Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1260 Introduction to

Text Chapter 1260 Introduction to "Divination of the Future"! !

"Bi Diao—Qingqing, stop now, lunch is ready, come back to eat with me~"

Bi Diao hovering over the woodland uttered a clear bird song to the Monarch Snake who was still training below.

Hearing the sound of Bi Diao yelling to eat, the Monarch Snake who was still training in the forest below finally stopped.

"Wum~Okay, Brother Bird, I understand." The Monarch Snake raised his head and responded to Bi Diao.

"Bi Diao—I'll give you a ride." Bi Diao, who was hovering over the woodland, finished speaking, and swooped down like an eagle fighter plane.

"Wum~ it says Brother Bird." After thanking the snake snake, the monarch also curled up.

At the moment when Bi Diao swooped down and was about to go up, the Monarch Snake was like a pressurized spring, seizing the opportunity to jump onto Bi Diao's back very flexibly.

Bi Diao fluttered its wings and soared up to the sky, overlooking from the angle of Bi Diao's back, looking down at the woodland that had been destroyed due to its own training, the Monarch Snake opened its mouth to condense an energy ball and spit it out.


With a tail swipe, the energy ball exploded, and emerald green energy stars scattered towards the destroyed woodland like a drizzle.

With these grass-attributed energies rich in vitality, the woodland destroyed by the training of the monarch snake will be able to recover in a short time, and the vegetation in the woodland will grow better at that time.


Bi Diao was flying very fast, and Bi Diao, who had just served the food and set up the dishes in the camp, and asked the Monarch Snake to come back to eat, also flapped his wings and landed.

"Monarch Snake, drink your saliva and take a rest before eating~"

Seeing the Monarch Snake that landed with Bi Diao, the beloved also took out the plant dew collected in the morning, poured a full glass for the Monarch Snake and said.

"Wum~" The Monarch Snake nodded obediently, and then came to the dining table, picked up the glass with two rattan whips, and drank it on his own.

The plant dew in the morning contains a special kind of energy, which can form a light energy atmosphere around you after the effective transformation and utilization of the body of the monarch snake~

When Liangren conducted experiments before, in addition to testing whether Miss Qun'er and Meihua could effectively absorb and utilize this special energy in plant dew, Liangren also experimented with the stability of this special energy in dew.

Before preparing for the "Flower Rest Festival Grass-type Pokémon Beauty Pageant", Elika asked her husband Nanako to collect dew from plants that had not been exposed to sunlight in the early morning.

In Alijia's suggestion, there is a conditional restriction on plant dew, that is, it has not been exposed to sunlight in the early morning.

So when I was doing the experiment, I wondered, if the dew collected was the dew that was exposed to the sun after the sun came out, would the dew not contain this special energy?

In addition, if the dew is collected in the morning before the sun comes out, will the energy in the dew volatilize and disappear after being irradiated by the sun when drinking later?

With such doubts in mind, the beloved conducted many experiments and came up with the answer——

Although the plant dew collected after the sun came out in the morning has not been dried by the sun, the special energy in the plant dew will indeed evaporate and disappear instantly when it is irradiated by the sun.

And after the plant dew collected before the sun comes out in the morning is placed in a cool and backlit place for a period of time, the special energy in the dew will become very stable.

Put it in a cool place for a period of time before taking it out for use. Although this energy will volatilize when it is exposed to sunlight, the speed of volatilization is similar to the speed at which the dew in the cup is heated and evaporates~

And it is not so easy to dry a glass of water in the sun. Even if it is exposed to the sun in hot summer, it is impossible to completely evaporate a glass of water, even for a whole day.

So my beloved also guessed that the dew collected before the sun rose in the morning and placed in a cool and backlit place for a period of time,

This energy in the dew will reduce the activity and become stable.

During the period of storage, this special energy will be completely integrated with the dew, and even if it is taken out under the sun at noon, there is no need to worry about the energy disappearing in the dew~

Of course, it is not an easy task to go out to collect plant dew early in the morning, and any trace of volatilization under the sun is a waste.

Therefore, it is best to drink as much as you want, pour it out, and drink right after opening the bottle.

In addition to the problem of sunlight exposure, Liangren discovered that heating the dew on the plants will also cause the energy in the dew to disappear. When the dew on the plants is boiled, the energy in the dew will disappear completely.

After that, Liangren didn't even think about boiling to sterilize, but just put the large glass bottle containing plant dew in the system warehouse to let it settle.

There is no concept of time passing in the system backpack, so no matter how long it is stored, it will be in a fresh state when it is taken out.

Worried that it will be inconvenient to collect plant dew after leaving Little Orange Island and returning to sea travel, and now my beloved goes out early every day.

Called Slowbeast and Lucario to help collect them, and now there are more than ten bottles of plant dew stored in the system warehouse.

If I hadn't just bought these dozen or so large glass bottles in Yangbeila City before, it is estimated that there will be more plant dew reserves in the Liangren system warehouse now.

But now it is not far from Bige City, and it will be Bige City after turning over the mountain in front of you and crossing the thunderstorm plain.

The lover also made up his mind that when he arrived in Big City, he must buy more large glass bottles to store the plant dew.



"(?′0`?) Hiccup~ I'm so full." After lunch, Silly Beast stroked its swollen belly and hiccupped.

"Kaka - ←_← Eat so much, be careful that you can't catch up with your opponent when you go to battle." Tie Jiabei complained.

"Yah Duo—???(??˙w˙)???? No, because I can teleport." Dullbeast said proudly.

"If you encounter a powerful insect-type Pokémon using insects, silver whirlwind, or Zoroark using a large-scale map cannon attack such as night blast, your teleportation will not have much room to play."

"If you get caught, you little fat man will definitely be beaten up severely." Bi Diao, who likes to tear down each other with the dumb beast, teased with a smirk.

"Ya Duo—?(?`^′?)? Am I that stupid, to meet this kind of opponent who restrains me and still gives the opponent a chance to attack."

"At the beginning of the match, the old man, I directly attacked with lightning and five consecutive whips, three times, five divisions, and two, and eliminated the opponent in the shortest time."

"And in the recent period, I have already learned the skill of "divinating the future". After a while, this skill can be used in actual combat. At that time, I will not be afraid even if I encounter a Pokmon that restrains me. "

Speaking of this, Slowly Beast said with his hands on his hips, holding his head high and full of face~ (Stupidly Beast is too fat and has no waist.jpg)

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