Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1241 Learning Skills:

Chapter 1241 Learning the Skill "Flying Leaf Storm"

The "bond link" that can share the perspective and senses has always been used by Liangren's men to guide Pokmon training, and the effect is similar to the existence of a cheating device.

In the past, it was necessary to rely on the power of the slow beast to guide the training of the Monarch Snake, but now the Monarch Snake has also established a bond with the beloved, and it has become easier for the beloved to guide the Monarch Snake to train.

After inspecting the training of other Pokémon and seeing that there were no problems, Liangren also began to guide the Monarch Snake to train.

"Hoo hoo..."


The wind blows across the wasteland, and the low-hanging bushes shake their branches and leaves and make a whirling sound.

Several large clusters of 'vagrant' tumbleweeds that were caught by the bushes also broke free at this moment, using the power of the wind to chase the wind and roll on the Gobi wasteland.

The early morning sun has risen from the horizon, hanging high in the sky, and the damp dew on the wasteland in the early morning has been baked and dispelled by the warm sun.

The Beloved and the Monarch Snake also started training. According to the usual practice, the Beloved and the Monarch Snake first reviewed and reviewed the powerful whipping and the sun and flames that they had learned earlier.

Things like moves and skills are not to be ignored after they are learned, but to be continuously polished to become more proficient, so that they will be more handy when used in battle next time.

Now with the "Bond Link", the good man can guide from the perspective of a bystander, or switch to the perspective of the Monarch Snake himself, and experience the whole process of the entire skill display and activation personally.

Whether it is learning new skills or reviewing and consolidating previously mastered skills.

With this double-perspective review and inspection, many flaws and mistakes in details that were not noticed before can now be corrected one by one, so that the Monarch Snake's mastery of skills can be further improved.



It took less than half an hour to review and consolidate. After doing all this, Liang Ren and Monarch Snake also officially started learning new skills.

"Are you ready?" Looking at the Monarch Snake, the lover asked as usual.

"Wum, master, I'm ready—" Monarch Snake adjusted his state and nodded seriously.

"Okay, ready, then let's start." After Liangren finished speaking, he also used the mind communication system backpack, clicked on the skill disc of "Flying Leaf Storm" and used it.

The experience and skills about the skill Flying Leaf Storm were poured into Monarch Snake's head like enlightenment, and Monarch Snake, who was no stranger to this process, immediately settled down to understand and absorb this experience carefully.

That's right, what the good man arranged for the Monarch Snake to learn today is the Flying Leaf Storm that can perfectly cooperate with the hidden characteristic of the Monarch Snake, "Singing a Tune", and play a greater role.

"Flying Leaf Storm" is a grass-attribute big move. It uses sharp leaves to roll up a storm to attack the enemy. Although the lethality of the skill is very terrifying, the strong reaction force of the skill will also make the user of the skill greatly increase their own special attack ability. Cut lower.

Ordinary grass-type Pokmon use "Flying Leaf Storm" to launch attacks. The more times you use it, the weaker your own special attack ability will be.

However, the hidden characteristic of the Monarch Snake, "Negative", has the ability to change all the abilities acting on itself, from rising to falling, from weakening to strengthening.

Although the Monarch Snake with the characteristic of playing a different tune can't take the strengthening route, it can't use "growth, sword dance, dragon dance" to strengthen itself.

However, by using skills that would have lowered one's own ability level after use, one can turn a corner and strengthen one's own ability.

Skills such as Flying Leaf Storm and Flower Cannon that would have reduced their own special attack after use, have directly become a significant increase in special attack ability after use for the Monarch Snake, who sings the anti-tune characteristic.

Of course, as Magearna's exclusive skill, "Flower Cannon" cannot be learned by Monarch Snake, but "Flying Leaf Storm", which is a grass attribute skill, can still be learned by Monarch Snake.


Because of the grass blender as the foundation, Monarch Snake didn't spend too much time learning Flying Leaf Storm, and digested the experience infused by the skill disc in a few minutes.

The next thing to do is to practice, to split the entire mode mechanism of skill operation into effect, and to carry out intensive training for each step and detail.

Liangren doesn't know how other trainers in the circle help his Pokmon with skill training, but this "total-point-total" training method is very suitable for Liangren.

Not only because he personally likes to study the principles and operating mechanisms of things in depth, but also because he can observe the whole process of microscopic energy operation that ordinary people cannot see during the skill display through the sensory sharing of the "bond link".

It is precisely because the lover has all the above-mentioned conditions that he can use a fixed model of "total-point-total" to guide Pokémon to learn skills and deepen their understanding.


The wilderness is very windy, and as time goes by, the sun rises higher and higher in the sky.

Under the supervision and guidance of his beloved, Monarch Snake quickly completed the first half of the training of power transformation, power control...etc.

The second half is the construction of the energy operation formula, which is the most important part of skill learning and training.

Different from the previous physical attack skill "Strong Whip", one needs to strengthen two rattan whips.

"Flying Leaf Storm" is a special energy attack, and the construction of the energy operation formula it requires is centered around energy mimicry and mechanical movement.

First, the energy that is completely transformed into grass attributes is condensed through the principle of energy mimicry to form pieces of tough and sharp energy leaves——

Then through other techniques, the energy leaves are gathered together and rotated rapidly, forming a terrifying storm of flying leaves.

Let this attack not only have the absorption, tearing and strangulation of the storm, but also have a very amazing cutting power because of the sharp energy leaves doing whirling motion.

It is also a grass-type ultimate move, the lethality of Flying Leaf Storm is comparable to that of the powerful whip and sun flames learned earlier, and the number of energy spells contained in the skill is also similar.

It's just that the flying leaf storm is a special attack skill. Although the energy formula is constructed in the body, the effect is produced outside the body.

Whether it is controlling the energy to form leaves, or making the energy leaves whirl to make mechanical movements, this has great requirements on the energy control ability of the Monarch Snake, and of course it can be said to be a burden.

However, Monarch Snake, as a spell assassin, is a special attack and is very good at controlling its own power. In addition, the energy spells in "Grass Blender" that it has mastered in the early stage have many overlaps and similarities with "Flying Leaf Storm". .

Therefore, the construction of the Feiye storm energy formula seems to be very complicated, but in fact the difficulty is not as great as imagined.

Before going out in the morning, it took a lot of time to do experiments on plant dew and energy field atmosphere. However, the study of Feiye Storm, Monarch Snake, was completed around 11:00 in the morning.

Every step and detail has been done to the extreme, and the next thing to do is to connect all links and steps for training.

But this step is very simple. At this step, the study of "Flying Leaf Storm" is basically completed.

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