Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1130 Suburb Park, Yoko Invites a Battle

Text Chapter 1130 Invitation by Yoko from Suburban Park

Ash is the champion of Alola's first League Conference.

As a trainer recognized by the patron saint of Melomele Island, Kapu Mingming, and has a very close relationship with the other three island patron saints, Xiaozhi is very famous in the circle of Pokémon trainers in the Alola region.

He is even the idol of the new generation of young trainers in the Alola region.

It's normal for Yoko to feel nervous when she travels thousands of miles to visit Xiaozhi, an idol.

"Okay, I will help you contact Xiaozhi and tell him that in a while, Yoko, you will visit him in the Kanto region." Liangren smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, Mr. Liangren!!" Seeing that Liangren promised to introduce her to the idol Xiaozhi, Yoko seemed very happy, but the happy smile on her face did not last long, and then became entangled again.

"That~Mr. Liangren, can I take the liberty of making another request to you?" Yoko said, scratching his cheek with his fingers a little embarrassedly.

"Oh? Is there anything else, you can tell, of course, if I can do it—" the beloved replied with a smile.

"Yes, yes, yes...Mr. Liangren, you can definitely do it." Yoko said quickly, expressing that the request she made was actually not too troublesome.

"Mr. Liangren, you are a very famous and powerful trainer in the current Pokémon world, and the entire professional trainer circle, and my goal is to become an outstanding professional trainer."

"Before leaving Yangbeila City today, I was so lucky to meet you, Mr. Liangren. Although it is a bit presumptuous, I really hope that I can have a battle between trainers with Mr. Liangren. I hope you can advance Please guide me."

"Of course, I know Mr. Ryoto and Ms. Nanako are going to continue the journey, so in order not to waste too much time, Mr. Ryoto, just come to a 1v1~"

"After yesterday's game, Lan Lan has been wanting to fight against Mr. Liangren's Monarch Snake, so please." After expressing his thoughts in a hurry, Yoko bowed to the beloved very solemnly and asked. .

"Nana~ What do you think?" Ryoto didn't answer immediately, but turned his head and smiled at Nanako who was beside him.

"Yoko's request, obviously you can't refuse it, Brother Liangren, can you? Because when you participated in the beauty pageant yesterday, you said that you wanted the Monarch Snake to compete with Yoko's Orchid Mantis."

Nanako looked at her beloved with a smile and said.

"That's true. I think Monarch Snake is also very much looking forward to fighting Lan Manghua and seeing the power of Z-movement." The beloved nodded.

"Mr. Ryoto, do you agree?!" Hearing the conversation between Ryoto and Nanako, Yoko raised her head happily.

"Of course~"

"There's a battlefield in this small park, so let's go there." Liangren looked around, looking over the green belt, and found a battlefield easily.

"Okay, okay." Yoko picked up the small wooden owl-shaped satchel on the park bench, and agreed very happily.



This small park is already on the outskirts of the city, and it is noon, so there are no other people in the small park.

After agreeing to Yoko's invitation to fight, Ryoto and Nanako also came to the battle field in the park together.

As the beloved of both sides, Yoko stood at the command positions at both ends of the battlefield, while Nanako, who was a temporary guest referee for the match between the two, stood on the half-point line at the edge of the battlefield.

"Next is the match between Yoko and Ryoto. The rules of the match are 1v1. If one Pokmon loses the ability to fight or the trainer chooses to admit defeat, the match will end."

"Now, please send out the Pokémon that are ready to fight." Nanako said loudly, holding the fish tank with fluorescent fish in her left arm, her right hand high above the head of the country.

Yoko, who took the initiative to invite her beloved to a battle, took out a Poké Ball with a beautiful sticker from her pocket and threw it decisively towards the battlefield.

"Lan Tanghua, it's up to you—" I don't know if it's because of his admiration for Xiaozhi, but the words Yoko shouted when he released the Pokémon were very characteristic of Xiaozhi.

"Lan Lan~" The baby ball was opened, and the orchid mantis flower with a gorgeous appearance like a flower, which was seen on the stage of the beauty pageant yesterday, appeared in the eyes of Ryoto and Nanako again at this moment.

And compared to yesterday's stage, on the battlefield at this moment, both Yoko and Lan Tanghua's eyes and momentum are very firm and sharp.

Maybe this is what it's like to be one person and one pet.

But it was also because of the fighting spirit of Yoko and Lan Tanghua that the lover was also inspired to fight.

"Monarch Snake, I didn't enjoy the game yesterday, let's let go and have a good fight today." Liang Ren took a poke ball from the trainer's belt, pressed the zoom switch and threw it.


"Wum~" The pink Youyou Ball opened in mid-air, and a noble and proud Monarch Snake also appeared on the stage.

Because both parties participated in the grass-type Pokémon beauty pageant yesterday, both parties are no strangers to meeting at this moment.

Monarch Snake's perfect performance made Lan Manghua regard it as a formidable enemy, and Lan Manghua's z-movement on the stage of the finals also made Monarch Snake very interested.

Now when they are about to leave Yangbeila City, they are very excited to have a chance to fight, whether it is Lan Manghua or Monarch Snake.

On the battlefield, Lan Manghua lightly waved her mantis arms. It looked like a flower swaying in the wind, but in reality it was a cruel hunter ready to strike its prey with a fatal blow.

The Monarch Snake also gently swayed its upper limbs, kissed the snake lightly, and swallowed the snake's letter. There was also a faint hint of danger in a pair of beautiful bright red vertical pupils.

Whether it is the Monarch Snake or the Orchid Mantis, they are both beautiful in appearance and outstanding in temperament, but hidden behind the beauty are beautiful killers with sharp mantis knives and venomous fangs.

In addition, both sides have the hidden characteristic of "singing against the tune". Although Yoko, the orchid mantis, is not as powerful as the monarch snake, but at this moment, judging from the external aura, the two sides are evenly matched.

This is a very interesting game, and the fighting spirit of the two Pokémon is also very high.

Nanako, who was a temporary guest referee, was also very discerning. After realizing that both sides were impatient, she also sent out a signal very decisively.

"Game start!!"

"Lan Tanghua, use Luoying Fun." At the beginning of the game, Yoko changed her shyness and timidity when she invited to fight, and raised her hand confidently and flamboyantly, pointing forward, and launched an offensive.

Waiting for an opportunity and ready to go, Orchid Mantis squinted her eyes slightly, swung her sharp praying knife with a tiptoe movement, and rolled up a rain of petals that was extremely beautiful but also extremely dangerous.

"Hush..." Like a cherry blossom tree blown by the wind, pieces of pink petals floated towards the Monarch Snake.

If you hadn't noticed that the petals scratched a gully as they floated across the ground, you might have been confused by the appearance of Lan Manghua's killing move.

However, the lover and the monarch snake are obviously not confused by the appearance, because in the battle, the lover and the monarch snake never only use their eyes to see, but also their hearts~

And in the beautiful cherry blossom rain in front of them, both the lover and the monarch snake felt the cold and murderous aura.

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