Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1268 The mystery of the life experience of the little magnetite (3)

Chapter 1268 The Mystery of Magneto's Life Experience (3)

"I don't know why Thunder Spirit was seriously injured when I met it, and I don't know what happened to it before."

"But after Thunder Elf's injury was cured, it seemed to repay our kindness for saving it, and at the same time, it blew itself up out of proximity and pursuit of Magneto's mother.

Thunder Fairy stayed with us after that and became my Pokémon. "Fode explained the relationship between Thunder Fairy and Magneto's mother, Magneto.

"So, Thunder Elf is actually Magneto's father. What Magneto said about Thunder Elf bullying it, and the scene that happened outside the camp just now, is actually a lesson from his father to his son who ran away from home."

Ryoto and Nanako looked at each other, frowned and asked Foder.

"It's not like that—" Hearing what my beloved said, Fod shook his head.

"Thunder Elf has been pursuing Magneto's mother, Magneto-explosive, at home, and as time goes by, Thunder Elf's affection for Magneto-exploded has grown stronger."

"It's just that Magneto-Explosive didn't accept it. After Thunder Elf got better from the electric cold and realized that Thunder Elf was not his companion, Magneto-Explosive completely lost interest in Thunder Elf."

"Little Magneto's father is actually someone else." Fode explained to the two of them.

"Then what is it?" It was not my beloved who asked this question, but Nanako who was sitting next to him. Girls are more interested in emotional issues than boys.

And the focus of Liangren's attention is always on why Magneto said that Thunder Fairy bullied it, and why Thunder Fairy treated Magneto with such an attitude.

In fact, after Fode finished the above explanation, the beloved had roughly guessed the answers to these two questions.

The Thunder Elf, who came from an unknown source and was seriously injured and fell to the side of the road in a thunderstorm, had a cold and proud heart that was melted by the self-explosive magnet monster that took care of it gently during the healing period.

But fate sometimes likes to play tricks on people.

Magneto would take good care of the injured Thunder Fairy. It turned out that it was because of the special magnetic field emitted by Thunder Fairy's body after suffering from an electric cold, which made Magneto mistakenly think that Thunder Fairy was his companion.

After Thunder Fairy's electric cold recovered and the misunderstanding was solved, the self-explosive magneto instantly lost interest in Thunder Fairy.

Sometimes love can cross races, but sometimes race and reproductive segregation are like a moat that can never be crossed, making it impossible for both parties to have love.

Thunder Fairy crossed races and couldn't help falling in love with Magneto-Explosive, but Magneto-Explosive could never love Thunder Fairy because of its race.

Have to say, this is a very sad thing.

Thunder Spirit's affection for Magneto-Explosive became stronger and stronger, but Magneto-Explosive never accepted Thunder Spirit, and contacted Verde again and again to say that Magneto-Destroy's father was someone else.

My beloved also understands why Thunder Fairy has such a bad attitude towards Magneto.

The self-explosive Magneto that I love so much doesn't love me, but fell in love with other elves and gave birth to a child. Whenever I look at the little Magneto, it is undoubtedly a knife to Thunder Elf's heart.

With such an analysis, the beloved can barely understand what Fode said, 'Thunder elves also have difficulties'.

However, although there are difficulties, they are all elves under him, and Magneto lost his mother because of his responsibility. As a trainer, why did Fode not care when he saw Thunder elf bullying Magneto?

The old problem was solved, but the lover had new doubts in his heart.

But the lover didn't ask Fode, because it was answering Nanako's question of 'who is the father of the little magneto monster'.

"Magnetic's father is a giant metal monster." Verde said.

"What!?" The words were not surprising, and hearing what Fode said, Ryoto and Nanako looked at him in surprise.

The Thunder Spirit pursued the Magneto-explosive monster hard, but the Magneto-explosive monster refused to accept it because of its different races, and then turned around and fell in love with other Pokémon, and they were also elves of other races.

Just think about it,

You can feel the resentment that Thunder Spirit is full of.

"Little Magneto's mother blew herself up, how did she fall in love with Metagros?" Nanako asked curiously.

"That's a long story. In fact, the giant golden monster is not a wild Pokmon on the Thunderstorm Plain, but like the two, it is a Pokmon under the trainer who is traveling."

"Oh~ what happened?" Nanako asked curiously as she looked at Buddha.

"Hey~ This is also a bad relationship." Buddha looked at the fire in front of him and said with a long sigh.

"The trainer of that golden monster is an avid stone lover. Because he learned that there is a kind of thunderstone with very special formation conditions in the thunderstorm plain, he came here from the Fangyuan area all the way."

"The Great Thunderstorm Plain is very vast. Although there are many shepherds like me who graze Electric Pokmon and collect electricity, it is not easy to meet people on the vast Thunderstorm Plain."

"Because of an opportunity to ask for directions, this trainer stayed temporarily, and promised to take him to the place where the thunder once landed to look for the thunder stone."

"Because my route for grazing electric-type Pokémon is in these places where thunder is easy to fall, I also readily agreed to help him lead the way, and I didn't charge him for anything."

It seemed that he hadn't taken the initiative to recall this past event for a long time. When he told about this event, his face was full of sighs and nostalgia.

"Different from Magneto and Thunder Fairy, which have a very large span, Magneto and Metagro are actually very similar in race."

"The appearance is very similar, the ability is very similar, and they can all affect the manipulation of the magnetic field.

In addition, this golden monster is still a strange-colored elf, so the moment the trainer arrived with the golden monster, it aroused the strong interest of the self-explosive magneto. "Ford he said.

But hearing what Fode said, Nanako couldn't help turning her head to look at her beloved, with a questioning look in her expression and eyes.

A trainer in the Fangyuan area, an avid stone lover, owning a shiny golden monster...

Combining the above-mentioned characteristics, the two of them happened to know a trainer with the above-mentioned characteristics, or as long as the above-mentioned characteristics were mentioned, the trainers in the Pokémon professional circle would think of that man without exception.

"Uncle Verde, do you remember the trainer's name?" Nanako continued to ask.

"Of course I remember, how can I forget this."

"Although this man is wearing a very ordinary expedition outfit, he can't hide the aura of nobility exuding from the inside out of his whole body."

"In addition, his eyes and hair are very rare silver blue, so I have a very deep memory of him."

"He told me at the time that his name was Dawu. Although I have stayed in this thunderstorm plain all year round, I don't know much about celebrities and events outside."

"But from the first time I saw him, I guessed that his origin and identity are not simple." Verde said very firmly.

"Mr. Dawu?!" Nanako couldn't help but exclaimed when Buddha had to say the name of the trainer of the flashing golden monster.

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