Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1253 The Decision of the Little Magneto

Chapter 1253 Magneto's Decision

Just like the few lyrics my beloved heard yesterday when I watched Dumbbeast using Douyin——

‘My sister is the queen, she shines with confidence...you can fly without fear of wind, frost, rain, snow and headwinds...no matter what kind of sadness you have experienced, you have to live out what you want in life’

Although when I was listening to it, Liangren even complained a little that the song was a bit silly, but I have to say that the song and the words really conveyed a kind of positive energy.

And this song is very appropriate for the Monarch Snake, it is simply a true portrayal of the life of the Monarch Snake, and the Monarch Snake is just like what this song sings.

Its Monarch Snake has a bumpy past and has never been anyone's little princess, but now and in the future, it can stand up and counterattack and become the most domineering queen! ! !

"Maybe, Monarch Snake can really break through to the Heavenly King level ahead of Lucario." Looking back and forth between Monarch Snake and Lucario, the lover couldn't help guessing.



The night is deep, the moon hides in the clouds, the earth is only illuminated by the stars in the night sky, and the light looks a little dim.

Emotionally released, the little Magneto who cried a lot fell into his lover's arms and fell into a deep sleep.

Although the Monarch Snake's breakthrough is worth celebrating, considering the sleeping Magneto, Liangren and all the Pokémon will also temporarily postpone the celebration.

After a brief wash, Ryoto and Nanako went back to their tents to rest.

Nothing to say all night until dawn——

"Lili~" slept all night in the arms of his lover, and after waking up the next day, the little magneto's affection for his lover had reached an unbelievable height.

If you don't say it, others will never think that this little magneto has been with his beloved for less than a day, and he has not yet been formally tamed by him.

Magneto is so close and dependent on his lover, it seems that Magneto has been tamed by him for a long time, and the long time together has established a very deep friendship and emotional bond.

But this is exactly the result that the beloved wants to see. After all, everything the beloved has done before is to finally subdue the little magnetism.


Outside the tent of the camp, seeing that the sky had not been fully lit, he dressed and washed and went out early, and then took Lucario and Dumbbeast and went out with a large glass bottle.

"Lili~" Little Magneto blinked and stared at his beloved with curiosity like big-eyed cuteness.

"The dew on the leaves of the plants in the morning is very good for the grass-type Pokémon. I, Slowly Beast, Lucario, and I are going to collect the dew, and then give it to your Sister Monarch Snake."

Sensing the curiosity in Magneto's eyes, Liangren also explained with a smile.

"Lili~" Hearing his beloved's explanation, the little Magneto nodded with enlightenment.

See Liangren, Lucario, and Dumbbeast, holding a glass bottle in front of the bushes and starting to collect dew, and the little Magneto follows along like a floating pendant.

There are a lot of shrubs growing in the foothills. Although the leaves of the shrubs are still small, it is a little easier to collect plant dew in the bushes than the plants that grow on the ground in the Gobi wasteland.

Of course, only a little bit——

The beloved went into the bushes with the glass bottle. Within five minutes, the shoes and trousers were wet and stuck to the skin coldly, feeling very uncomfortable.

But my beloved, he didn't complain. After all, it wasn't the first time that he had experienced this kind of experience. Everything was just to help the Monarch Snake grow and improve his strength. Moreover, when he went out this morning, he also specially changed into a quick-drying sportswear.

"Lucario, Slow Beast, speed up and collect as much as possible."

"Right now, when traveling on land, it is very convenient to come out early every morning to collect plant dew. After leaving Little Orange Island, it will be difficult to collect plant dew after traveling at sea."

The stiff man who had bent over for too long stood up from the bushes, and lightly patted his lower back with his backhand,

At the same time, he also said to the "two brothers" who were collecting dew during the competition.

"Yah Duo—(′?ω?`) Just give me the money~"

"Aww——?????????? Okay!!!" The two Pokémon agreed.

Compared with the slow-witted beast Chiguo, who said that he would count wages for it, Lucario, who also earns pocket money through this event to buy game skins, looks much more well-behaved.

The beloved looked at these two guys and couldn't help but burst out laughing, but he didn't say anything.

He rubbed his back with some stiff muscles, and then continued to bend over to collect plant dew with a glass bottle.

Little Magneto still didn't say a word, following behind his lover like a little follower or a floating pendant, watching him busy.

Magneto is not a very simple wild Pokémon. It was born in the Thunderstorm Plains, a community of electric Pokémon raised by humans.

Although it is shepherded by human trainers, it gets along with humans day and night.

But because the other party is not a professional trainer like Liangren, they will not take care of and train them sincerely, and will not spend time, energy, and resources to cultivate their strength.

The so-called trainer only used them as a tool, as a mobile power bank that collects electricity. If the power bank was accidentally overcharged one day, the "trainer" would not be too sad.

"Just like mom did back then." As if remembering something, there was a deep sadness in the big eyes of the little Magneto.

After it ran away from the herd angrily yesterday evening, it never thought about going back.

Because of living with humans for a long time, Magneto knows that he can no longer adapt to life in the wild.

In addition, it is very eager to become stronger, so after it left the herd this time, it also went to the outside world to find a trainer who could make itself stronger.

Although he got off to a bad start and was besieged by four Alidos after entering the Yin Mountain, he was very lucky to be rescued by a human trainer in the end.

Because of the blood of his father, whom he has never met and only heard from his mother, Magneto is born with a very strong mental power and a very high IQ.

Although the time of getting along is not long, Magneto can feel that the trainer who saved it is very strong, and the strength of all the Pokmon under him is also very strong.

The most important thing is that this human being is very kind to his Pokmon, and his Pokmon are also easy to get along with. Whether it is a trainer or a Pokmon, Magneto likes it very much.

As a dual-attribute Pokémon of "Electricity + Steel", Magneto has both the resoluteness of an Electric-type Pokémon and the firmness and tenacity of a Steel-type Pokémon.

Whatever it decides, once a decision is made, it will not be shaken by anyone or anything.

Although this human has not known each other for a long time, it is not an uninformed wild Pokémon. The human in front of him is excellent, outstanding, and powerful.

This human is the trainer it longs for, and Magneto has made up his mind to gain the other's approval, and then follow him to become the other's Pokmon.

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