Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1245 Conflict, run away from home~

Text Chapter 1245 Conflict, run away from home~

Spicy Bean Sauce

"Howling~" Thunder Elf, who was hit by a discharge from Magneto, howled angrily, and the sharp white hair on his neck stretched out like the collar of an electric iguana.

Possessing the characteristic of "storage" that prevents damage from electric attribute attacks, although Magnemite's electric shock did not hurt the thunder elf, its counterattack obviously angered this fiery thunder elf.

Thunder Elf, who played the role of "shepherd dog" in this small group, thought that his majesty should not be offended by a little magneto, so he immediately responded to the little magneto.

"Howling~" Thunder Elf's sharp guard hairs exploded angrily, and the ferocious howling made the surrounding three-in-one magnet monsters back in fear.

At this moment, the only one who can face the angry Thunder Spirit without fear is the little Magnemite who has conflicted with the Thunder Spirit.

Neither side was in the mood to talk about it, and the little magnetite floating in the air swooped down and slammed into the Thunder Spirit.


"Howl—" Seeing the little Magneto rushing towards it with a scream, the Thunder Spirit raised its head and howled, and slashed at the little Magneto fiercely with a blow of 100,000 volts.

The hands are long and the hands are short, and the magnetite is only attacking recklessly, so before it hits the Thunder Spirit, it is directly hit by the Thunder Spirit's 100,000 volts for its petite body.

"Bang—" The little Magneto does not have the "storage" characteristic of the electric system, which is immune to damage like the Thunder Spirit. After being hit by 100,000 volts in the front, its small body flew out at a speed faster than the impact. , and then fell hard to the ground.

"Lili~" The little Magneto groaned in pain after being smashed firmly on the solid ground, but the huge one-eyed eye in the center of the spherical body still stared angrily at the opposite Thunder Fairy.

Looking at the resentful eyes of Magneto, Thunder Fairy also had undisguised anger in his eyes, as well as a mix of nostalgia and hatred, in short, very tangled emotions.

"Woohoo~" Thunder Elf let out a howl, and was about to continue attacking, and gave the little Magneto a hard lesson, so that it could have a long memory.

But seeing the conflict between the two Pokémon, Fode, who hadn't spoken for a long time, finally stopped him and said:


"Thunder Spirit, stop, we still have a task to do, we must send the electricity to Laolin Town before dark."

Looking at the two parties that broke out in conflict, Foder seemed to be unable to think of any reason to stop appeasement. In the end, he only told the two Pokémon that they still had tasks to do right now.

"Woohoo~" Thunder Elf gave Magneto a fierce look, but he still stopped and didn't continue to attack.

The little Magneto that fell to the ground floated up again. Facing the threat from Thunder Spirit's eyes, the little Magneto still had an unconvinced expression, as if he was a stubborn boy in the rebellious period of youth.

Watching Fode driving the Kentero bullpen cart, and Thunder Spirit driving the three-in-one magnet monsters to float and follow them step by step, the little magnet monsters that flew up from the ground seemed to have made up their minds.

"Lili~" the little magnetite yelled at Verde, Thunder Fairy, and other gentle and cowardly three-in-one magnetites, then turned around and flew away in the opposite direction of the team.

It seemed like a rebellious teenager who decided to run away from home after being beaten up by the 'guardian'.

"Woohoo~" Seeing the little magnetite flying away from the team, the thunder spirit who was driving the three-in-one magnetite turned around suddenly.

With his body bent down, the sharp needle hairs on his body stood on end, his face was horribly bared, and he let out a furious howl.

"Hey——Thunder Elf, forget it." Seeing that Thunder Elf was going to chase the little Magneto back, Verde on the Kentaro bullock cart sighed in frustration.

"We have to send the electricity to Laolin Town before dark. Let's come back to find it tomorrow."

"Little Magneto is just acting impulsively, and when it calms down, it will come back by itself, because this is its home after all.

"The middle-aged man didn't know whether to appease Lei Fairy or comfort himself when he said this.

Looking up at the sky, Verde flicked the reins, and drove the Kentero bullock cart towards the direction of Laolin Town outside the thunderstorm plain.

Thunder Spirit turned his head and glanced at the direction in which Magneto was leaving. The anger in his eyes had not completely subsided, but a trace of worry appeared on his face.

Sensing his emotions, Thunder Elf shook his head, and secretly scolded 'ridiculous' in his heart. If anyone in the whole team said who hated this little bastard the most, Thunder Elf would definitely rank first.

It doesn't know how much it hates and hates this little bastard, and hopes that it will go away, never and never appear in front of its own eyes, and now that the little magneto has 'run away from home', it doesn't know how happy it is, how can it worry about this damn little mongrel.

"I hope you never come back, it's better to die outside." After cursing viciously in his heart, Thunder Fairy followed the team lightly and nimbly, not thinking about the little magnetite who left the team.



As the sun sets, the sunset glow and Huoshaoyun in the sky gradually fade away and become dim.

I stayed in the Gobi wasteland for two days. Although according to the normal travel plan, it is time to stop and set up camp for dinner.

However, the two felt a little tired of staying in the wasteland, and they still entered the barrier-like mountain in front of them. At the foot of the mountain, there were many bushes growing, and the terrain was relatively flat.

"Bang bang bang bang..." He took out the tent that had just been dismantled at noon and set it up. My husband and Lucario each held a hammer and drove nails into the four corners of the tent.

On the other side, Nanako was washing rice and vegetables.

I have been traveling for so long and have been eating meals cooked by my beloved, and my beloved teaches cooking every day. Tonight, Nanako is also going to show off her skills and cook dinner herself.

Beloved and the three snacks of Slow Beast, Bi Diao, and Lucario also expressed their expectations.

Although Nanako is not good at cooking, this is only compared to a good man who is proficient in cooking.

She is not the kind of kitchen idiot, all the dark dishes made by her hands are inedible dark dishes, just saying that compared to the ones made by her beloved, they are not so delicious.

However, Nanako can still master some simple dishes.

After setting up the tent, Ryoto took a chair and sat down at the dining table, took out his laptop and opened the word document to add and perfect the training plan for his Pokmon.

And Lucario, a snack foodie, shook his head and tail, and ran to Nanako who was making dinner like a child.

"Aww——???????~Sister Nanako, what are you going to do for us?" Lucario asked curiously.

"Braised prawns, chicken popcorn, sweet and sour pork ribs, and Coca-Cola chicken wings." Nanako said while raising the notebook in which she recorded the four dishes in detail.

"Aww——???????~ So many delicious things, Nanako's sister Sai Gao." Lucario excitedly sent a rainbow fart.

"If it's not delicious, Xiaolu, Dadai... you gourmets, you should take care of it." Nanako said while starting to process the ingredients.

"Aww—???????~No, Nanako's sister's dishes must be delicious."

"Yah duo—(???) If it's not delicious, then I'll give you a bad review." Unlike Lucario's flattery, the dumb beasts who are also surrounded by it are a little tsundere said.

After eating the food cooked by the chef of my lover for a long time, no matter if it is Bi Diao, Slow Beast, or Lucario, they all have a bit of a tricky mouth.

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