Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1273 Monarch Snake vs Thunder Elf (3)

Chapter 1273 Monarch Snake vs Thunder Elf (3)

The flying leaf storm was offset by thunder, and the offensive of the Monarch Snake did not deal any damage.

"Bah, bah..." My beloved put down his hand to cover his face from the dust, and spit out the sand that accidentally flew into his mouth.

Monarch Snake didn't deal any damage in this wave of flying leaf storm, my beloved, he didn't feel disappointed, because this wave of attack wasn't completely useless.

First of all, Thunder Elf's little physical strength was consumed a lot, and secondly, Monarch Snake's "Flying Leaf Storm" added a layer of passive effect.

The Flying Leaf Storm is like the equipment in the game "League of Elves": "Meja's Soul Stealing Scroll", which is commonly known as the killing book by players.

Every time an enemy is defeated and killed, Killing Book can gain a layer of passive ability to increase the power of the law, and the same is true for Feiye Storm, which can bring special attack enhancement to the Monarch Snake every time it is cast.

Although there is an upper limit to this improvement, even if the attack fails or is offset by the opponent's attack like just now, Feiye Storm can still superimpose passive, bringing special attack enhancement to Monarch Snake.

One layer of Leaf Storm Passive Lock will bring a special attack boost, which is equivalent to a flying mantis performing a sword dance, and with the Leaf Storm that was successfully performed before, Monarch Snake has accumulated two layers of Leaf Storm Passive.

Facing the Monarch Snake with two layers of flying leaf storm passive blessing on its body, even a thunder elf in good condition may not be able to fight against it, let alone its physical strength is not much left now.

The beloved man who understood the situation on the field did not hesitate at all, and unceremoniously directed the Monarch Snake to launch an attack again~

"Monarch Snake, get rid of it, use "Hardening Plant"! ! ! "

"Wum~" The monarch snake on the field responded to his lover's command with a long cry.

Although the skill of hardening plants was only formally learned in the morning, although the level of mastery is not as high as that of Feiye Storm, it is still very sure to use it to deal with the current kind of self-inflicted thunder elf.


Under the collar of the Monarch Snake's shoulder blades, two vine whips shot out, turning into two sharp wooden spears like casting a vow skill, and cutting them into the ground.

Grass attribute energy builds the structure of tree roots, water attribute energy increases flexibility, rock attribute energy makes tree roots hard, and ground energy makes tree roots more compact and heavy.

"Boom..." After the ground under his feet shook violently, old trees with buckets of thick brown roots burst out of the ground like an earth dragon turning over.

It was like the giant python in the movie "Pytha Calamity", attacking the prey that fell into the sinkhole lair. The brown and thick tree roots bit, whipped, and strangled the thunder elf on the opposite side like a giant python preying on it...

However, the Thunder Spirit on the opposite side did not sit still. It desperately mobilized the power that had bottomed out and was no longer enough to launch the "thunder strike" to perform its skills.

At the critical juncture, the thunder elf seemed to have been stimulated to the potential of his body. Under the strong emotional will, it succeeded in firing a lightning bolt into the sky with insufficient strength.

"Boom..." The thunder sounded like tens of thousands of battle drums beating in unison, and the rumbling sound made the eardrums buzz and tinnitus.

When the roots of the python-like tree were whipping and strangling towards the Thunder Spirit, a dazzling lightning bolt descended from the dark thundercloud in the sky, and struck towards the python-like tree roots.

"Boom..." The sky thunder bombarded the ground recklessly, intending to counteract the power of the hardened plants just like blocking the flying leaf storm just now.

Seeing this scene, the corners of the beloved's mouth could not help but raise an arc.

"Hardening Plant" is a special attack damage skill, which can enjoy the increase brought by the first two layers of Flying Leaf Storm Passive.

However, the reason why he chose to use hardened plants this time is that he has not yet completed this trick, and has not overcome the cost of using the skill that will cause the Monarch Snake's body to become rigid and unable to move.

The main reason is actually that hardened plants are not restrained by thunder, and can even have a counter effect against thunder.

Although the big moves and advanced skills of the department are classified as moves of a certain attribute on the surface,

But in fact, the energy required to activate and form this skill is not pure, nor is it of a single attribute.

"Sunshine Flame" is a fire + grass dual-attribute move, "Flying Leaf Storm" is a grass + flight attribute skill, and the energy required to activate the skill "Hardening Plant" also includes 'grass, ground, rock, water' four There are so many kinds.

The grass + flying attribute energy used in Flying Leaf Storm has a ratio of 5:5. Although grass has a very high resistance to electric attribute energy, the flight attribute energy that accounts for a large proportion will still be affected by electric attribute energy. restraint.

Although the hardened plants also have water attribute energy that is restrained by the electric system, in 4:3:2:1, water attribute energy only accounts for 10%.

This attribute disadvantage is more easily offset by the advantage of the grass attribute. In addition, the ground attribute energy, which accounts for 30%, can even be immune to the damage of the electric attribute power.

Therefore, after in-depth analysis of the two skills of Flying Leaf Storm and Hardened Plant, and from the perspective of attribute restraint and resistance immunity, it is obvious that using Hardened Plant is more beneficial than using Flying Leaf Storm.

And the result of the skill collision between the two sides on the field at this moment also confirmed this point.

"Boom!!" The last violent sky thunder blasted a huge hole in the open space, but in the flying dust, the tree roots like giant piercing pythons still attacked the thunder elves with unabated momentum.

The giant tree root python came to the exhausted Thunder Elf, a part of the roots entangled Thunder Elf tightly like an octopus' tentacles, while the other part of the roots lifted high like a whip, and then moved towards Thunder Elf. The elves whip.

"Bang bang bang bang..." The previous two thunderstorms had already shattered the ground, but now the giant python tree roots kept whipping down, causing dust to fly in the open space.


After the attack of the hardened plants ended, the Monarch Snake's body was frozen as if it had been petrified, and in the open space where the earth and rocks were broken and raised, the Thunder Spirit had passed out and lost the ability to fight.

Ding, experience +410

Ding, pick up special attack attribute value +1

Ding, pick up speed attribute value +1


"Thunder Elf has lost the ability to fight, and the match will be won by the Monarch Snake."

Although Thunder Spirit's battle was not guided by a trainer, and it has lost its ability to fight now, Nanako announced the result of the game very formally according to the game process.

"Stupid Beast, come here and help Thunder Spirit heal his injury." My beloved shouted——

This is not a fight between the enemy and us. Strictly speaking, there is not much grievance between Liangren and Thunder Elf. The reason why Liangren fights Thunder Elf is to prove that he is capable of taking care of and cultivating Magneto.

At the same time, he also wanted to make Thunder Spirit figure it out through this battle, not to immerse himself in past grievances, let alone impose his hatred for the flashing golden monster and his love for the self-exploding magneton on Little Magneto. Blame it.

"Yah Duo—(′?ω?`)~Look at my healing light waves~biubiubiu~"

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