Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1231 Monarch Snake vs Orchid Mantis (1)

Chapter 1231 Monarch Snake vs Orchid Mantis (1)

Yoko and Lan Tanghua launched an offensive, and the response from the lover's side was not slow.

"Monarch Snake, Grass Blender." The beloved gave instructions to the Monarch Snake with a ring.

The beloved's instructions are very concise, but the Monarch Snake can accurately understand more meanings through the simple instructions of the beloved.

"Wum~" The monarch snake's bright red snake eyes stared at the orchid mantis flower ready to launch a sneak attack at any time through the dense dance of petals.

The Monarch Snake twisted its waist, its lower limbs rubbed against the ground, and retreated quickly to open the distance. At the same time, with a flick of its strong and powerful tail, a vortex tornado of grass blades violently blew towards the falling rain of petals. past.




The grass blender pumped the petal rain barrier, as if a heavy hammer hit the super thick tempered glass doors and windows. The huge impact shock wave made the petals instantly turn into pink flower mud, and the swirling grass leaves turned into emerald green grass Juice splashes everywhere.

The battle had just begun, and the Monarch Snake hadn't shown its full strength, so Lan Tanghua's Falling Flowers and Monarch Snake's Grass Blender were evenly matched.

The flower mud and grass juice splashed, and the sight of the lover and the monarch snake was temporarily blocked by the skill collision. The blue mantis, which was waiting for an opportunity, moved quickly without waiting for the trainer's order.

Lan Tanghua is like a beautiful killer in nature, with a flash, the figure disappeared directly in place.

Started a silent sneak approach to the Monarch Snake, and after coming to the back of the Monarch Snake, Yoko and Lan Tanghua exposed their fangs.

"Lan Tanghua, use a sneak attack." Yoko's voice was sonorous and powerful, not as weak as before.

"Chi—" The beautiful mantis knife glowed with a dark purple light, tearing through the wind barrier and slashing at the back of the monarch snake's neck.

The sudden attack of Yoko and Lan Tanghua did not make Lianren and Junzhu Snake panic, but a gleam flashed in the eyes of each of them.

"I've been waiting for you~"

"Monarch Snake, anti-surprise attack." The lover waved his hand and gave an order that outsiders could not understand, but the Monarch Snake understood it immediately.

Mobilizing the power in the blood, the bright red snake pupils instantly turned into a bewitching gray-green.

The Monarch Snake turned around sharply, and the gray-green snake pupils shone fiercely on Lan Manghua who was rushing over like a searchlight, and her light and vigorous figure suddenly stiffened as if petrified.

Although Lan Tanghua's attack and killing action is to press the pause button, the Monarch Snake is moving at this moment.


After the "Petrochemical Technique" controlled the Lan Mantis, the Monarch Snake retracted immediately, compressing its body like a spring.

During the short interval between attacks, the Monarch Snake's move "coiling" will enhance its three abilities of attack, defense, and hit rate.

Immediately afterwards, the Monarch Snake, which was compressed to the limit like a spring, popped out suddenly, stretched and straightened into a long stick, and staggered Lan Manghua's arms with a "hit" move, and slammed into Lan Manghua's soft abdomen .

"Bang~" The soft belly was hit, and Lan Tanghua's murderous face was distorted due to the pain, and her body bowed into a prawn.

But Monarch Snake's set of "anti-raid" did not end like this. "Petrochemical skill + coiled + impact" is just an appetizer.

The orchid mantis that was hit on the abdomen has not yet flown out, the stretched and elongated body of the monarch snake is as violent as a tape measure, and the tail curls and tugs, directly pulling the orchid mantis that flew out backwards back .

Immediately afterwards, she performed a front somersault, and Lan Manghua, whose slender waist was entangled by the tail of the monarch snake, was thrown to the field by the monarch snake like a sledgehammer.

"Lan Tanghua...!!" Yoko exclaimed, and launched a wave of attacks very confidently. Unexpectedly, the attack failed, and instead suffered a series of attacks from the Monarch Snake.

After "beating", I could have continued to connect "leaf blade, dragon's tail, and water's tail", but seeing Lan Tanghua lying on her back on the ground,

But the sharp mantis arms are doing a cross-blocking posture in front of the chest.

The Sovereign Snake also gave up attacking wisely and rationally, but chose to retreat to create a distance.

"Wum~" The Monarch Snake twisted its waist and retreated quickly as if gliding close to the ground.

"Lan Lan~" The Grass-type Pokémon has strong resilience. After the Monarch Snake gave up the pursuit and retreated, Lan Tanghua also endured the sharp pain from her body, and quickly got up from the ground.

Since there was no benefit in close combat with a protruding face, Yoko also changed his tactics immediately.

"Lan Tanghua, use Sunny Sky." Yoko loudly gave instructions to Lan Tanghua. As an excellent Pokémon trainer, the defeat in the confrontation just now did not frustrate him too much.

"Lan Lan~" On the battlefield, Lan Tanghua also responded immediately.

Raising his arms and shouting, a golden light bullet was directly shot into the sky.

However, watching Lan Manghua's movements, the corners of the lover's mouth slightly raised a beautiful arc.

The Pokémon Lan Manhua is an object-oriented Pokémon, and as the Monarch Snake whose spell is set at this moment, melee combat is actually its shortcoming.

If Yoko and Lan Tanghua keep fighting with their faces protruding, the Monarch Snake will hold on for a while at most, and will soon fall into a disadvantage.

But my beloved is very smart. Facing the first wave of Lan Tanghua's face, he and the Monarch Snake seemed calm on the surface, but in fact they tried their best to beat Lan Tanghua head-on.

The strong counterattack gave Yoko an illusion that the Monarch Snake is very capable in melee combat. Facing the Monarch Snake who is very strong in melee combat, Yoko and Lan Tanghua chose to avoid the edge temporarily.

However, what Yoko doesn't know is that the Monarch Snake's "very strong melee combat ability" is her illusion, and this is a big hole deliberately dug for her by her husband.

To lure her to give up "use her own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses" and choose "use her own strengths to attack the enemy's strengths"

Giving up its own advantages, let Lan Tanghua use its own shortcomings to compete with the strengths of the Monarch Snake.

Although the game has not yet been decided, Ryoto has initially won tactically. Yoko has unknowingly fallen into Ryoto's rhythm without her being aware of it.


"Bang!!" The golden energy light bomb exploded in the sky, and the sunlight in the entire battle field became hotter and hotter.

Although it was intentional to induce Yoko and Lan Tanghua to engage in close combat with him, but my beloved, he did not let the opposite Lan Tanghua do anything.

After seeing Lan Tanghua switch the weather to sunny, Liangren's side also responded immediately.

"Monarch Snake, use Pray for Rain."

"Lan Tanghua, use the sun blade—"

The beloved gave the order, and Yoko also gave the order to Lan Tanghua almost at the same time.


"Lan Lan~"

Sovereign Shekou held a fog bomb in his mouth and shot it towards the sky, while Lan Manghua raised his mantis arms crossed above his head, and began to absorb sunlight to recharge his solar blade.


"Boom..." The fog ball exploded in the sky, dark clouds covered the sun, and soon there was a rumble of thunder over the battlefield.

However, as the exclusive skill of Lan Manghua, the Sunshine Blade has been trained to a very high level of proficiency. When the weather switched to rainy weather, Lan Manghua's Sunshine Blade had already fully charged.

"Lan Lan~" Lan Manhua yelled imposingly, and the sun blade turned into a cross energy cross, and slashed towards the Monarch Snake through the air.

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