Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1272 Monarch Snake vs Thunder Elf (2)

Chapter 1272 Monarch Snake vs Thunder Elf (2)

"Monarch Snake, use the mysterious guard."

"Boom!!" As soon as the beloved's command was issued, Thunder Spirit's 100,000 volts blasted over.

Fortunately, the Monarch Snake dodged in time, the 100,000 volts did not hit the Monarch Snake, but blasted a scorched black crack and ditch on the ground where the Monarch Snake stayed just now.

Looking at this scene, both the lover and the monarch snake looked very calm.

"Om~" When the Monarch Snake turned around and sprinted to avoid the Thunder Spirit's 100,000 volts, it also condensed a colorful mask around its body.

Although the mysterious guardian does not have a strong defensive ability, the effect of resisting abnormal states without being charged is what the monarch snake needs.

Don't worry about being paralyzed by the electric current, and when facing the Thunder Spirit, the Monarch Snake can also let go of its hands and feet, and will no longer be restrained.

"Sovereign Snake, let the Thunder Spirit see that you are powerful, use "Flying Leaf Storm"! ! ! "The beloved didn't use his consciousness to transmit this command, but snapped his fingers and shouted out with great momentum.

"Wum~" The Monarch Snake raised his head and let out a long, high-pitched cry.

Energy conversion...Using energy as ink, outline a series of energy spells...Connect spells and activate resonance~

The veins can be clearly seen that the energy leaves are formed out of thin air, and then driven by a strong original force, the sharp energy leaves spin and condense to form a tornado.

"Huhuhu..." Feiye Storm whizzed towards Thunder Elf.

Although the use of 100,000 volts just now has offset and reduced the mental shock of the big snake's stare, the body has recovered its ability to move.

But the flying leaf storm is not a fixed-point single-point attack like the one hundred thousand volts, but a large-scale group attack.

At this moment in the open space, the Thunder Spirit was like a trapped Thunder Beast, running and fleeing in panic and anger.

But the upper and lower sides are covered by the attack range covered by Feiye Stormfury, and the Thunder Spirit rushed from left to right but failed to break through——

"Howl~" Flying Leaf Storm quickly shrunk the encirclement and pressed on step by step. The thunder spirit who couldn't get out was finally swept in by Flying Leaf Storm and thrown into the sky amidst howling.

The flying leaf storm is not just tearing and strangling like ordinary tornadoes, but also the whirling cutting of sharp energy leaves.

After the flying leaf storm dissipated, Thunder Spirit fell from a height of five or six meters.

Looking at it now, the fur on Thunder Elf's body was messy, and the needle-like hair was cut off by the sharp energy leaves, making him look very embarrassed.

"Woohoo~" Thunder Elf let out a howl, and got up from the ground tremblingly.

Thunder Elf's strength is not low, and the skill of Feiye Storm, Monarch Snake, has not been strengthened for a long time after he mastered it, so Monarch Snake was not able to kill Thunder Elf in one move.

Seeing that the Beloved and the Monarch Snake were about to attack again, Thunder Spirit did not sit still, but took the initiative to launch an offensive first.

"Woohoo~" Thunder Elf raised his head and let out a howl, the few needle-like hairs left on his body suddenly shot towards the Monarch Snake like bristles on a porcupine.

"Missile Needle" is an insect-attribute skill, and it is a rare move that can pierce the monarch snake's rattan clothes and restrain the monarch snake.

"Wum~" The Monarch Snake groaned softly, and it didn't need any instructions from its lover. Feeling threatened, it moved around and dodged very flexibly.

"Puff puff puff..." The missile needle hit the ground, as if being shot by a machine gun, leaving small holes in the solid ground.

Fortunately, Monarch Snake's speed is very fast, coupled with the congenital "disability" symptoms of no hands, feet and limbs, it has developed a very unique set of running and dodging skills.

The attack speed of Thunder Spirit's missile needle is very fast. If it is an ordinary Pokémon, there is absolutely no way to dodge it, but the Monarch Snake dodges very easily.

"Monarch Snake, use Flying Leaf Storm again!!" Thunder Elf's offensive ended,

The beloved did not continue to give it a chance to attack, and hurriedly let the monarch snake fight back.

After receiving the order, the Monarch Snake also stopped and dodged like flying on the ground, and used the skill of Flying Leaf Storm with a more skilled and quicker movement than before.

"Huh huh huh huh huh..." The energy leaves quickly condensed out of thin air, and then whirled and danced like a group of dark crows over the wasteland at dusk, but condensed to form a hurricane of flying leaves.

And seeing the Monarch Snake use the Flying Leaf Storm again, and the Thunder Spirit who had just organized a counterattack on the opposite side, suddenly felt like a dead soul.

The memory of being torn, cut, and thrown away by the storm just now is very vivid, and Thunder Elf has no intention of experiencing it again.

Seeing the whistling storm of flying leaves attacking him again, Thunder Spirit didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately mobilized the little power he had left, using the strongest skill he had mastered.

"Boom~" Thunder Elf arched his back like an angry cat boss, and the electric sparks running between the hairs condensed to form a black cloud that led thunder and lightning to the sky.

As soon as the lightning beam shot into the black cloud, thunder sounded like thousands of chariots rolling together in the cloud.



A gust of hurricane hung from the energy leaves below and approached the thunder elves quickly, while the thunder in the clouds in the sky became louder and louder, as if they were constantly gathering strength.

The hurricane kept approaching, and the terrifying wind force caused Thunder Elf to bend his back, and his front paws and hind legs firmly pressed against the ground to prevent himself from being sucked into the storm.

Feiye Storm's attack speed was also very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had already arrived in front of Thunder Elf, just when Thunder Elf was about to be involved in the storm.

"Crack!!!" There was a thunderstorm in the sky, and then a dazzling lightning slammed down towards the flying leaf storm below.

——??Hurricane vs Thunder?——

The Sovereign Snake in the mid-stage Quasi-Heaven King was originally much stronger than the Thunder Elf, but because the environment of the Thunderstorm Plain was more favorable to the Thunder Elf.

Generally speaking, "thunder" needs to gather free ions in the surrounding environment to form thunderclouds just like "prayer for rain" gathers water vapor to condense rain clouds.

But the sky above the thunderstorm plain is shrouded in thunderclouds all the year round, and the Thunder Spirit doesn't need to condense the thunderclouds at all, it just needs to shoot a flash of lightning to guide the thunder in the thunderclouds down.

Because there is such a natural thunder field in the sky, it is very easy and labor-saving for the Thunder Spirit to cast thunder, and the power of the thunder it attracts is much stronger than the thunder it can gather by itself.

This is why the Sovereign Snake's level strength is obviously much stronger than that of the Thunder Spirit, but the flying leaf storm blasted not only does not have the advantage, but has a faint tendency to be suppressed by the Thunder Spirit's thunder.

The wind pocket was squeezed hard, and finally there was a "bang bang!!!" explosion, and for a while, sand and rocks flew in the open space, and a huge pit was blown out on the ground.

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