Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1238 A Bold Conjecture Like a Genius

Chapter 1238 Bold Conjecture Like a Genius

"Ya Duo—(??′?`?)? Don't tell me, I'm just talking casually, a bottle of one thousand yuan is a bottle of one thousand yuan, and it's a deal~"

"In addition, I'm not trying to get your money. I'm calling me a little fool because of the Monarch Snake, so I also hope that the dew from these plants will be useful to it and help the Monarch Snake improve its strength."

Silly Beast took the big gooseneck glass bottle in the hands of the lover, hugged it in his arms, tilted his head and explained to the lover.

"I know, I know, thank you little brother on behalf of the Monarch Snake~" Liangren stroked the little head of the dumb beast, and nodded with a smile.



There was only about half an hour left before dawn, and one person and one pet carried a glass bottle and moved smoothly.

Unlike when I was in Yangbeila City the day before yesterday, as a garden city, there are a lot of flowers and plants in Yangbeila City Park, and it is very convenient to collect dew.

In the wilderness in front of me at this moment, there are no beautiful flowers and roses, but all kinds of unnamed weeds and weeds.

And unlike the flowers and plants in the park, which are regularly pruned by gardeners, the wilderness in front of us is very poor due to the poor soil, and even the plants that can weed grow close to the ground, very short and rickety.

Silly Beast's collection of thought power is not affected, but the beloved has to roll up his trousers and squat down.

In addition, the large gooseneck glass bottle in the hand can only be placed on the side to hold the collected dew, and the collection process requires a smaller cup.

Another difficulty is that the leaves of these low weeds in the wilderness are not as wide as those of the flowers in the park. Most of the weeds and weeds that grow in the barren wilderness have very thin and narrow leaves.

This leads to a large number of leaves and a large number of dew drops on the tip of the leaves, but the amount of dew on a single drop is not very large.

If you shake the plants with your thoughts like the dull beast, and then use your thoughts to support the shaken dewdrops to prevent them from falling to the ground, and then directly gather the fine dewdrops, and directly condense them into a stream of water and put them into the bottle.

The weeds and weeds on the wasteland in front of them, no matter how low they are and how small their leaves are, actually do not affect the efficiency of collecting dew for the dull beast.

But for a lover who needs manual collection, this is really not an easy task, and it can even be said to be very, very troublesome.

One person, one pet competes to see who collects dew faster and who collects more dew at the end.

It didn't take five minutes for the slow beast to collect a large bottle of plant dew. On the other hand, the small bowl in his hand was not full, and the shoes and pants were completely wet.

However, Ryoto did not complain. As a Pokémon trainer, Ryoto would not give up any opportunity to help his elves grow and improve their strength.

As for the dew, it is very difficult to collect. The shoes and trousers are wet with dew in the early morning, and they are cold against the skin. All the sins that the beloved has suffered at this moment are just the price of improving his strength in his opinion.

Fighting will cause pain and injury, training will cause tiredness and sweating, and it is the same logic and reason that when you go to the field to collect dew in the morning, the trousers will be wet with dew.



"Brother Liang, are you up?" At 7:30 in the morning, Nanako, who was awakened by the morning light through the tent cloth, put on her clothes and came out, rinsing her mouth with a mouthwash cup, while turning her head to the tent next to her and whispered road.

However, Nanako yelled twice, but apart from Lucario yawning, there was no response from her beloved.

"Haven't you woke up yet?" Nanako thought with some doubts.

But soon she dismissed this thought and idea, her husband's work and rest is very regular, he always goes to bed early and gets up early, and never sleeps in like other boys of the same age.

Just when Nanako was worried about whether her husband was sick, and was about to step forward and open the curtain of the tent...


You're up~" Before the sunrise, Liangren, who collected enough plant dew, also returned to the camp with the slow-witted beast at this moment.

"Brother Ryoto!!" Hearing Ryoto's voice from behind, Nanako turned her head and shouted in surprise.

"Brother Liangren, you went out. I called you just now and didn't see your response. I thought you were sick. I was really worried." The girl spat out the toothpaste foam in her mouth, patted her chest and said.

"I'm fine. I just took the dumb beast out and collected some plant dew." My husband took out a bottle full of plant dew from the mind communication system backpack and explained to Nanako.

"Oh oh~"

"But Brother Liangren, why did you suddenly think of collecting plant dew, isn't the grass-type Pokémon beauty pageant over?" Nanako looked a little puzzled.

"It's like this..." Mytoto didn't play charades or play tricks, but told Nanako the discovery after observing the monarch snake drinking plant dew, as well as the guess about the effect of plant dew.

"Brother Liangren, you mean that after the Monarch Snake drank the plant dew, an energy aura very similar to Xernias' fairy aura emerged on its body surface."

"And you want to experiment here to see if you can make the Monarch Snake comprehend and acquire this ability by insisting on letting the Monarch Snake drink the plant dew collected in the morning for a long time?"

The evening before yesterday, I just heard from Liangkou, the genius idea of ​​helping miniature dragons to inherit and retain the special abilities of "molting" and "magic scales" through training.

Unexpectedly, I heard from my beloved again today that he wanted to help the monarch snake understand and obtain ghost-like ideas similar to Xernias's characteristic "fairy atmosphere" by letting the monarch snake drink the dew of plants in the morning.

Nanako, who was brushing her teeth and rinsing her mouth, widened her eyes and opened her mouth. He didn't know why her lover always had so many strange thoughts and discoveries that ordinary people couldn't perceive.

"Maybe this is a genius, because only the eyes of a genius can discover things that ordinary people can't see, and only the brain of a genius can produce wonderful ideas that ordinary people can't imagine."

Looking at the beloved who was elaborating and guessing happily, Nanako sighed sincerely in her heart.

Of course, at this moment, apart from being shocked by her husband's surprising discovery and bold conjecture, she is also extremely proud in her heart.

This is the boy she has always dreamed of and admired since she was a child, and this is her boyfriend, no matter whether he is in a bustling city or in a desolate wilderness——

His wisdom, his genius-like brilliance, will radiate outward all the time, bringing everyone who comes into contact with him and touching him deeply.

"Nana~" After describing his conjecture, Ryoto raised his head and prepared to ask Nanako to release Miss Qun'er and Meilihua, and cooperate with the Monarch Snake in this experiment.

However, he hadn't finished speaking just now, and he didn't know what he was thinking about, and the girl was a little lost in thought.

Without even thinking about it, he replied decisively: "I am willing."

However, as soon as the words were spoken, the girl suddenly came back to her senses, with a shy and embarrassed expression on her face.

"Ah~ No, Brother Liangren, what did you just say?" Nanako turned around, pretending to use a mouthwash cup to cover up her little embarrassment, and asked.

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