Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1259 Extra training, the timing to subdue the little magnetite

Text Chapter 1259 Extra training, the time to subdue the little magnetite

"It's already 11:30, this morning's training is here, and our camp is ready to make lunch." Liangren greeted the monarch snake.

"Hardening Plant" is the most powerful move among all grass-type skills. Its power is indeed amazing, but it is also very difficult to learn and master.

With the mid-term strength of the king snake quasi-king, when learning the skills of "strong whip, sun and flames, and flying leaf storm" in the past, it can also be mastered in the same morning, reaching the level of being able to cast instantly.

But today's study of "hardening plants", usually at this time, the training is over and ready to go back to the camp for lunch.

However, Monarch Snake's mastery of hardened plants is barely able to connect various energy spells to take effect and run, and barely displays the skill of "hardened plants"~

According to the training completion of strong whip, sun and flame, and flying leaf storm.

For the skill of hardening plants, Monarch Snake will train the process of launching energy spells in series to the extent that it can be cast instantly.

Afterwards, all the steps of energy conversion...construction of energy spells, operation of energy spells, etc. must be connected in series for intensive training, until finally the skill of "hardening plants" can be cast instantly.

Referring to the efficiency of the Monarch Snake this morning, it may take half a day to complete the "hardening plant" training.

"Wum~Master, I want to practice alone for a while longer."

Although I know that hardening plants is more difficult to master than other skills, but the previous three grass-type big moves only took half a day to master, but right now hardening plants have not been able to complete in the morning.

Monarch Snake seemed dissatisfied with his training efficiency, seeing his lover said that this morning's training was over and he was going back to the camp for lunch.

Monarch Snake, who has a strong personality and is unwilling to reconcile, also offered to practice alone for a while.

"Training requires a certain amount of relaxation and a combination of work and rest. It is too eager for quick success, and sometimes it will have the opposite effect~" Hearing that Monarch Snake wants to practice more, the beloved persuaded with some worry.

"Uhm~ I'll practice for a while, Master, I'll be back after you have finished your lunch." Monarch Snake insisted.

"Okay then, but you also have to remember what I said, don't put too much pressure on yourself in a hurry for quick success, otherwise you will get injured during training, and it will not be good for you at that time."

"Wum~ um, don't worry, I won't." Said the Monarch Snake.

"Okay, then I will make lunch at the camp first, and after the meal is ready, I will ask Bi Diao to come over and call you."

Seeing that Monarch Snake insisted on practicing for a while, the lover didn't persuade him any more.

After a whole morning of training, Monarch Snake has a very thorough understanding of hardened plants, and there is no big problem in training alone~

After all, the training to be done next is almost a process of mechanical repetition and practice makes perfect.

Of course, there is another very important reason why the beloved agreed to the Monarch Snake to train for himself, because the training intensity currently arranged for it is actually not high.

You must know that when I was in Ice Island and Moon Mountain Mountains, I was training all day long, and I only arranged half a day a week to rest.

Now training in the morning and rushing in the afternoon.

Half a day for training and half a day for recovery, this kind of training intensity is indeed not high, at least for Liang Ren.

"Little Magneto, let's go back first." Looking at the little Magneto who had been quietly training with the two of them all morning, the lover said with a warm and sunny smile.

"Lili~" The little magneto turned the magnets on both sides of his body. After watching the training of the monarch snake in the morning, the little magneto looked at his lover less calmly and calmly, and a little more fiery and fanatical.

It can't wait to join the team of the beloved and become the companion of the beloved.

However, the special background and his current strength made Magneto feel a little inferior.

Although he longs to be the Pokémon of the other party, Magneto is not sure whether the other party sees it as weak~

Liangren didn't pay attention to Magneto's expression, and showed his strength to Magneto through the Monarch Snake training in the morning.

At that time, the expression on Magneto's face and eyes showed great shock, and then he showed a very obvious eagerness for longing, which made Liang Ren full of confidence in including Magneto into the team.

However, he is a very patient person, and the current favorability is estimated to be enough, but it is not the best time to ask the little Magneto to subdue him, so he is not in a hurry.



Returning to the camp with Magneto, Nanako and all the Pokémon have finished training and returned.

Ryoto asked Magneto and Dumbmon to play nearby, then he put on his apron, rolled up his sleeves and washed his hands before making lunch.

After changing the water in the fish tank of the fluorescent fish, Nanako gave the fluorescent fish to Miss Qun'er and the Snow Demon Girl to take care of, while she came to help her husband who was cooking.

"Brother Liangren~ How is it? Is the morning going well?" The girl asked the beloved while holding the basket and picking vegetables quickly.

"It's not bad." The beloved nodded, and started steaming the rice he had scoured in a water rack pot, and replied.

Having lived and traveled together day and night for so long, Ryoto naturally understood that what Nanako was asking about was not the training of the Monarch Snake in the morning, but his progress in gaining favorability with Magneto.

"Little Magneto is now very familiar with me, Stupid Beast, Lucario, and Mini Dragon. Next, when you find a suitable time to propose a battle, Little Magneto will not refuse. "

Hearing her husband's words, the girl couldn't help showing a bright smile on her face.

"Brother Liangren, do you already have a plan?" Nanako asked.

"Hmm~" The good man nodded.

"When I set off on the road after lunch, I was going to ask the little Magneto to subdue it."

Although the beloved is very patient in doing things, no one can be tempted to meet a rare little magnetite that shines and has strong spiritual power.

If he hasn't subdued it for a day, he always feels uneasy. If he is cut off halfway, he will have no reason to reason. After all, Magnetomon is still a wild Pokémon.

Of course, apart from wanting to quickly tame Magneto, my beloved is also very much looking forward to seeing the detailed data of Magneto.

A flashy pet with a strong mental power, my beloved always feels that this little Magneto is more extraordinary than he currently imagined.



"Bi Diao, go and ask Monarch Snake to come back for dinner." The lover who had prepared lunch called to Bi Diao.

"Bi Diao—(???)~Okay Boss!!" Bi Diao, who was playing with Silly Beast, Lucario, Magneto, and Mini Dragon, agreed, and flew up into the sky with wings fluttering .

"Flash of Lightning" accelerated, and its body was in mid-air like the light constantly being refracted by a mirror. After a few flashes, it came to the sky above the woodland where Monarch Snake was training.

At this moment, in the woodland below, the Monarch Snake is still training selflessly.

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