Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1269 The mystery of the life experience of the little magnetite (4)

Chapter 1269 The Mystery of Magneto's Life Experience (4)

"Brother Liangren..." Nanako looked at Liangren.

"Hmm~ Name, likes to collect special stones, shiny golden monster, and the appearance and characteristics described by my uncle Verde just now, I think it should be that one." My husband nodded and said.

"Isn't this trainer called Dawu really an ordinary person?" Seeing the reactions of Ryoto and Nanako, Buddha had a rare relaxed smile on his face.

"Uncle Verde, you guessed right. The identity and background of this trainer named Dawu is indeed very extraordinary. He is a very famous and powerful figure in the professional trainer circle."

Lover, he simply explained to Fode.

"Is it powerful? Who says it's not~"

"Although Magneto-Explosive was attracted by the Flashing Metagro and was very interested in it from the very beginning, if it wasn't for the fact that Magneton-Exploding saved the Magneto-Exploding, how could Magneton Exploding cross races and be tempted by Metagros Woolen cloth."

Verde couldn't help sighing as he fiddled with the fire with a wooden stick.

"Metagro saved Magneto, what happened?" Nanako continued to ask.

"My job is to herd electric-type Pokémon, and then collect the electricity from Tianlei and send it to mountain villages and small towns that lack electricity."

"At that time, I drove the magnet monster group to graze according to a fixed route as usual.

This trainer named Dawu followed us with the giant golden monster, and every time he went to a place where thunder often fell, he would stop to look for the thunder stone. "

"At that time, I was also like the time when the self-explosive magneton died half a year ago. People in a small town with a sudden power outage contacted me, asking me to send a batch of electricity to the emergency as soon as possible."

"At that time, the magnetic monsters were all in good physical condition, the only problem was that we didn't find a dark cloud with a small amount or moderate power.

Because there was a rush from the power-deficient town, I finally had to take a risk and try to attract a thundercloud that contained electricity, but I didn’t expect that the electricity contained in the thundercloud was much more than I expected~”

"At that time, I also encountered the situation that I encountered half a year ago. The self-explosive Magneto stood up to protect the Magneto group, absorbing a large amount of lightning power to share the pressure with other Magnetos."

"However, at the most critical moment, fortunately, Dawu took the shot and let the flashing golden monster rush to the side of the self-explosive magnetite, helping it share most of the power of the sky thunder."

"Although the flashing golden monster was shot because it received the trainer's order, but for the self-explosive magneto, it was indeed saved by the golden monster—"

"And precisely because of the hero's rescue of the beauty this time, the self-explosive magnetite, who was originally only interested in the shiny golden monster, really fell in love with the shiny golden monster this time."

"Afterwards, because we wanted to find the Thunder Stone, Dawu and the Flashing Metagro stayed with us for quite a while, and during this period, the relationship between the Flashing Metastas and the Magneto-Explosive grew stronger."

"My beloved was snatched away by other men. During this period, Thunder Elf would challenge the flashing golden monster almost every day. Thunder Elf's strength is not weak, but there is still a big gap compared with the shining golden monster."

"So Thunder Spirit's challenge has never been successful."

"However, the honeymoon period between the flashing golden monster and the self-exploding magneto didn't last long. After a while, Dawu found the Sky Thunder Stone in a lightning crater. He and the flashing golden monster were about to leave."

"Neither the flashing golden monster nor the self-exploding magneton are free wild Pokémon, each has trainers and partners."

"The shiny golden monster had to leave. Before leaving, it tried to persuade Magneto-explosive to leave with it, but I didn't force Magneto-explosive to leave."

"However, the Magneto-Explosive Monster is unwilling to leave. It wants the Flashing Metagro to stay, but this is obviously impossible, so in the end, the Magneto-Explosive and the Flashing Metagro are still separated."

"After the flashing golden monster left, the self-explosive magneto has been depressed,

However, even though Magneto-Explosive still loves the Flashing Metagro in his heart, Thunder Fairy still hasn't given up on the pursuit of Magneto-Explosive. "

"However, before Thunder Fairy could catch Magneto, shortly after the Flashing Metagro left, Magneto became pregnant and gave birth to Magneto. This is the crystallization of love between Magneto and the Flashing Metagro."

"After giving birth to Magneto, Magneto blew himself up. He poured all his love for the shiny golden monster into Magneto, and became a mother seriously."

"Originally because of the departure of the flashing golden monster, Magneto-explosive actually responded to Thunder Fairy in the face of his enthusiastic love, but because of the birth of Magneto-monster, Magneto-explosive became indifferent to Thunder Fairy again. ignore."

"That's why Thunder Fairy hates Magneto so much, even more than he hates Metagros."

"So in the early days, after the birth of Magneto, the Thunder Spirit's hatred for Magneto reached its peak, but half a year ago, after the self-destructed Magneto died in the violent sky thunder."

"Thunder Elf's attitude towards Magneto has become very complicated."

"As the child of Magneto and Metagross, Magneto isn't an iron dumbbell, but Magneto is a shiny Pokémon just like its father."

"The silver-white body and the two horseshoe magnets on both sides seem to be coated with gold powder. The appearance of gold and silver makes Lei Fairy think of the appearance of the shiny golden monster every time he sees the little magnetite."

"Every time I see Magneto, Thunder Fairy seems to see his most hated enemy."

"But since Magneto-explosive was buried in Tianlei, and Magneto-explosive is the child of Magneto-explosive, it seems that Thunder Fairy's love for Magneto-exploded has also been transferred to Magneto-exploded."

"So today's Thunder Fairy, when dealing with Magneto, he hates it like an enemy, and at the same time it loves it deeply like a stepfather.

And the "bullying" that Magneto said is actually a kind of "tough" love in my opinion. "

"Of course, Thunder Spirit's attitude towards Magneto is indeed a little too much to others. In fact, I don't care about it as you two said."

"I tried to persuade and stop it, but Thunder Spirit didn't listen."

"Magnetism died in a thunderstorm half a year ago. In fact, it's not just Magneto and other Magnetons who have rifts and estrangements towards me. The same is true for Thunder Fairy. You must know that Magneton is the person he loves the most."

"The reason why Thunder Elf is still by my side, reluctantly willing to listen to me and help me take care of the magnet monster group, is probably only because I repay the kindness I saved it in the first place."

"In addition, Magneto-Destroy regards this place as his home, and the group of Magneto-Destroyers as his closest companions. Therefore, Thunder Fairy also commemorates and continues to love Magneto-Destroyer by inheriting the will of Magneto-Destroyer."

"However, with so many things happening, Thunder Spirit actually doesn't listen to me as a trainer anymore. The matter between it and Magneto is more like a family affair between the two of them, and I'm just an outsider now."

Speaking of this, Fode's eyes were full of sadness.

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