Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1256 Super Difficult, Super Lethal

Text Chapter 1256 Super Difficulty, Super Lethality

Just like the use of skills, as a trainer commanding operations on the sidelines, he knows what effect a certain skill has and what effect the combination and matching of skills will produce.

This kind of perspective and understanding of the macro and overall situation is difficult for Pokémon to possess.

But the deep-level principles and mechanisms of these skills, how to construct energy spells, how to mobilize and operate energy to make energy spells take effect, and how to cast this skill.

This kind of control and understanding of micro-details is something that the trainer does not have.

If the stats they possess are summed up as 50%, then a match with perfect coordination will eventually show 50% + 50% = 100% or slightly exceed this value.

In the eyes of professional trainers and combat theorists, this is already a very perfect and idealized value.

But no matter what field, there are students with learning difficulties, middle students, excellent students, as well as academic masters and academic gods~

Ordinary people can only see the highest score on the test paper, but outstanding people in this field can see more things.

In an exam, if both the former and the latter get a full score of 100, the former is because they only have the ability to score 100, while the reason why the latter gets 100 is that the upper limit of the test paper is only 100 points.

For a long time, Liangren's philosophy and goal of cultivating Pokmon is to make Pokmon stand alone.

In a battle, a trainer with an overall view and excellent commanding ability can indeed increase the combat power of Pokémon, but he never believes that a trainer must exist and cannot be replaced in a battle.

Based on this concept, Liangren attaches great importance to the cultivation of his Pokmon's independent thinking and independent fighting abilities.

So in daily life, he seldom puts Pokémon in the baby ball. He likes to put Pokmon outside and let them experience and see various things with him.

Accumulate experience, increase knowledge and wisdom, guide the exploration and cultivate individuality, so that they, as intelligent life, can think independently like human beings.

Macroscopic, overall, overall perspective... These are the functions and abilities that originally belonged to the trainer, and the husband is now bestowing them on the Pokmon under his command.

Most people think that the final effect of a Pokémon battle is: 50% + 50% = 100%, but what Liangren is doing now is to make the original 50% Pokémon into a complete 100%~

At the same time, as a trainer, by increasing his knowledge reserves and sharing the perspective and senses with the help of the "bond link", he has mastered things that only Pokmon can grasp, but trainers do not have.

While helping Pokémon from 50% to a complete 100%, Liangren, as a trainer, is also working hard to make himself from an incomplete 50% to a complete 100%

Yes, the current Pokémon battle theory researchers' definitions of trainers and Pokémon, and the division of functions in battle, I think are narrow and incomplete.

Because no matter how 50% is not complete, only 100% is.

The battle that general trainers pursue and can finally present is: 50%+50%=100%

And if a good man unswervingly implements according to his ideas, what he can finally achieve and present is: 100% + 100% = 200% or even more~

Of course, the theories and definitions drawn by Pokémon combat theory researchers are not wrong. Human Pokémon are two different lives, and each has some abilities and qualities that the other does not possess.

Although Pokémon are also intelligent beings, there is actually a big difference and gap between wisdom and humans, the primates of all things.

Pokémon has a pure and simple personality. It is very difficult to think about a battle from a macro perspective in battle like humans.

And human beings are not like Pokmon, who have these supernatural abilities, so it is also very difficult for trainers to understand the deep essence of energy operation in skills.

For ordinary people and ordinary Pokémon, 50%+50%=100% is the limit they can achieve.

Not everyone has the system cheats and the bug ability of "bond link" like Liangren——

At the same time, not all Pokémon are as smart as these Pokmon under the hands of the beloved.

However, this is exactly what ordinary people and ordinary Pokmon do not possess, so they can and have the opportunity to achieve 100% + 100% = 200%~

After going around and around, I returned to the topic of "God rewards me with food" mentioned earlier.

Possessing various qualities that ordinary trainers do not possess, this makes Ryoto inherently have an advantage over others in the field of Pokémon trainers, and it is only natural that he is better than others.


It took a few minutes for the Monarch Snake to almost digest the experience data instilled into its head by the skill disc.

"Hardening Plant" is the most damaging skill among the grasses. Regarding its principle and mechanism, Monarch Snake has now understood and mastered it.


The lover who shared the senses and perspective of the Monarch Snake through the fetter link also has a deeper understanding and cognition of the effective principle of the skill of hardening plants.

"Hardening Plant" is a special attack damage skill. Its principle is also to simulate energy by constructing an energy operation formula, and then let it perform mechanical movements.

However, unlike Flying Leaf Storm, which uses sharp energy leaves to roll up a storm to attack the enemy, the hardened plant condenses the energy in the center to condense terrifying tree roots like a python to launch a violent attack on the enemy.

Of course, it is also a grass-type big move for special attacks. Although the hardened plant has little connection with the flying leaf storm, it has a lot to do with the sun and flames.

When Monarch Snake learned "Sunshine Flame" before, it was said that to cast and activate the skill of Sunshine Flame, the energy required is assumed to be 10

Among them, 70% of the energy is the fire-type energy gathered and absorbed from the external sunlight, and the remaining 30% is the grass-type energy in the Pokémon.

And the effect of this 30% grass attribute energy is also very special.

Because fire overcomes grass, the grass-type Pokmon absorbs and restrains its own fire-attributed energy from sunlight, which is tantamount to playing with fire and self-immolation, so this 30% of the grass-attributed energy is used to counteract and neutralize the fire-attributed energy.

In the end, 100% of the power deals 50% to 60% of the damage, but 70% of the fire attribute energy is absorbed from the outside world. In fact, only 30% of the grass attribute energy is used to cast the sun and flames.

Although the overall energy utilization rate is discounted, judging from the caster's own consumption, it is still very cost-effective.

"Hardening Plant" has a great similarity with "Sunshine Flame", because to activate this skill, in addition to mobilizing a part of the grass attribute energy, it also needs to absorb energy of other attributes from the outside world.

In order to condense the energy, the roots are as tough and heavy as real tree roots, that is, to achieve the "hardening" in the name of this skill.

When launching this skill, in addition to mobilizing the grass attribute energy in the body to participate, the caster also needs to gather and absorb other attribute energy from the outside world.

And there is not just one kind of heterogeneous energy needed to activate hardened plants, but three kinds...

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