Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1254 Magneto's Mother

The reason why the little Magneto is so decisive is because its mother once taught it——

‘Decisions are not hasty or deliberate, only right or wrong, life and destiny will give us a lot of setbacks and tribulations, but opportunities are very, very few, so when opportunities come, we must not hesitate~

The monkey went down the mountain, discarding corn, peaches, and watermelons one after another, and finally found that he had nothing when he reached the foot of the mountain;

Koda Duck walks on the beach to pick up shells, always feeling that the next one will be more beautiful, so he keeps throwing away the shells he picked up before, until finally he finds that the most beautiful shell is the first one he picked up.

When an opportunity comes, the last thing you should do is hesitate, and the last thing you should think is to think that what you encounter next will be better.

If we really can’t make a decision, we should ask our heart and let our heart make the decision for us. If our heart likes it very much, then we can no longer have any hesitation or hesitation. '

Magneto remembered the expression and eyes of his mother when she said this.

'Little monster, how many golden opportunities are there in life? Once we encounter them, we will rush forward without hesitation and seize them vigorously, just like me and your father back then.'

"Your father is the golden opportunity that I encountered in my life, and I grasped this golden opportunity by relying on bravery and decisiveness, and then you, little monster, were born..."

Although they have never met their father, the Pokémon in the herd secretly ridicule their mother, saying that it made a wrong choice.

However, Magneto recalled the proud look on his mother's face when he mentioned his father whom he had never met, and Magneto firmly believed that his mother was right.

And at this moment, the human being it is lucky to meet is the greatest golden opportunity in its life, and it will also learn from its mother, rushing forward and grasping it vigorously.

Of course, there may be a little difference between the two. The mother met the father, and what she grasped was love, but what she met was a human trainer, and what she grasped was the opportunity to become stronger and change her own destiny. .

And it will be more determined than his mother.



The sun rose from the eastern horizon in the early morning, and Liangren, who had collected five large bottles of plant dew, also returned to the camp with a few Pokémon.

"Brother Liangren~" Nanako, who was making breakfast in the camp, shouted happily when she saw her return.

"Nanai, how do you make breakfast? Don't I usually cook it?" Looking at the busy girl, the lover asked a little strangely.

"Because you usually do it, brother Liangren, that's why I want to help you share some of it."

"Brother Liangren, you are usually so busy training, now you go out early in the morning to collect plant dew before dawn.

Although I don't have the confidence to cook lunch well, but for breakfast, I have a little confidence in my cooking skills now, so I want to help you share a little, Brother Liangren, so that you don't get so tired. "

Seeing her lover's face full of doubts, the girl twisted the lace of her apron lightly with her fingers, and explained shyly.

"Thank you Nana, it's great to have you~" Myoto stepped forward to hold Nanako's hand, and he said softly and affectionately.

"Brother Liang, go wash your hands, change into dry clothes, and get ready for breakfast.


Seeing Magneto blinking and staring at the two, Nanako shyly broke away from her lover's hand and said with a slightly red face.

"Oh oh~ good~"

"By the way, Nana, this is the plant dew that I collected with Dumbmon and Lucario. You use two bottles." My husband took out two large bottles of plant dew from the system warehouse and handed them to the girl. .

But seeing the two bottles of plant dew handed over by her lover, Nanako shook her head hastily, but she didn't follow.

"Brother Liangren, these plant dews are collected by you and Slowly Beast and Lucario early in the morning. They are used to help Monarch Snake do research on the ability of "Plant Atmosphere". How can you give it to me~"

"It doesn't matter, the slow beast, Lucario and I have collected a lot of dew, and I only have the monarch snake and a grass attribute elf under my command, and it doesn't need much by itself."

"But you have two grass-type Pokémon under your command. Although Miss Qun'er and Meihua can't absorb the special energy in plant dew, they can absorb other beneficial ingredients in plant dew."

"So you accept it." My husband stuffed two large bottles of plant dew into the girl's hands, but he still underestimated Nanako's concern for him and his own stubbornness.

Although she accepted the plant dew, she said that the two big bottles were too much, so she only accepted one bottle in the end.

He couldn't hold back her lover, so he didn't force her in the end, he knew that Nanako had good intentions.

To help Monarch Snake do research on the awakening of "plant atmosphere", my beloved knows that this matter will take a long time, and the dew of plants will probably be consumed.

Plant dew does contain some kind of special energy, but how much of this special energy is in a drop of plant dew, and how much of this special energy is in a bottle of plant dew.

To accumulate enough of this special energy, how much plant dew is needed, one ton... ten tons... or one hundred tons? Or need more?

Knowing that this matter will not be able to see the effect in a short time, the beloved is not too entangled.

Walking to the back of the tent in the camp, I took off the wet clothes when I collected plant dew in the morning, took a bucket of water, rinsed my body, and changed my clothes.

Then Yoshito came out to have breakfast with Nanako and the Pokémon.

For breakfast today, Nanako cooked a pot of porridge with preserved egg and lean meat, and then added a steamer to the top of the porridge pot to steam a small basket of steamed dumplings.

Although the girl is not very talented in making complicated dishes, she is still very good at pastries, and steamed dumplings as breakfast are considered pastries in the southern Kanto region.

Preserved egg and lean meat porridge + steamed dumplings, although it is very simple, but the beloved eats it very happily. He used to cook for others when traveling, but now someone cooks for him.

Suddenly such a change, the lover felt both novel and very happy.

Nanako was also very happy when she saw her boyfriend eating the breakfast she made so deliciously.

And this happiness and happiness, the only one who can compare with the two of them is probably Magneto, because for breakfast, the lover gave it another energy crystal.

"Lili~" On the picnic mat, among the Pokémon eating breakfast, Magneto was also floating in mid-air, holding the energy crystal with two magnet-like hands, sucking the electricity from it with a happy face.

Before, Liangren didn't have electric Pokémon under his command, so these energy crystals collected in Thunder Island, Liangren originally planned to take back as a gift for his younger sister Mu Mulei.

Now for the 'addition' of a small magnet monster, these electric energy crystals can just be used by my beloved here.

:. :

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