Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1244 Wonderful Scenery on the Thunderstorm Plain

Chapter 1244 Wonderful Scenery on the Thunderstorm Plain

——Behind Yinshan Mountain, Thunderstorm Great Plains——

"Three-in-one magnet monsters, the thunder is coming down, everyone get together and get ready to absorb the power."

On the Great Plains, a middle-aged man dressed as a cowboy shouted loudly.

Said to be a middle-aged man, in fact, this man looked at least fifty years old, his voice was a little hoarse and deep, and he was not very majestic.

In the mid-air ahead, the group of small magnetites and three-in-one magnetites who were 'herded' by him did not immediately obey the middle-aged man's instructions, and still flew around in a disorderly manner.

"Woohoo~" But at this moment, a thunder elf with golden guard hair jumped out from the side of the middle-aged man.

I saw it jumping out, and roaring majesticly and imposingly towards the three-in-one magnet monster flying back and forth in the mid-air ahead.



The magnet monster group, who didn't obey the orders of this elderly middle-aged man, was very afraid of the thunder elves.

After hearing its majestic roar, the group of magnet monsters gathered in a commotion and acted very quickly according to the instructions.

"Boom!!!" After the magnetite and the three-in-one magnetite gathered together, there was a roar of thunder in the cumulonimbus clouds in the sky, as if a storm was coming.

"Huhu..." The thunderstorm on the great plain was howling with fury. Because of the reflection of cumulonimbus clouds and the color of the sky, the wind on the plain seemed to be black as well.

The middle-aged man who was retreating with the Kentaro bullock cart held the rein with one hand and pressed the cowboy hat with the other to prevent it from being blown away.

The middle-aged man backed quickly on the bullock cart, but his eyes were always focused on the little magnetons and the three-in-one magnetons he was grazing in front of him.

As an electrical Pokémon, Thunder Spirit is not afraid of thunder, so it stays next to the magnet monster group to take care of it.

On the Kentello bullock cart, this middle-aged man over half a century old looked at the cumulonimbus clouds in the sky and felt that the timing was right.

As if using all his strength, he ordered loudly towards the group of magnet monsters grazing in front of him: "Lead the thunder!!"

"Woohoo~" As soon as the man finished speaking, the thunder elves guarding the side of the group of magnet monsters also raised their heads and let out a howl full of momentum.



It's okay to disobey the middle-aged man's words, but the magnet monster group dare not neglect the orders of the thunder spirits.

For the magnetites and the three-in-one magnetites gathered together, electric sparks flickered on the U-shaped magnets on their bodies, and all the magnetites and the three-in-one magnetites used their electromagnetic waves.

Filaments of electromagnetic waves, generally without any lethality, converged at this moment to form an arm-thin lightning-inducing light, and then shot straight into the dark cumulonimbus clouds in the sky.


... ↑ ... ↑ ...


... ↑ ... ↑ ...


The middle-aged man was not the only one on the Thunderstorm Great Plains grazing electric-type Pokémon. At this moment, when the magnet monster group shot an electric light to attract thunder and lightning towards the cumulonimbus cloud in the sky.

Throughout the vast plain, in different places and in different directions, but almost at the same time, there are many roads that lead lightning to the sky.

In an environment where the wind and rain are about to come, and the sky and the earth are dark, it can be said that it is very shocking to have such bright lightning and lightning strike straight into the sky.

Such a scene may only be seen on the Thunderstorm Great Plains.



Not long after the beams of thunder and lightning shot into the cumulonimbus clouds, there was an even more deafening roar of thunder in the dark sky, like ten thousand chariots charging.

Immediately afterwards, a thunderstorm sounded in the ear, and then a series of dazzling lightning, like devil's claws, bombarded the ground along the previous trajectory of lightning and lightning.









"Baa baa~"

"Baa baa~"



Magneto, 3-in-1 Magneto, Lightning Ball, Naughty Bullet, Mali Sheep...

Thunderstorms on the Great Plains,

All kinds of electric-type Pokémon that were grazed by the trainer and specially used to absorb the power of the sky thunder were bathed in electric light at this moment, and their mouths let out cheerful chirping sounds.


Half an hour later, the electricity in the thunderstorm cloud over the Great Plains was divided by groups of electric Pokémon below.

The dark clouds gradually dissipated, and the sky returned to its original appearance.

It was already six o'clock at this moment, the sun had already set in the western mountains, the sky was full of sunset, and the clouds were as red as if they had been scorched by fire.

"Thunder Elf, gather the little magnet monsters and the three-in-one magnet monsters together, we can't rest now, we have to send the power to Laolin Town before it gets completely dark."

After waiting for three full days on the thunderstorm plain, and finally successfully collecting the electricity from the thundercloud, the middle-aged man was non-stop preparing to send the electricity to Laolin Town.

In addition to the small town of Lingang, Yanbeila City, and Bige City on Little Orange Island, there are actually many small towns scattered on the island.

Because these towns are small in scale, large in number, and relatively remote, the construction difficulty and cost of erecting power grids are very high, so these small towns are not connected to electricity.

But with the development of the times, these small towns that were originally closed and backward now also have a very large demand for electricity, coupled with the special geographical environment of the thunderstorm Great Plains.

On Little Orange Island, such a group of people and such a special profession gradually emerged.

They graze electric Pokémon on the Thunderstorm Great Plains to collect the electricity in the thunderstorm cloud, and then transmit and sell the collected electricity at a reasonable price to these remote towns that do not have a power grid.

Verde is such a special professional who herds electric Pokémon and delivers electricity to remote towns.

"Woohoo~" Seeing the group of magnet monsters who didn't respond to Fode's command, the Thunder Spirit let out a majestic howl.



The group of magnet monsters who were lazy and didn't want to move, immediately gathered together obediently after hearing Thunder Spirit's howl, and then flew towards the Kentaro car driven by Verde.

However, not every magneto is afraid of the thunder spirit's aura. There is a small magnetite in the group of magnetites, who dismisses the thunder spirit's order.

Still going its own way, running to the end of the team like the tail of a crane, secretly releasing the electricity collected just now.

"Woohoo~" Seeing that the little magneto was secretly making tricks, Thunder Spirit was furious, and opened his mouth to hit the little magneto with lightning like a sword.


"Lili~" The little Magneto, who was violently attacked by the Thunder Spirit, screamed angrily, the horseshoe magnets on both sides of its body rotated at high speed, and electric sparks flickered.

Immediately afterwards, the two horseshoe magnets pointed forward, and the electric sparks converged into an arm-thin lightning that slammed fiercely at Thunder Elf.

Looking at Magneto's angry expression, the conflict broke out between the two elves. Obviously, it wasn't just the thunder elves who attacked Magneto with lightning just now.

There is a deep grudge between this little 'thorn-headed' magneton and Thunder Elf. Looking at its vicious expression, it seems that there is a deep hatred.

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