristics through special training."

The beloved looked at Lilac Street shrouded in drizzle ahead, and told the girl beside him what he was thinking.

"The probability of "molting" to eliminate the negative abnormal state, and the defensive power of "magic scale" is improved under the negative abnormal state? "After hearing what her beloved said, Nanako was obviously a little surprised.

After the Pokémon evolves, the characteristics change. This is something fixed in the dark, irreversible, and impossible to be changed.

In the current professional field of Pokémon trainers, breeders, and Pokémon research circles, although Nanako doesn't know if there are any scholars and researchers engaged in research in this area before.

But since there are no theoretical works in this area, it is obvious that even if the predecessors have done research in this area, it ended in failure in the end.

Now Liangren suddenly proposed that he wanted to design a training mode by himself, and inherit and retain the two characteristics of the miniature dragon, "molting skin and magical scales".

Although Nanako has always believed in her husband, she still feels that it is not worthwhile to do so. What if she fails after investing so much time and energy in it?

Like humans, elves have their own period of growth. Once they miss this golden period of improving their strength, it will be very difficult to increase their strength later.

My dear man, he was able to cultivate the three king-level combat powers of Bi Diao, Dumb Beast, and Iron Armor in just one year. The experience accumulated in this process allowed Lucario and Monarch Snake to reach the level of battle in half a year. Quasi-king class.

With the experience of nurturing the previous elves, Nanako believes that if the miniature dragons are trained step by step,

It will take even less time for the Mini Dragon to grow to the stage of Lucario and the Monarch Snake.

Obviously there is a smooth road, but my lover insists on finding another way. Judging from Nanako's behavior style, she will never choose such a risky road.

But on the other hand, Nanako thinks it is understandable from the perspective of the beloved. After all, it is precisely because of the courageous, pioneering and enterprising spirit of the beloved that he can achieve today's achievements.

It is precisely because of his genius and unconstrained ideas that Bi Diao, Slow Beast, Iron Armor Shell, Lucario, and Monarch Snake are so powerful and distinctive, which is beyond the reach of ordinary trainers in the circle. to the thing.

So after hearing what her beloved said, after being puzzled at the beginning, Nanako's attitude suddenly changed drastically.

At this moment, not only did she not want to say any words of persuasion, on the contrary, she very much recognized and agreed with her husband's thoughts.

If the cultivation is carried out step by step, the miniature dragon will at most grow to the level of Dutianwang's fast dragon in the future or slightly surpass it. It is still almost the best and strongest dragon Pokémon.

So the words of dissuasion just came to my lips, but in the end it became:

"Such a genius idea, only you, Liangren, can come up with it."

"Brother Liangren, you always make decisions before you act. Since you have such an idea, then you should still be quite sure about this matter." Nanako asked with a smile.

"As expected, it's Nana who understands me best~" My husband gave the girl an appreciative look.

"The ability of the "molting" characteristic is to probabilistically clear the negative abnormal state that one suffers from, and the "magic scale" is to greatly improve the defense power after suffering from the negative abnormal state. "

"And after the hacker dragon evolves into a fast dragon, the "molting" will become "spiritual power" that is not affected by intimidation and will not fall into a state of fear, and the "magic scale" will become full of blood and attack damage is greatly reduced "Multiple Scales" of

"The characteristics of "molting→spiritual power" and "magic scales→multiple scales" seem to have changed, but in fact, the two sets of characteristics that correspond to each other are actually related by black borders in terms of abilities. "

"Molting is a probabilistic elimination effect on itself, including: poisoning, hypertoxicity, sleep, paralysis, burning, freezing, confusion, fear... and a series of negative abnormal states. Although it covers a lot of content, it is only probabilistic eliminate."

"Analysis of the essence of mental power characteristics, in fact, it is the same as moulting, it is to resist the defense of negative abnormal state, but compared with the former covers a lot of content, mental power is only targeted so that Pokmon with this characteristic will not fall into fear state."

"The former covers a wide range of content, while the latter is more targeted. The former is probabilistic elimination, while the latter is 100% defensive. There are differences, but there is a connection."

"Hmm~" Listening to her beloved's description, Nanako listened very carefully and nodded from time to time.

Although she is now a trainer with elite machine strength.

However, compared with the man who squatted in the Rainbow City library to study since he was a child, and was still in the Rainbow City Junior Pokémon School when he was seven or eight years old, his extracurricular readings were all professional academic papers and journals, Nanako's knowledge reserve is obviously much 'shallow'.

So every time I discuss the topic of Pokémon training and cultivation with my beloved, although she can occasionally get a few words in, she is more often a listener.

But Nanako doesn't hate this, on the contrary, she enjoys it, because she not only increases her knowledge in this process, but also worships her boyfriend more, and this kind of worship makes her feel very happy and happy.

The beloved didn't know what the girl was thinking, at this moment he was completely immersed in his own thoughts while talking.

"Not only is there a connection between shedding skin and mental power characteristics, but there is also a very large connection between "magic scales" and "multiple scales". "

"As their names suggest, both are scales that cover the surface of the body.

The principle that the defense of the "magic scales" is improved when suffering from abnormal conditions can be seen as the body is stimulated, the body is tense, and the muscle contraction drives the skin to tighten and contract, so that the scales that originally had gaps in the relaxed state become More compact and compact.

It doesn't have the ability to resist abnormal states like shedding skin and mental power, but uses the stimulation on the body brought about by abnormal states to make the scales that were originally "scattered soldiers" "line up" to resist.

When "Multiple Scales" is full of health, or before its defense is broken, the attacks it suffers will be greatly reduced.

Compared with the spiritual and special strength talents such as "molting skin and spiritual power", magical scales and multiple scales are physical talents.


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