Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1236 Running Through the Endless Wasteland

Text Chapter 1236 Running Through the Endless Wasteland

Spicy Bean Sauce

"My dear, are you sure?"

"I know that your subordinates Bi Diao, Slow Beast, and Iron Armor Shell have already broken through to the Heavenly King level, but the Charizard, Kirby, Heracros, Lizard King, Flame Monkey, and Ninja Frog you ordered just now are all mine. The main force of the trump card, each of them is at the level of a heavenly king."

"Are you sure you want to challenge my strongest elf lineup?" Xiaozhi asked with a serious expression.

"Of course, since I entered the circle of Heavenly King-level trainers, I haven't really fought against Heavenly King-level masters. After I finish my trip to the Orange Islands, the strength of my Pokémon will rise to another level."

"So I hope to face you head-on once to see how to go next, so~ Xiaozhi, I really ask you this time." Compared to recommending Yoko as a fan to Xiaozhi, this is actually the most important thing. It is the fundamental purpose of the lover to call Xiaozhi.

"Okay~ I promise you."

"During this period of time, because of the research institute's field inspection mission, Xiaohao and I traveled all over the world, and we happened to call back the fire-breathing dragon and the ninja frog."

"After you finish your trip to the Orange Islands, at the end of the year, we two brothers will have a good fight." Feeling his lover's determination, Xiaozhi suddenly became passionate.

"It's a deal."

"It's a deal."



After getting Xiaozhi's assurance, the two chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

"Brother Liangren~ On the phone just now, you challenged Senior Xiaozhi." Nanako who was on the side looked at her husband in surprise and said after seeing her husband hang up the phone.

Because of her beloved, Nanako also knows Xiaozhi's situation very well.

Different from Su Hui, whose mind and body are more precocious than his peers, Xiao Zhi is born with a baby-faced boyish appearance.

But in terms of age, Xiaozhi is even seven or eight years older than Ryoto and Nanako, and his debut time is much earlier than the two.

And unlike Yoshito and Nanako's academy stream, Xiaozhi has been traveling all over the world since his debut, participating in alliance conferences in various regions.

Although there have been no outstanding results in the past, this is because every time Xiaozhi goes to a region, except for the original Pokémon Pikachu, he will tame and cultivate a new team of Pokémon to compete.

In the name of maintaining the original intention, but this is how he imposes hell-level difficulty on himself. Three years ago, Xiaozhi won the runner-up in the Miare Conference of the Carlos League, and won the championship in the Manaro Conference of the Alola League two years ago. .

Regardless of age, experience or personal strength, there is nothing wrong with Nanako respecting Xiaozhi as her senior.

However, facing such a powerful opponent, Ryoto not only took the initiative to challenge, but also challenged the strongest Pokmon lineup under Xiaozhi. Nanako was a little unbelievable that Ryoto made such an impulsive decision.

Although she believes in the strength of her husband, Nanako believes that she can definitely win with the strength of her husband if it is against the Pokmon that Xiaozhi is currently carrying with her.

But against Xiaozhi's strongest lineup, although she didn't want to admit it, she felt that the chances of her husband winning in the end were actually not very high.

Seeing the tangled look on the girl's face, how could the lover not understand what she was thinking.

"There are winners and losers in the battle between trainers. To challenge the strong is not so much to defeat the opponent to win, but rather to learn from each other's experience and find out your own shortcomings."

"Since Bi Diao, Dumb Beast, and Tie Jia Bei have successively broken through to the Heavenly King level, most of the trainers I can get in touch with in the current circle are no longer my opponents."

"As for Xiba, Kona, Mrs. Chrysanthemum, and Mr. Du, they also have reservations when they fight against me. Of course, it is because there is still some gap in strength between the two sides. They don't want to hit me, a junior~"

"However, after the strength breaks through to the Heavenly King level,

I really need a fight, a fight where I can give my all and be emotionally high. "

"Regardless of the final victory or defeat, I will only have a clear idea of ​​my current strength and how to improve it in the future."

Yoshito walks along the highway out of the city holding the Slowmon while explaining his purpose to Nanako.

"That's right." Nanako nodded.

Although compared with her peers, her current strength is indeed good, but there is still a huge gap compared with her husband, so sometimes she doesn't quite understand what a trainer of his level is thinking.

However, after listening to her lover's explanation, and knowing that her husband was not impulsive, but had her own considerations, Nanako let go of her worries.

After this trip to the Orange Islands, my heart is full of expectations for the battle of the century agreed by Liangren and Xiaozhi.

I've been hearing about the powerful Pokémon under Xiaozhi's hands before, but I haven't had the chance to see them. Now that I finally have the opportunity to see Xiaozhi's trump cards, Nanako can't hold back her excitement.

"In the next period of time, you guys have to work hard to train and improve your strength, otherwise you will be completely abused by Xiaozhi's group of Pokmon~"

The beloved withdrew his gaze, raised his hand to touch the dumb beast in his arms and said with a smirk.

Since breaking through to the Heavenly King level, the three main players of the first team, Bi Diao, Slow Beast, and Tie Jia Bei, have been more or less slacking off because they have never encountered an opponent that made them feel pressured.

This is also why Liangren took the initiative to challenge Xiaozhi, and challenged Xiaozhi's strongest Pokmon by name, because only by letting the three pets feel the pressure, will there be enough motivation to continue to improve in the future .

Of course, it's not just the dumb beasts, but the lover also needs such pressure to urge himself.



While chatting, they walked along the road out of the city. Although there was a road between Yanbeila City and Bige City, since it was a hiking trip, the two did not stay on the road for too long.

After leaving the range of Yanbeila City, the two left the asphalt road directly and turned into the wilderness beyond the horizon.

The dew in the morning is not suitable for traveling, but in the afternoon when the dew is dried by the sun, it is more suitable for traveling.

They camped in the camp for training in the morning and set off on the road in the afternoon. The two of them had always planned this way before, so the two who left Yangbeila City and set off on the road now followed the previous plan.

On the wilderness beyond the horizon, two figures walked side by side.

The boy is holding a dull animal, and the girl is holding a small glass fish tank with water-type Pokémon fluorescent fish. In the high and open sky, Bi Diao is flying freely with several Pokémon.

After lunch, Yoshito and Nanako turned into the wilderness and drove for more than five hours in Yanbeila City, where they left after lunch. They didn't stop until the sun dipped below the distant horizon, and then they stopped to set up camp.

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