Elf’s Shorts Boy

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-seven chapters discovered, the experiment of the beloved!

Text Chapter 1237 The Experiment of Finding a Beloved

"The wilderness between Yanbeila City and Bige City is really big enough. After walking for an afternoon, I still haven't walked out." Nanako put down the fish tank she was holding in her arms, took out a piece of paper and wiped her sweat. .

"Is it more than that?"

"It's only 20 kilometers away from Yanbeila City, and we haven't yet entered the "Great Plain" between the two cities, where there are perennial thunderstorms~" Liang, who was using a hammer with Lucario, nailed the four corners of the tent The man said with a smile.

"If you're tired, Nana, let's ride a bidou tomorrow."

"No, I'm not that delicate, just hiking like this is a very rare exercise for me." Nanako shook her head, her smile still bright.

"Okay." Hearing what she said, my husband didn't persuade her much.



It was getting dark, and the clear blue sky during the day had also turned into a black silk brocade studded with broken diamonds.

Most of the moon's face was covered by clouds, and the stars shone and shimmered together, which was still enough to illuminate the earth.

On the endless wasteland, a cold white table light came from a tent camp, and a wisp of cooking smoke floated into the night sky. Inside the camp, a boy was wearing an apron and cooking, while a girl beside him was helping.

On the big picnic mat, a few Pokémon huddled together, eating snacks, playing games, and chit chatting. It seemed that the atmosphere was very harmonious.

However, the inadvertent aura released by these elves made the wild Pokémon attracted by the fire and the smell of food feel terrified.

But think about it, if there is no trainer to train systematically these days, in a purely wild state, it is very good for Pokémon to be able to reach lv. 30.

And there are only a few elite-level wild Pokémon, and most of the wild Pokmon's level strength is actually not very high.

It is normal for these wild Pokémon not to dare to approach after feeling the heavenly king-level terrifying aura emanating from Bi Diao, Silly Beast, and Iron Armor Shell.

After all, seeking good fortune and avoiding harm is the instinct of life. Pokmon living in the wild have a stronger perception of danger than Pokmon bred by trainers, because this is their survival ability after all.

"It smells so good. I didn't expect spinach to be so delicious." Beside the fire pit, Nanako couldn't help but exclaimed as she watched the spinach poured into the pot.

"The "Spinach in Small Soup" I made is actually a simplified version, and the ingredients used in the restaurant are more diverse and complicated. "The good man said.

"Hmm~" The girl stretched her neck, pointed her nose in the direction of the soup pot, took a deep breath and nodded in response.

Nanako carefully memorized the steps of my beloved's cooking just now: "

1. Peel the preserved eggs, cut into small pieces and put them in a bowl for later use;

2. Wash the spinach and remove the roots, cut into sections, blanch in boiling water and serve;

3. Pour the preserved eggs into a hot oil pan and stir-fry, then pour in warm water and boil;

4. After the water boils, pour in the blanched spinach and a medium bowl of chicken broth for seasoning, and wait until it boils again to serve. "

"The homemade spinach soup I made only uses spinach, preserved eggs, and chicken soup. The spinach soup in the restaurant is seasoned with preserved eggs, shredded pork, wolfberry, and tofu."

Seeing the girl's greedy face, the beloved explained with a smile.

"Hee hee, Brother Liangren, the simplified version of home cooking you made looks delicious too. I think I'm going to eat two bowls of rice after a while."

"Eat more if you like it." The beloved said dotingly.

In addition to the three snack foodies, Bi Diao, Slow Beast, and Lucario, now there is another foodie girlfriend. Compared with before, the amount of food that my beloved cooks every day has increased a lot.

But the lover didn't find it troublesome, on the contrary he enjoyed it.

While chatting with Nanako, Yoshito put out the "spinach soup" in a celadon bowl,

Made another dish of "Salt and Pepper Hairtail" and "Eggplant with Minced Meat"

Two people, three dishes, three meals a day during the trip are very simple, but there is also happiness and satisfaction that cannot be experienced normally.

Nanako helped to clean up and wash the dishes. After dinner, she boiled a pot of water to make tea, while Nanako helped clean up and clean up the mess.

The two have a clear division of labor and are very in harmony with each other. Even the stars in the sky are blinking, watching their daily life curiously.

After everything was tidied up, the two sat down on a small stool with backrests, drank tea leisurely and looked up at the night sky and counted the stars. Several Pokémon were lying beside them very quietly, admiring the stars in the night sky .

After drinking a pot of tea, reading a book for a while, answering Weibo messages and private messages, and rushing for the afternoon, the two of them who were a little tired simply washed up and went back to the tent to rest.

no words all night

The next morning—

It was just dawn, Nanako hadn't gotten up in the tent next to her, she had already washed and dressed, dragged the dull beast out of the camp, and carried a glass bottle to the wasteland to collect dew.

The day before yesterday, I participated in the "Flower Rest Festival Grass Pokémon Beauty Pageant" held in Yanbeila City. After listening to Elika's suggestion, Ryoto and Nanako collected morning plant dew for Monarch Snake and Miss Qun'er.

At that time, the good man shared the super power perspective of the slow beast through the bond link, and found that the monarch snake was drinking plant dew.

On the surface of the Monarch Snake's body, an energy atmosphere aura very similar to the goblin atmosphere of the life beast Xernias in the Kalos area unexpectedly emerged.

My beloved was very concerned about this discovery of his own, and he secretly wrote it down at the time, and made up his mind to try it out again when the opportunity arises.

Now embark on a journey to continue traveling, and there is no other disturbance around him, so Liangren also decided to conduct an experiment on the previous discovery.

Although there is no basis, he has a feeling somewhere——

Drinking plant dew should not only make the grass-type Pokmon radiant and beautiful, but he thinks there should be other magical effects that others don't know about.

If the secrets can be found out, Liangren believes that this will be of great benefit to the Monarch Snake.

"Yah Duo—(???????`)~ It's just plant dew, it doesn't have as many functions as you think, my dear, I'm afraid you've got delusional disorder."

"I pulled him up early in the morning, and I haven't woken up yet." The dull beast who was dragged by his beloved to the wasteland to collect plant dew complained with a face of reluctance.

"Stop complaining, you money fanatic, I know what you're thinking, okay~ I'll count your salary." Liangren raised his hand and gently knocked on the dull beast's forehead and said.

"Yah duo——??_??) ~ How much is it?" Silly Beast stretched out its small meaty claws and touched its head, squinting its eyes and asked its lover.

"A bottle of 1,000 yuan." My husband raised a finger and said.

"Yah Duo—(??⊙w⊙`) Wasn't it still 10,000 yuan a bottle the day before yesterday? Why did it decrease so much?"

"The day before yesterday, it was because Monarch Snake was going to participate in a beauty pageant. The situation was special. Now it's only 1,000 yuan to collect a bottle of plant dew. If you want to do it, do it. If you don't, I'll find Lucario~"

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