Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1242 Beloved's

Text Chapter 1242 Beloved's 'total-point-total' training method


Sovereign Snake drank some plant dew and ate two blue oranges to recover some of his strength.

After resting for a while, one person, one pet started training again.

In the process of "total-point-total" skill training, the previous "total-point" has been completed, and the next thing to do is to combine the steps that have been perfected in individual training and train them in series.

Although the training of this step is not too difficult, it must be done from beginning to end.

Connecting subdivision links and steps in series for training is the last step of skill training, and both the lover and the monarch are taking it very seriously.

"Sovereign Snake, next you perform "Flying Leaf Storm" completely, and I will help you remember the time. "My dear man, he took out a stopwatch from the system backpack and said.

"Wum~" Monarch Snake nodded obediently, then closed his eyes slightly.

According to the requirements of the lover, the Monarch Snake began to connect the various subdivision steps of the previous training, and completely displayed the "Flying Leaf Storm"



In the sound of a gust of wind blowing the big tree and the swaying of the branches and leaves, a large number of emerald green energy leaves formed out of thin air.

These energy leaves are very realistic, my beloved can even see the veins on the energy leaves very clearly with his eyes wide open.

After the energy leaves condensed and formed, they quickly gathered and whirled together, turning into a frightening tornado of flying leaves in the blink of an eye.

When the hurricane passed through, low shrub vegetation with well-developed roots grew close to the ground on the wasteland. The leaves on the branches were wiped off and smashed in an instant, and the plants were uprooted in an instant and rolled into the sky.

In addition to the vegetation, the dust, sand, and gravel on the Gobi Desert in the wilderness were also swept up and beaten. At first glance, it can be described as dusty, flying sand and rocks.

The flying leaf storm roared past, and the barren and solid Gobi Desert was also cut off a layer of 'skin', which can be seen from the power of this skill.

"Wum~" The Monarch Snake, who had cast the Flying Leaf Storm, raised his head and let out a long and carefree cry.

After the "Flying Leaf Storm" is cast, the special attack ability will be greatly weakened in a short period of time, ushering in a period of weakness, but this weakening of power has aroused the stubbornness, rebelliousness and rebellion in the character of "Singer".

The passive effect of the anti-tune hidden feature is activated, and the cost of using the skill Flying Leaf Storm, the reduction of the "level 2" special attack ability is directly forcibly reversed, and it becomes an increase and enhancement of the "level 2" special attack ability.

After performing this hurricane-like ultimate move, the Monarch Snake not only did not pay the price and ushered in a short period of weakness, but its special attack ability was greatly strengthened.

Because of the existence of the trait of "Singing a Tune", I have never enjoyed the power-enhanced Monarch Snake before.

It was the first time to taste the strengthening of one's own strength, which made it feel like drinking a glass of ice water on a hot summer day, both physically and mentally, feeling refreshed.

On the other hand, my beloved, apart from sighing the terrifying and destructive power of the flying leaf storm, he used a stopwatch to help the Monarch Snake time.

"3 seconds" 57 milliseconds, not bad. The beloved looked at the count on the stopwatch, nodded in satisfaction and said.

"However, in the future, every time you practice casting, I hope you can make progress until you completely train the skill of Flying Leaf Storm to instant cast."

"Are you confident to finish it?" My beloved looked at the Monarch Snake and asked.

"Umm~ I can do it." Monarch Snake replied confidently.

"Okay, let's continue training."

After finishing speaking, one person, one pet began to train seriously again, trying to train the skill of "Flying Leaf Storm" to the point where it can be cast instantly before noon.



"Boom!!" The storm of flying leaves swept across the wasteland, flying sand and rocks, and blowing away buildings.

Continuously casting skills for more than half an hour, the originally very barren wasteland Gobi Desert, the shallow layer of soil on the surface has been scratched by the flying leaf storm,

Expose the dark rock below.

"Papa papa..."

"Not bad, I was worried about not having enough time, but I didn't expect you, Monarch Snake, to have mastered the "Flying Leaf Storm" in one morning. "

Looking at the Sovereign Snake standing proudly, the beloved clapped his hands and said in praise.

"Wum~Flying Leaf Storm has many energy spells that overlap with the Grass Blender, so compared to the previous Strong Whiplash and Sunshine Flame, Flying Leaf Storm is not very difficult to learn."

"The "hardening plants" we will learn next may not be so simple. "Sovereign Snake also said very self-aware.

"As the ultimate move in the grass-type skills, the hardened plant with an initial damage of up to 150 should be more difficult to learn than other skills."

"However, Monarch Snake, you are so smart, and now I can also guide you through the bond link, half a day is not enough, and one day is more than enough." My lover is still very confident about this.

"Hmm~" Monarch Snake is still very confident in his beloved and in himself.

"Today's training is here first. Let's go back to the camp. If we don't go back, those foodies are going to make trouble soon."

He handed Monarch Snake a blue orange, and then walked towards the camp one by one.



Staying for training in the morning and traveling in the afternoon, this was planned by Ryoto and Nanako.

Liangren and Monarch Snake returned to the camp, and all the other Pokémon had returned from training. Nanako was changing the water in the fluorescent fish tank.

Seeing her lover and Monarch Snake returning from training, the girl raised her head and smiled.

"Brother Liangren~ You are back, how is the training of the Monarch Snake this morning going well?" Nanako asked with concern.

"not bad."

"With the "Grass Blender" as the foundation, Monarch Snake has been very successful in the training of "Flying Leaf Storm", and is now able to achieve instant casting. Ryoto also happily showed Nanako his morning training results.

"You really deserve to be a good man. From scratch, he learned and mastered Feiye Storm in one morning. If such efficiency is said, it will probably scare people." The girl sighed with a smile, her pretty face Full of pride.

"It's all the result of Monarch Snake's own efforts. Of course, the effect of "Bond Link" for guiding Pokmon to do skill training is indeed very buggy~" Yoshito said with a smile.



Yoshito started making lunch while chatting with Nanako.

Compared with life in the city and school, traveling abroad is relatively free, but the more no one controls you, the more self-discipline you need.

Eat on time every day and learn to add clothes by yourself when it’s cold. For parents who are worried about their long-term travel, doing so can also make them less worried.

Today's lunch for the two of them was still very simple. They didn't even cook, so they cooked a small pot of curry rice. After lunch, the two of them tidied up and packed their luggage before continuing on the road.

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