Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1239 Special Substances in Dew

Text Chapter 1239 Special substances in dew

Spicy Bean Sauce

Seeing Nanako suddenly showing such a cute side, Ryoto couldn't help but feel amused, but he didn't open his mouth to joke, but repeated his request again.

"After taking the plant dew, the monarch snake has a special energy atmosphere force field, so I want Nana and your two Pokmon to try it.

It depends on whether this situation is unique to the Monarch Snake, or whether it is the case with all grass-type Pokmon. "The good man said.

"Oh——okay, no problem." Hearing her beloved's request, Nanako nodded and readily agreed.


The beloved is a vigorous character, he does what he says, wakes up a few Pokémon who are still sleeping, and hastily eats breakfast.

First, a few other Pokmon were arranged to go out for training, and then Yoshito and Nanako also called the three grass-type Pokmon Monarch Snake, Miss Qun'er, and Beautiful Flower to conduct experiments.

"Monarch Snake, Miss Qun'er, Meilihua, you three, drink this cup of dew and let me see." Taking out three cups, the beloved poured a cup of dew collected in the morning for each of the three grass-type Pokémon.




Plant dew is very good for the body of the grass-type Pokémon. Seeing that the lover poured a glass of plant dew for them to drink, the three grass-type Pokmon also nodded very obediently.

Watching the three pets Gulu Gulu drink the dew in the cup, Liang Ren also established a "bond link" with the slow beast and then observed the physical condition of the three pets from a super-power perspective.

Sure enough, not long after drinking the plant dew, the surface of the Monarch Snake's body surfaced faintly fluorescent blue.

But to my lover's surprise, he didn't see such a vision in Miss Qun'er and Meilihua who also drank the plant dew.

That feeling was like Miss Qun'er and Meilihua hiccupped after drinking the plant dew, and said 'this water is so delicious' and it went away.

But the Monarch Snake, who also drank a glass of plant dew, smacked his lips lightly, tasted it carefully, and then published a large review with in-depth and connotation.

"Brother Liangren, how are you doing?" Nanako, who didn't have a super vision and couldn't see this scene, asked her curiously.

"After the Monarch Snake drank the plant dew, the surface of the snake's body really showed a faint energy atmosphere force field like before, but Miss Qun'er and Meilihua did not have this phenomenon."

Ryoto described what he saw to Nanako who was beside him.

"No?" Nanako was a little disappointed to learn that her two Pokmon had no energy atmosphere after drinking the plant dew from Liangkou.

"Perhaps this phenomenon is unique to the Monarch Snake. After all, Brother Liang, your Monarch Snake is very special. It is not a pure grass-type Pokémon like a normal Monarch Snake, but has dual attributes of water and plants, and the two attributes It's all very balanced."

Not knowing whether to comfort herself, or to explain why the energy atmosphere force field emerged on the surface of the body only after drinking the plant dew, Nanako expressed her guess.

"Is there something special about the Monarch Snake?" Hearing Nanako's words, Ryoto's eyes suddenly lit up. This was indeed something he hadn't considered before.

"Wait a minute, after drinking the dew, Miss Qun'er and Meilihua's bodies also changed." Just when he thought that only the Monarch Snake's body changed after drinking the plant dew, Liangren suddenly made a new discovery .

"What!!" Nanako was also very pleasantly surprised when she heard her beloved's words.

But soon the beloved noticed the difference. Miss Qun'er and Meilihua did have a faint glow on their bodies, but compared with the Monarch Snake, the light on the latter was much, much dimmer.

In addition to the difference in brightness, Liangren soon discovered that the fluorescence emerging from the bodies of Miss Qun'er and Meilihua,

The color is also different from that of the monarch snake.

The faint fluorescence emerging from the surface of the Monarch Snake is a greenish blue between green and blue, while the faint fluorescence emerging from the bodies of Miss Qun'er and Meilihua is emerald green.

Recalling what Nanako said just now, the Monarch Snake has special attributes, and Ryoto found that the light emerging from the Pokmon on both sides just confirmed this point.

Miss Qun'er and Meilihua are pure grass-type Pokmon, and emerald green is the color of grass-type energy.

The Monarch Snake has a mixed attribute of grass and water, and the energy of the two attributes of aquatic plants is completely balanced.

Blue is the color of water-attributed energy, and green is the color of grass-attributed energy. The cyan-blue fluorescence that emerges from the surface of the Monarch Snake's body is just between green and blue.


Nanako was very happy to learn that Miss Qun'er and Meilihua also had energy fluorescence on their bodies after drinking the plant dew, but she didn't disturb her husband's observation, but stood quietly aside.

The good man let the three Pokémon drink a cup of plant dew. After repeated careful observation, it was found that the energy fluorescence emerging from the surface of the Monarch Snake's body was comparable to that of Miss Qun'er and Meihua.

In addition to the two intuitive differences in brightness and color, there is also a more subtle and difficult to detect difference.

That is: after the monarch snake drank the plant dew, it seemed that a special function in the body was unlocked and activated.

Visually, the body of the Monarch Snake seems to have turned into a luminous body, and energy fluorescence appears on the surface of the body, which is the halo emitted by the Monarch Snake itself, like a night pearl.

On the side of Miss Qun'er and Meilihua, it was like a sponge dipped in alcohol and gasoline, exposed to sunlight and air, and naturally volatilized outward.

It also drinks the plant dew to emit light. On the side of the monarch snake, a certain potential of the body is activated, and it turns into a luminous body to shine outward.

On the other hand, Miss Qun'er and Meilihua seemed to have drank some kind of special luminous energy substance, but their bodies couldn't hold it back, and it evaporated and lost.

From a purely visual point of view, there is no big difference between the fluorescence on the surface of the body, but the connotation and principle are quite different.

Because the "self-illumination" of the monarch snake obviously absorbed some energy from the plant dew it drank, and it also made very effective use of it.

The "volatile" glow of Miss Qun'er and Meihua means that they have not absorbed and utilized the energy in the plant dew.

Of course, this conclusion may be a bit hasty and inaccurate, but after comparing the differences between the two parties, Liangren can be 100% sure that the plant dew does contain some kind of special energy substance.

Monarch Snake can absorb and effectively use this special energy substance, while Miss Qun'er and Meilihua cannot absorb and utilize this special energy substance.

Of course, Miss Qun'er and Meihua should be able to absorb other energy in the plant dew that is beneficial to grass-type Pokmon.

But at present, the two of them really can't absorb this special substance. Only the Monarch Snake can absorb and use this special substance.

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