Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1255 Learning Skills:

After breakfast, Liangren also took the Pokémon to start training this morning.

After all, now that he is traveling on the tiny continent of Little Orange Island, he has time to take the Pokmon for training regularly every day.

After leaving Little Orange Island, they will travel on the sea again, going to the islands where gymnasiums are stationed for challenges, and then there will be less time for training.

So now it seems very busy every day, but the steady growth of strength has also made Liangren and the Pokmon feel very fulfilled.

It has been a long time since my lover has felt this fulfillment after traveling at sea for a long time.

And from the top to Little Orange Island, compared with a certain destination node in the trips such as Lingang Town and Yangbeila City, Liangren actually prefers the process of leading to various destinations.

The rolling hills, the field of wild flowers, the barren and desolate Gobi Desert, the foothills in front of you, and the thunderstorm plain that you can see after turning over the mountain...

During this process, Liangren can take the Pokémon for training with peace of mind, see the wonderful and magnificent natural scenery along the way, and meet special Pokémon like Magneto.

"Little Magneto, I'm going to train with Monarch Snake, do you want to come with me?" My beloved invited Little Magneto.

Although Magneto is already very close and dependent on him, but because he has not officially joined the team.

So my beloved also habitually creates opportunities for each other to be together, and then keeps building his favorability on the little Magneto——

It's just that what the lover doesn't know is that, after a short time with him, Magneto has firmly chosen to follow him and become his partner.

When the beloved was brushing up Magneto's favorability, Magneto was actually worried, worrying that with so many powerful elves under his command, he might look down on him at all.

"Lili~" Seeing his lover invite him to join him, Magneto happily agreed without any hesitation.

Then the beloved stood on a big rock next to him, looked at the surrounding woodland, and chose a relatively flat and open woodland to help the monarch snake train.



After arriving in the woodland, according to the usual practice, but also faintly wanting to show the strength of his Pokmon to Magneto, the good man first asked Monarch Snake to use all the moves and skills he had learned before.

【Monarch Snake】♀


Attributes: Grass, Water

Personality: proud, gentle

Traits: lush, torrent, naysayer




"Attack": hit, beat, cane whip, repay favor, water gun, water cannon, tidal whirl, leaf blade, absorb~

Energy Ball, Dragon Tail, Water Tail, Super Absorption, Ultimate Absorption, Water Wave, Water Oath, Grass Oath~

Grass Blender, Foamy Aria, Sunshine Flames, Hardened Plants, Strong Whip~

"Defense": Mysterious Guardian

"Control": singing, grass flute, tightening, charming, seduction, petrification, vertigo dance, ultrasonic wave, devil's kiss, parasitic seeds, big snake stare

"Auxiliary": praying for rain, provocation, longing, look at me, sweet breath, simple light beam, growth, sunny day, liquid circle, photosynthesis, green grass field


After the Monarch Snake relieved the depression in his heart,

The level breakthrough has been promoted to the mid-term quasi-king, and the overall strength has been greatly improved.

Yesterday, Liangren rescued Magneto from the four Alidos. Because Liangren didn't act ruthlessly at that time, Bi Diao, Stupid Beast and Lucario didn't even have 10% of their strength.

In addition, Monarch Snake was arranged by the lover to stay in the camp, so although Magneto knew that the lover was strong, the elves under him were very strong.

But how strong is this 'very strong', in fact, the little magneto does not have a very clear understanding in his heart.

Until now, at the request of the beloved, after the Monarch Snake displayed powerful skills one after another, the depth of the skill pool and the strength of the strength also shocked the little Magneto.

It turns out that the elves under the beloved are so powerful, and much stronger than it originally thought, which strengthens the determination of the little magneto to follow the beloved.

My beloved didn't know that Magneto had decided to follow him, but after Monarch Snake showed his strength and saw the shock and excitement in Magneto's eyes, My husband nodded in satisfaction.

"Monarch Snake, you have fully mastered the four grass-attribute moves previously planned, "Powerful Whiplash, Sun Flame, Flying Leaf Storm". "

"So today, we will start the final training, learn and master the skill with the highest initial lethality among the grass-type skills of "Hardening Plant". "

"How is it? Do you have the confidence to complete it?" My beloved asked the Monarch Snake loudly.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooows..." The King Snake's eyes were piercing.

"Since we are confident, let's start." My beloved nodded, and he didn't care about the little magnetite next to him. He devoted himself to the training with the Monarch Snake.

Having learned so many skills before, Monarch Snake is already very familiar with the steps and process of skill learning.

Open the "Bond Link"——

One person and one pet nodded to each other, and after making eye contact, Liangren also skillfully communicated with the system backpack, found the "hardening plant" skill disc, dragged it to the Monarch Snake's avatar icon, and clicked to use it.

An experiential memory was injected into Monarch Snake's mind.

As the skill with the highest initial damage among the grass-type skills, "Hardening Plant" contains much more experience data flow than "Powerful Whiplash, Sunshine Flame...".

Suddenly such a large flow of experience data was poured into the head, even the Monarch Snake with very tenacious willpower felt as if his head was about to explode for a moment.

Fortunately, Liang Ren had expected this situation. Before using the skill disc, one person, one pet opened the bond link in advance, strengthening the spiritual power of the Monarch Snake.

And it just broke through yesterday, and its strength has also been greatly improved.

A large stream of experience data poured into its head. Although Monarch Snake felt dizzy and uncomfortable at first, it quickly adapted to this feeling.

Sinking down, absorbing this experience very attentively——

Every time I plan to help Pokémon with skill training, Liangren will search for information in advance to deeply understand the mechanism and principle of this skill.

However, the knowledge about these skills is only obtained from school textbooks, post bar sharing, academic journals, etc. After all, it is only some theoretical knowledge.

If it is an ordinary trainer, it may be very satisfied with this.

Because the trainer and the Pokémon are two different life entities, although the trainer cultivates the Pokémon, and the Pokémon obeys the trainer's instructions, and the two sides partner together to participate in the battle.

But the division of labor between each other's roles in battle is different. Whether it's a trainer or a Pokémon, one side has things that the other side doesn't understand.

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