Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1258: The Horrific Destructive Power of

Text Chapter 1258 The Horrific Destructive Power of "Hardened Plants"

The normal Monarch Snake is a pure grass-type Pokémon like the Lizard King. It can only provide 40% of the grass-type energy needed by itself to cast hardened plants, and the remaining 60% of the energy can only be absorbed from the external environment.

Therefore, the hardened plants displayed by the normal Monarch Snake rank the lowest among the four levels of power above.

But the Monarch Snake of the Beloved is not an ordinary Monarch Snake. After awakening the water attribute, although it can't hit the first and second levels of lethality in the display and use of hardened plants.

However, the Monarch Snake, which has dual attributes of water and grass, now has the third level of power to attack the Lotte Kappa.

However, just like overcoming the body stiffness after casting a skill, changing the energy source involved to increase the lethality of the skill is also the content of the advanced training of "hardening plants".

As the most powerful big move in the grass type, it is the first time to learn it. It is just the lowest level of power and the lowest difficulty. The Monarch Snake is quite difficult to learn and master.

As for improving the power of the skill, the impact is of a higher level. In Liangren's opinion, it is better to put it in the back and wait for the Monarch Snake to master the "hardening plant" proficiently, and then put it in the advanced stage to exercise together with overcoming stiffness.



At the foot of Yinshan Mountain, in the flat and open woodland, Liangren opened the bond link and carefully instructed the Monarch Snake to do the training of hardening plants.

The previous basic project, Monarch Snake, is now completed, and the construction of the energy operation formula is also in full swing.

Grass: Ground: Rock: Water - (4:3:2:1)

As a grass attribute skill, hardening plants has the largest proportion of grass attribute energy, and one of its functions is to build a basic framework, so that the energy tree root has the shape and internal basic structure of a real tree root.

Although this step may seem complicated, it is not as difficult as imagined.

Because the Monarch Snake does not need to use energy to construct the epidermis, cortex, and fiber column...these microcosmic structures from the most basic plant cells, the root tip structure of tree roots, primary structures, and secondary structures.

If it is an ordinary Pokémon like Tutu dog to learn "hardening plants", the above steps cannot be omitted, and everything must be constructed from scratch.

But Monarch Snake, as a grass-type Pokémon and a kind of plant life, has these physiological structures itself.

Under the collar of the shoulder blades, two vine whips shot out, turning into two sharp wooden spears as if they were using their oath skills, and the cuttings went into the ground.

Many energy operation formulas of grass attribute energy structure, several of which took effect and activated, directly copied and pasted the physiological material structure of the rattan whip inserted into the ground.

Because what is copied and pasted is the energy structure, not the real thing, so many things can be operated beyond common sense, such as the subsequent multiplication growth.

The energy spells responsible for these functions started to work, duplicating the rattan whip, modeling the energy tree roots underground, and then rapidly growing and expanding like blowing a balloon.

The finger-thick 'vine whip' instantly turned into a waist-thick tree root, but there is no additional filling of flesh and blood with ground, rock, and water-attributed energy. Currently, the energy tree root is only formed by the condensation and growth of grass-attributed energy .

It looks like blowing sugar, translucent and very thin.

But soon, as the energy of the other three attributes completed construction and became effective, the thin and transparent energy tree roots also quickly became full.

The first thing to work is the water-attribute energy spell, aquatic wood. With the addition of water-attribute power, the very thin energy tree roots originally formed only by grass-attribute energy have now become more flexible and more vibrant.

Immediately afterwards, the monarch snake began to absorb the ground and rocks (the power of the earth) into its body through the vine whip that was cut into the ground as a medium.

In order to cast and activate hardened plants, it is not necessary to channel all the ground and rock energy into the body,

However, the construction of energy spells that endow the roots of the energy tree with hardness and heavyness requires the use of these two corresponding powers.

To construct the energy spells with these two functions, the energy of the ground and rock attributes is actually not much.

But even so, this part of the power of the earth introduced into the body has made the Pokmon's body briefly freeze after casting the hardened plant.

The Beloved and the Monarch Snake didn't care about this issue, because each person and one pet knew it very well in their hearts, and from the current point of view, there was no way to avoid it.


After completing the construction of the energy formula by using the two attribute energies of the ground and rock, the Monarch Snake activated the energy formula without hesitation and ran it.

The beloved who shared the sensory perspective of the Monarch Snake with the fetter link can clearly 'see' that the underground turquoise energy tree root model is filled and strengthened by the energy of two colors of khaki and rock gray.

The thin and transparent roots quickly become full.

The color has also changed from turquoise to brown. If you haven't seen the entire process of the root formation just now, you will definitely not be able to tell that it is formed by energy simulation at this moment, and you will definitely think it is a real tree root.

After connecting the previous steps in series, although it took some time, the power of "hardening plants" is very impressive.

"Boom..." After a violent vibration on the ground under his feet, old trees with buckets of thick brown roots burst out of the ground like an earth dragon turning over.

Just like the giant python in the movie "Pytha Calamity", after the prey fell into the sinkhole, the densely packed giant pythons scrambled to bite, whip, and strangle the prey...



After a terrifying 'big earthquake', the open woodland where the Monarch Snake used to practice skills has been destroyed beyond recognition.

After being affected by the "hardened plants", the roots of the plants spread widely, and the deep-rooted shrubs and trees were directly uprooted and then torn and strangled to pieces~

Looking at the devastated and fragmented woodland in front of him, the little Magneto, who had been quietly floating behind his lover before, widened his eyes in shock.

However, as a trainer, my beloved, he has long been aware of the destructive power of the Monarch Snake, and seeing such a scene at this moment, it is not surprising.

However, Liangren is still very satisfied with the power of "hardened plants". Although he has not fully mastered it yet, the destructive power displayed now has surpassed the strong whipping, sunlight and flames, and flying leaf storm that he has learned before.

"Papa papa..."

"Not bad, not bad. It is indeed the skill with the highest damage among all grass-type skills. The destructive power of hardened plants really did not disappoint me."

"But hardened plants can produce such power, which is also inseparable from your strength, Monarch Snake."

While applauding the Monarch Snake, the beloved also expressed his opinion about himself.

"Wum~" Hearing what my beloved said, Monarch Snake responded briskly, his eyes narrowed into two crescent moons with joy.

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