Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1263 The Uncontainable Little Magneto

Chapter 1263 Unconquerable Magneto

"This is..." I saw that the recycled rainbow light emitted by the poke ball was bounced off.

Silly Beast, Iron Armor Shell, Bi Diao, Monarch Snake, and Mini Dragon couldn't help but look at each other.

I have lived with my beloved for such a long time, and they don't know anything about some tools and things in the human world like wild elves now~

The intact and unbound Pokeball, the recycled rainbow light was bounced off by the Pokémon, either this Pokémon is too powerful, or this Pokémon is not wild and unowned.

The elf ball thrown by the beloved cannot be broken naturally, and the power of the little magneto is not enough to bounce the elf ball to recover the rainbow light, otherwise it will not be defeated by the mini dragon.

At this moment, Magneto bounced off the rainbow light of the Poké Ball, so it was obvious that it belonged to the latter situation.

"Brother Liangren~ This little magneton is not a wild elf, but has a trainer?" Nanako said, turning her head to look at her husband, frowning slightly.

Since it was discovered last night that Magneto was besieged by a few Alidos, the wailing was noticed by the dull beast, and it was said that it was a very special Pokémon.

Originally, he hadn't subdued and cultivated the new elves, but after his curiosity was aroused, he actually wanted to subdue him.

Later, he rescued Magneto from the siege of Alidos. After discovering that this Pokémon was the "Platinum Noble" in the Magneto group, and that it was a shining Pokémon, Ryoto made a decision to take it back. Your own decisions.

Afterwards, he invited Magneto to the camp on the grounds that his physical injury had not fully recovered and it would be very troublesome to stay in the wild in this state.

Healing injuries, giving food, letting the Pokmon under him take the initiative to set up a close relationship...

After spending so much time and energy on improving Magneto's favorability, my beloved has basically designated Magneto as his Pokmon by default.

Unexpectedly, now that it is about to be subdued, it is suddenly discovered that this little magneton is not a wild elf, but a master elf that has already been subdued by the trainer.

"This result, for Brother Liangren, I'm afraid it will be a big blow—" Thinking of this, Nanako looked at Liangren with worried eyes.

"No~ No." Ryoto didn't feel discouraged because the elf ball couldn't subdue Magneto, because Magneto has a trainer~

"Brother Liangren..." Dumbbeasts and Nanako looked at Liangren suspiciously.

"There are two very suspicious points: first, when I invited Magneto to be my Pokmon just now, Magneto agreed, and then it offered to fight the miniature dragon."

"The second doubt is that when I saw Magneto yesterday, it was alone in the wild. It was besieged by Alidos for a long time, and no trainers and Pokmon came to help—"

"There is also the subjugation battle just now. It is obvious that the little magnetite has not been trained by the trainer, otherwise the battle strategy would not be so reckless and disorderly."

"So, this little Magneto should be a wild Pokémon. As for the inability to be subdued by the Poké Ball, I think there may be some stories behind it that we haven't understood so far~"

Looking at the little Magneto who lost the ability to fight and fainted on the ground, Ryoto expressed his speculation.

"Then now..." After hearing what her beloved said, Nanako was also thoughtful.

"Wake up the little Magneto first, and then ask about it." After finishing speaking, Liang Ren also came to the open space of the battlefield, and picked up the little Magneto.

"Ya Duo—(′?ω?`)↘?"

The dull beast next to him was also very discerning, and raised his hand to hit Magneto with a healing wave to help heal injuries and restore physical strength.

"Little Magneto, wake up~" Seeing the wounds on the surface of the little Magneto heal quickly, my beloved also shook the little Magneto's body slightly and called softly.


The beloved shook and called a few times, and the little Magneto gradually regained consciousness.


Seeing himself being held in the arms of his lover, and having such intimate contact with his trainer for the first time, Magneto also had a shy blush on its face, even though it was a boy.

"Little Magneto, do you have a trainer? Have you been subdued before?" Looking at the shy little Magneto, the lover didn't take it seriously, but hurriedly asked his own question.

"Lili!!" Hearing what his lover said, Magneto was stunned for a moment.

"Look~" My beloved didn't explain much, but took out a brand new baby ball, and gently tapped the button in the middle of the elf ball on Magneto's body—

The scene just now happened again, and the recycled rainbow light emitted by the poke ball was bounced off Magneto.

"My Poké Ball can't subdue you, which means that you already have a trainer, and you have been subdued by a trainer before—" Liang Ren looked at the little Magneto and explained.

"Lili~" Hearing what my lover said, the shyness on Little Magneto's face quickly faded, and he was a little helpless to explain to his lover.

However, because the matter was too complicated and one person and one pet couldn't understand each other, the little magneto "lili..." for a long time, my lover didn't understand what it said.

"Daddy~" My beloved cast a questioning look at the dumb beast.

"Ya Duo—(′???`)~ The little monster is a little emotional now, and the expression is not very clear, I just heard something'mother passed away... Thunder Spirit bullied it...run away from home...wanted to become stronger 'What."

"Run away from home... Do you want to become stronger?" Hearing the few key words that Slowly Beast helped translate, the lover couldn't help but frown.

Since the little Magneto himself said that he 'run away from home', there is no doubt that it does have a trainer.

And the beloved is not Xiaozhi, he is not interested in mediating the conflicts between other trainers and his Pokmon, and he is not interested in helping other trainers cultivate elves, even though Magneto said that he wants to become stronger .

Although the behind-the-scenes matter has not been fully clarified, but after learning that Magneto has a master, the lover lost all interest in an instant, and his attitude towards Magneto became somewhat indifferent.

"Lili~" As if sensing the change in the lover's attitude, the little Magneto fluttered around it in a panic, as if wanting to explain something.

But this time, Liangren didn't even have the mood to ask the dumb beast to help with the translation.

"Lili~" After explaining for a long time, seeing that the lover still didn't understand what he meant, the little magneto pointed to the back of the mountain with a horseshoe magnet, as if to say that he wanted to take the lover to a place.

"Where are you taking us?" My beloved looked at the little magneto with some doubts.


"Okay, you lead the way, we will go with you to have a look."

Knowing that Magneto wanted to take him to a certain place, and seeing that the direction it was pointing at did not conflict with where they were going next, the beloved also nodded and agreed.

"Lili~" Seeing that the lover agreed to go with it, the little Magneto heaved a sigh of relief, and then it happily flew ahead to help lead the way.

"Perhaps, there is something behind this that I don't know."

Recalling last night that Magneto was crying sadly in his arms. Among the key words translated by Stupid Beast just now, what Magneto said about 'mother's death' and his own analysis before—

My beloved felt that he should have misunderstood Magneto. This little guy sincerely wanted to be his Pokémon. Just now, when he learned that Magneto had a master, his attitude suddenly became cold, which was really inappropriate.

"After you understand everything clearly, then apologize to the little magneto." Seeing the little magneto flying in front of him and others to lead the way, the beloved thought apologetically.

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