Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1262 Mini Dragon vs Magneto

Chapter 1262 Mini Dragon vs Magneto

"Yiyou~" Hearing that the lover said that he wanted to fight, the miniature dragon responded.

A raging fire of fighting spirit was also instantly ignited in the big bright eyes.

As the child of Wataru's main trump card: Champion Kuailong, Mini Dragon has the same militant blood as his father, and has a fierce desire and enthusiasm for fighting.

Why are dragon Pokémon stronger than ordinary Pokémon? Why is it said that dragon attribute spirits are synonymous with great power?

The reason is because Dragon Pokémon are warlike, not to mention Biting Land Shark, Violent Dragon, and Double Ax War Dragon, even dragon Pokémon with a docile personality like Nianmei Lulong are quite violent when fighting.

Because of its aggressiveness, it has achieved the powerful name of Dragon Pokémon——

Seeing his lover send it to fight at this moment, besides the surging battle, there is also some excitement and desire to win in the mini dragon's heart.

"Only by defeating the mob, the mob will become the owner's Pokémon and our companion, so I must defeat the mob." The mini dragon thought secretly in his heart.


On the clearing where the camp was withdrawn, Liangren lined up with miniature dragons and magnetites.

When the gazes and momentum of the two little friends collided, fierce sparks collided.

"Please take your seats, get ready~ the game begins!!" Nanako, who was a temporary guest referee on the field, ordered loudly.



The two little friends who had been together for a short time but had established a deep friendship with each other yelled at each other full of momentum, as if telling their determination to win.

At the start of the game, Liangren didn't release water, and he immediately entered the fighting state.

"Mini dragon, move around flexibly, use continuous "stare"" Liangren quickly gave instructions to the mini dragon.

"Yiyou~" the miniature dragon responded to the lover.

Because this is not the first time that the Mini Dragons have cooperated with each other to participate in actual combat, the speed of understanding and responding to the instructions of the lover is very fast.

Although using such words to describe and describe the miniature dragon, the miniature dragon will be very unhappy, but the miniature dragon moving flexibly in the open space at the moment is indeed like a very slippery loach.

"Lili~" The little magneton, who was about to launch an attack, didn't know how to attack such a flexible miniature dragon for a while.

"Yiyou~" But the miniature dragon hesitated, its cute big eyes glared at the little magneto fiercely.

The "stare", which will gradually lose its effectiveness in the late stage of strength, has a very obvious effect of reducing the opponent's defense at the current stage.

As a steel-type Pokémon, Magneto has excellent physical defense. At this moment, it is constantly being weakened under the "stare" of the mini dragon, which makes it feel restless for no reason.

As a flash Pokémon, Magneto's talent is beyond doubt, but as a "wild Pokémon" that has not received systematic combat training, Magneto's combat quality needs to be improved~

However, in the face of the mini dragon's movement disturbance and "staring" defense, Magneto did not choose to sit still.

"Lili~" Magneto stopped hesitating, electric sparks flickered on the two magnet-like arms.

"Sting~" The golden lightning flashed, and a beam of electricity hit the miniature dragon.

The miniature dragon moves flexibly. Although Magneto's "Electric Shock" did not aim at it, the high attack speed of the electric-type skills still surprised the miniature dragon by the sudden electric shock.

"Yiyou!!" Fortunately, the electric shock did not aim at it, and the miniature dragon was very flexible, so it turned around and narrowly avoided the electric beam attack~

"Lili!!" The magnetite's attack did not stop like this. The two horseshoe magnets beside him were like heavy machine guns, constantly deflecting the muzzle to aim at the miniature dragon and then firing.





A series of electric shocks and thunderbolts shot over,

The intense firepower made the mini dragons twist and dodge constantly, and there was no time to use "stare" on the magnetite~

Although the miniature dragon was not hit by the electric shock, the gravel in the clearing was so electric that it jumped up and flew around.

The current level of the mini dragon is only LV.12, and the strength level of the magneto is actually similar to that of the mini dragon. If it is hit by the attack of the magnet, even the mini dragon will be seriously injured.

Facing the madly attacking Magneto, Liang Ren chose to avoid the edge temporarily, and did not give the mini dragon an order to fight back, and signaled it to dodge carefully so as not to be hit by the electric shock of the Magneto.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted! ! !

Magneto's level is not high, and it consumes a lot of physical strength to launch such continuous and violent attacks, so he only needs to delay a little bit, and the physical strength of the little magneto is believed to be exhausted soon.


As a high-level professional trainer, it can be said that there is no difficulty in fighting elves like Magneto.

Sure enough, after a few waves of delay, although the mini-dragon consumed a lot of stamina by constantly dodging its skills, its stamina was exhausted after chasing the magnet monsters who attacked continuously.

"Have you run out of stamina? Then it's my turn to fight back now."

"Mini dragon, use the tornado!!" Liangren snapped his fingers with a smile on his face, and Kaka gave the order to the mini dragon decisively at the right time.

"Yiyou~" The continuous dodging not only made the mini dragon feel a little tired, but also made him feel a fire in his heart.

At this moment, it was finally able to fight back, and the mini dragon also exerted all its strength with the purpose of catharsis, like whipping a top with a whip, flying sand and rocks with a flick of its tail.

"Huh, huh, huh..." A tornado carried the dust and gravel on the ground, whizzed and slammed into the little Magneto.

The continuous attacks have consumed almost all of his physical strength. At this moment, the face of the little Magneto is exhausted, and the body suspended in mid-air by the magnetic force is also lowered a lot at this moment, and it is precarious as if it will fall down at any time.

"Lili!!" Facing the flying sand and rocks, the roaring tornado, the little Magneto screamed in panic, trying to escape in a panic, but it was caught tightly by the violent wind of the tornado.

"Huh, huh, huh..." The little Magneto was sucked into the vortex of the tornado, as if thrown into a blender.

"Bang—" After shaking for a while, Magneto was thrown to the ground hard, one big eye had turned into a dizzy spiral, and he fainted and didn't get up again.

"Go, Pokémon Ball!!" Seeing Magneto fainted and unable to fight, Liangren happily took out a Poké Ball and threw it at Magneto on the ground.

However, what happened next made the smile on the beloved's face froze.

"Bang~" The elf ball knocked on Magneto's body, and the recycled rainbow light released did not capture Magneto, but was bounced away.

"This is……"

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