Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1287 Increased Power, Reduced Consumption

"Umu~Master, I remember you just said that there are two ways to solve the problem of "Sunshine Flame" charging too long. "

"Besides switching the order of absorbing fire-attributed energy and invoking grass-attributed energy, what's the other solution?" Monarch Snake asked curiously.

The difference between a scumbag and a scumbag is that when a scumbag knows the easiest way to solve a problem, he is not interested in knowing other ways to solve the problem.

And even if the masters know how to solve a problem, if there are other methods to solve the problem, they will be willing to learn and understand, even if the other problem-solving methods are very complicated and cumbersome.

As a trainer, Ryoto would not say that he would belittle the Pokmon of other trainers in order to boast of his own Pokmon.

But Monarch Snake, after knowing a method that can overcome the long time of "Sunshine Flame" charging, can still maintain great interest and enthusiasm, and ask his lover for another solution.

This kind of thoughtful and eager to learn made my beloved very satisfied.

"Another method I thought of to solve the problem of "Sunshine Flame" charging for too long is not universal, and only you can use it, Monarch Snake. "The beloved raised a finger and said.

"Wum~ what is it?" Hearing what his beloved said, Monarch Snake was very curious.

"Fire overcomes grass, so what attribute restrains fire?" Liangren didn't give the answer directly, and guided the monarch snake to think according to his usual style.

"Wum~ Huo overcomes grass, what restrains fire is the ground, rocks and water." The Monarch Snake replied without thinking.

As a Pokémon carefully cultivated by a benefactor, the knowledge of attribute restraint and resistance is still difficult for the Monarch Snake.


"Before I explained to you why the sun and flames need to be charged, but the hardened plants that also need to absorb energy from the outside world to assist in launching do not need to be charged~"

"When the absorbed attribute energy conflicts with one's own physical attributes, it will cause the activation of skills to require energy storage. The higher the degree of conflict, the longer the energy storage time."

"Think about it from the perspective of attribute energy and physique attribute, how can your physique not be restrained, backlashed and hurt by the absorbed fire attribute energy." The good man continued to guide the monarch snake.

"Wum~ The three attributes of ground, rock, and water restrain the fire attribute, and my physique is a mixture of grass + water."

"Master, what do you mean, as long as I effectively use my water attribute body, I can effectively resist the backlash damage of fire attribute energy." Under the step-by-step guidance of my beloved, the Monarch Snake also came up with the answer.

"Then what do you think you should do?" the beloved continued to ask.

Frowning and pondering for a moment, Monarch Snake shook his head and replied honestly: "Umu~ I don't know."

"Didn't I tell you before that you need to use 30% of the grass attribute energy when you cast the sun and flames? Think carefully about how you allocate and use the 30% grass attribute power—"

Looking at the Monarch Snake who was listening carefully, the lover's eyes were full of gentle smiles.

"Wum~How is the 30% grass-attributed energy distributed and used?" Hearing what my beloved said, Monarch Snake fell into thinking again.

This process is not long,

The Monarch Snake quickly came up with an answer.

"Thirty percent of grass-attributed energy, 1.50 percent of it is used to neutralize the fire-attributed energy, and 1.50 percent of it is used to build an energy defense film inside and on the body surface." Monarch Snake said.

"That is to say, only half of the 30% grass attribute energy is used to neutralize the fire attribute energy, and the other half is used to hook the defensive barrier inside and outside the body."

"Then from the point of view of attribute restraint and resistance, which attribute energy do you think is more resistant to fire attribute damage, grass attribute or water attribute?" Liang Ren asked back.

"Wum~ Of course it's water attribute."

"Umm~ I understand, master, what you mean is that when I cast Sunshine Flame, I actually don't need to convert the dual-attribute energy of grass + water into a single grass attribute."

"Instead, it directly calls the mixed attribute energy in the body, and then separates and transforms the two kinds of energy when distributing the 30% mixed attribute energy."

"The grass-attribute energy is used to neutralize the fire-attribute energy, and the other part is converted into water-attribute energy that is more resistant to fire-attribute energy. The water-attribute energy builds a defensive film inside and outside the body."

After being guided step by step by the beloved, the answer was finally obtained, and the Monarch Snake said excitedly.

"That's right."

"After 70% of the fire-attributed energy is reconciled with 1.50% of the grass-attributed energy, the remaining prestige needs to use 1.50% of the grass-attributed energy to build an energy film for defense."

"Fire overcomes grass, water defeats fire, 1.5% of the film is constructed of grass attribute energy, the same defense, I believe it can be achieved with less water attribute."

"As for the 30% mixed-attribute energy that is used, the energy consumption for building the defensive film is reduced, so the grass-attribute energy used to reconcile the fire-attribute is correspondingly increased."

"In this case, there are again two options:"

1. Keep the energy consumption of the original activated skills unchanged (30%)

After having more grass-attribute energy that can be used to reconcile the fierceness, correspondingly, more fire-attribute energy can be absorbed from the outside world (\u003e7)

The final result is that the power of the sun and flames displayed is even greater when the self-consumption remains the same.

2. Keep the power of the original Sunshine Flame skill unchanged

70% of the fire-attributed energy absorbed from the outside world is reconciled with 1.50% of the grass-attributed energy. Under the premise of not absorbing more fire-attributed energy, the aftermath of the reconciled fire-attributed energy is fixed.

And this part of Yu Wei originally used 1.5% grass attribute energy to build a defensive film that was just able to resist, but now the energy used to construct the film is replaced with a more effective water attribute.

The final result is that while the skill power of the Sunshine Flame remains the same, because the water attribute energy with better defensive effect is used, the consumption of the Monarch Snake to activate the Sunshine Flame is reduced.

Self-supplied energy is less than 30% of the original.

Of these two methods, the former makes the skill Sunshine Flame more powerful, while the latter makes the consumption of the Monarch Snake's skill smaller.

As for how to shorten the charging time of "Sunshine Flame", the "directly mobilize 30% of the energy first" proposed by the good man earlier really shortened the time to display the "Sunshine Flame".

The second method is further derived on the basis of the former, still mobilizing part of the energy to neutralize the fire attribute energy and build defenses.

Because the property of building the energy defense film was changed, two different results were differentiated: stronger power or less consumption.

But no matter how you choose, it is a good thing for Monarch Snake.

"However, with the same defensive power, how much water-attributed energy needs to be consumed, and how much more fire-attributed energy can be absorbed with more grass-attributed energy, all of which require constant experimentation."

"And I have other arrangements in the afternoon, so I can't personally accompany you to do the test and training for the time being, in order to avoid danger.

You can do it yourself this afternoon, you only need to complete the seamless connection of "hardened plants + enhanced version · petrochemical skills" and use the first solution just now to shorten the charging time of the sun and flames. "

"The rest of the training content will be tested after I accompany you as a trainer." Liangren said to the monarch snake.

"Wum~" Monarch Snake nodded obediently, looking at her lover with eyes full of admiration.

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