Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1235 Call, My Beloved invites Xiaozhi to fight! !

Text Chapter 1235: The Calling Beloved Invites Xiaozhi to Fight

——Kariba City Sakuragi Research Institute——

"Ding dong!! My beloved is calling~My beloved is calling~"

Xiao Zhi, who was discussing with his partner Xiao Hao in the dormitory where to go to subdue the elves next, suddenly received a call alert from his smartphone in his pocket, Rotom.

"Beloved!!" Hearing the reminder from Rotom on the smartphone, Xiaozhi suddenly showed a very pleasant expression on his face.

"Hey, my dear, aren't you traveling in the Orange Islands? Why did you suddenly think of calling me?" After connecting the phone, Xiaozhi asked excitedly before the beloved could speak.

Because he has traveled all over the world, Xiaozhi has friends all over the world. However, in Xiaozhi's circle of friends, the lover has not been with him for a long time, but the lover knows him best.

Whether it's the special experience during travel or the idea of ​​cultivating Pokémon, or even Xiaozhi's magical expression of "哔哩哔哩~啪啦啦啦...", my beloved can understand its meaning.

It is because of this understanding that Xiaozhi regards his beloved as his true confidant among many friends.

This time Liaren was traveling in the Orange Islands, and Xiaozhi also followed Lianren's travel updates through Lianren's personal Weibo and the videos posted on "Sun Daily" every day.

Because the Sakuragi Research Institute is quite busy with work, Xiaozhi thought that it would be the end of the year, when the beloved man had finished his trip to the Orange Islands before they could get together again. Unexpectedly, the beloved man would take the initiative to call him, which made Xiaozhi very happy.

"I haven't contacted you for a while, so I called to ask, how is Xiaozhi doing?" The man on the other end of the phone asked with a smile.

"Hi~ that's it."

"The dog planner at Paradise Company, the setting of the new map has not yet been perfected. Now I am running around the world with Xiaohao all day long, brushing up the old dungeons that I have already cleared during my previous travels."

"Now my protagonist halo is almost taken away by 'One Ball Superman'." When mentioning his recent situation, Xiaozhi complained.

"It's impossible. You have traveled in Kanto, Orange Islands, Johto, Yoshien, Sinnoh, Hezhong, Carlos, Alola, including Galar."

"Now I can only arrange your daily routine, but at any rate, you guys won the honor of the championship in the first Alola League Conference, and now you are the idol of the new generation of trainers in the Alola region, Xiao Zhi. "

"Nai Nai and I were in Little Orange Island, participating in the xxxth "Flower Rest Festival Grass-type Pokémon Beauty Pageant" held in Yanbeila City, and met a man named Yoko who came from the Alola Islands all the way to visit you loyal fans. "

"I met her just now when Nana and I were about to leave, but she sincerely asked me to introduce you to you, so that you should meet her no matter what."

After a few words of teasing with a smile, the beloved also explained the reason for his call, which was to introduce Yoko to Xiaozhi.

"Yoko? A fan coming from the Alola Islands to visit me?" On the other end of the phone, a few question marks popped up on Xiao Zhi's forehead.

"Okay, did you tell her that I work in Dr. Sakuragi's research institute in Kuba City? If I happen to be away from doing research when she comes here, I will meet her~"

Although he wasn't too impressed with the fans and supporters, but since his lover took the initiative to say hello, Xiao Zhi readily agreed.

"By the way, my dear, you have traveled to Yangbeila City now. This time, you are participating in the elf beauty pageant. Do you know two Pokémon breeders named Yemili and Lailfu?"

Suddenly thought of something, Xiaozhi pinched the electric sac on Pikachu's cheek and asked with a smile.

"Ya Mili and Lai Erfu? Of course, these two are well-known breeders in Yanbeila City, and they also participated in the beauty pageant yesterday."

"And if it wasn't for me and Nana, the champions of this elf beauty pageant would probably be the two of them.

"The beloved also replied with a smile.

"These two are very interesting. When I was traveling with Xiaoxia and Xiaojian in the Orange Islands and passing through Yanbeila City, I met Yemili and Lai Erfu's Nidoran and Qiang'en. A Nidoran named Meili elopes."

"The two trainers didn't get along, and as a result, the pair of Pokmon who loved each other were forced to be separated. At that time, I was the one who matched with Xiaojian and Xiaoxia, and after the two of the Rockets gave me an assist, we finally got along with each other. good."

"Thinking about it now, I really miss the time when I traveled—" On the other end of the phone, Xiao Zhi's tone was full of emotion.

"Little Zhi, do you miss traveling freely, or the person who traveled with you back then?"

"All of them." Xiaozhi scratched his head and replied straightforwardly.

"Don't worry, whether it's a trip or a partner, you will have it, because you are still the boy you were before, without any change, and the current time is just a test for you."

"By the way, I've always had a question. I hope you, Xiaozhi, will touch your head with one hand and your buttocks with the other, and answer me after serious thinking~"

"What's the question?" Hearing his beloved make such a request, Xiaozhi suddenly became interested.

"It was during your past trips that I traveled with you..."

"Stop, stop, beloved, I know what you want to say. I never thought that you are such a gossip. Does your Nanako know?" Before the beloved could finish speaking, Xiaozhi hurriedly interrupted.

"Xiaoxia, Xiaoyao, Xiaoguang, Alice, Shuilian, Mao, Lilia, I am just friends with them, there is no relationship between men and women." Xiaozhi hurriedly clarified to his beloved.

"~Uh~" Hearing Xiaozhi's words, the lover on the other end of the phone choked, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Xiaozhi, you are a real guy. Who asked about your relationship with Xiaoxia and Xiaoguang?"

"What I wanted to ask you just now is, among the companions who traveled with you before, which of the four, Xiaogang, Xiaojian, Dante, and Strom, is better at cooking, and who cooks better food?" Liang the man asked with a smirk.

"My dear, you lied to me~ After you have a girlfriend, you really failed at learning." Xiaozhi said full of resentment.

"Haha~ It's obviously you who want to go wrong."

"By the way, Xiaozhi, why did you only mention Xiaoxia, Xiaoyao, Xiaoguang...they just now, but didn't mention Serena."

"Oh... there is a situation. It seems that I have to take back what I just said. Xiaozhi, you are no longer the boy you used to be. You have grown up~"

"My beloved, get the hell out of here. When you come back from the Orange Islands, I will have a 6v6 duel with you!!" Xiao Zhi on the other end of the phone blushed, and asked his beloved to fight with a little 'annoyance'.

"Okay, Xiaozhi, call back all the main players like Charizard, Ninja Frog, and I will promise to fight with you."

Hearing Xiaozhi's invitation to fight, the lover on the other end of the phone did not refuse, but said very seriously.

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