Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1288 Frustrated Lucario, Excited Mini Dragon


"Okay, let's stop here for this morning's training, what I just said, you can train in the afternoon—"

"Wum~" Monarch Snake nodded.

Because Liang Ren said that he would stay in the broad-leaved forest camp for a few days, and instead of rushing in the afternoon, he arranged for them to train, so the Monarch Snake didn't mention any more training.

Following Ryoto back to the camp, the other Pokémon who went out for training have all returned, and Nanako is fetching a basin of water to wash vegetables.

"Nai Nai, thank you for your hard work, let me come."

Let Monarch Snake and Magneto go to play with other Pokémon, while my husband took the vegetable basket from the girl and started preparing lunch.

"Brother Liangren, please lend me Bi Diao for half an hour in the afternoon~" the girl standing behind Liangren helping him tie his apron suddenly said.

"What's the matter, Nana, are you going out to do something?" The beloved turned his head and asked curiously.

"With the growth of the body, the small fluorescent fish began to eat more food. The water-type elf food bought for it in Yangbeila City is gone today."

"So I'd like to use your Bidiao to travel, and go to Big City in the afternoon to help the fluorescent fish buy some food that the water elves love to eat—" Nanako explained.

"So that's how it is. Okay~ I'll ask Bi Diao and Dai Dai to go with you in the afternoon."

Hearing that the girl went to Big City to help the fluorescent fish buy food, the beloved nodded and readily agreed.

Not only that, in addition to Bi Diao, he also lent the slow beast to the girl.

Although Bi Diao has the strength of a heavenly king, but due to its large size, it is not suitable to be placed outside anytime and anywhere, and it is not as good at the perception of danger as Slowly Beast.

"Don't be so troublesome, it's enough for Bi Diao to follow me, and Slowly Beast is your personal bodyguard..."

"It's okay, I have Lucario on my side, and it's very close to Big City. At the speed of Bi Diao, you can go back and forth for half an hour at most, so it's okay."

"In addition, I just want to send the dumb beast out here to help buy a few large glass bottles to collect plant dew." Liangren found a reason for himself and made a final decision on this matter.

"Alright then~" the girl nodded, her heart full of sweetness.

Although Ryoto explained that he asked Slowmon to run errands to help buy glass bottles for collecting plant dew, but Nanako knew that this was just an excuse, and letting Slowmon follow was actually to protect her safety.



When I took the Monarch Snake out for training in the morning, there was still some thin fog in the forest.

But when the time came to noon, the thin mist in the forest had completely dissipated, the sky was clear and the sun was shining, and the mountains were full of greenery.

After having lunch and resting for half an hour, in the open space in front of the camp, Nanako, holding the dumb beast heroically, turned over and rode on the back of Bi Diao, ready to set off for Big City.

"Brother Liangren, I'm going~" the girl waved her slender hands and said to her husband.

"Okay, go early and return early, pay attention to safety on the road." In the open space below,

The lover also took the trouble to exhort.

"Stupid beast, keep Nana safe, and don't forget to buy the big glass bottle you need to collect plant dew."

"Yah Duo—(????0`??)~ Oh, I got it!!"

"Beep Eagle—╰(*??︶`*)╯ sit tight and get ready to take off~"

After seeing his lover tell him what to do, Bi Diao spread his wings, flapped his wings twice, and carried the girl and the dumb beast, soaring up into the sky.

With the superpower shield of the slow beast, Bi Diao doesn't have to worry that if he flies too fast, the wind will blow Nanako down, so he is at full speed from the beginning.

In the blink of an eye, Bi Diao's figure turned into a small black dot and disappeared at the end of the distant sky.

"Okay, everyone has had enough rest, let's get ready for training."

Looking back from the distant sky, the beloved turned and clapped his hands and said to the Pokémon.






Except for Magneto, who has not yet arranged for training, the other Pokmon replied enthusiastically.

"Tiejiabei, I don't need to arrange your training; Monarch Snake, the content of your training this afternoon is what I told you this morning—"

"Master the "enhanced version of petrification skill" proficiently, and then achieve the seamless connection of "hardening plants + petrification skill", and then train on "sunshine flames" to shorten the power storage time. "

"Regarding the shortening of the energy storage time of Sunshine Flame, Monarch Snake, you can directly carry out the training of the second plan, mobilize 30% of the energy of mixed attributes, and then separate them into two attributes of grass and water when using them."

"Although water-attributed energy is more efficient than grass-attributed energy in building the same 'firewall', and consumes less energy, how much energy needs to be consumed needs to be tested again and again."

"This part of the training will be carried out later when I personally guide you. At present, regarding the allocation of 30% of the self-provided energy for the use of the Sunshine Flame, you should use the grass attribute energy as before."

"Thirty percent of the energy, half of it is used to reconcile the fierceness of the fire-attributed energy, and the other half is used to build a 'firewall' inside and outside of the body—" Looking at the Monarch Snake who listened carefully, the beloved reminded him again.

"Wum~" Monarch Snake nodded obediently.

Although under the guidance of the lover, the monarch snakes... their intelligence is already very high, but they still obey the words of the lover 100%.

What the beloved tells them to do, they will unswervingly carry out, and what the beloved does not ask them to do, they will never try rashly on their own initiative.

After arranging the training of Iron Armor Shell and Monarch Snake, Liangren looked at Lucario and Mini Dragon again.

"Aww——?????????????~Brother Master, what about me~" Lucario asked eagerly.

The Pokmon in the second echelon under Liangren are only two generals, it and Monarch Snake. Under the guidance of Liangren, Monarch Snake has grown by leaps and bounds in strength and has now caught up with it.

In addition, when the Monarch Snake was comforting the sad little Magneto a few days ago, he finally untied the knot in his heart and made a breakthrough in strength.

At that time, the beloved whispered the phrase "Maybe the Monarch Snake will break through the Heavenly King Level before Lucario", after Lucario heard it.

Now Lucario also feels the pressure, hoping to quickly improve his strength.

"Lucario, you have been training very hard during this time. I will not train this afternoon. You can go out with me."

"And the miniature dragon, I have seen your progress these days, I will take you out this afternoon to find Pokémon for actual combat." The good man said to Lucario and the miniature dragon.

After listening to the arrangement of the lover, the reactions of the two Pokmon are also very different.



Lucario, who originally wanted his beloved to personally guide him to train, or to arrange more intensive training tasks for himself, heard that he didn't need to train in the afternoon, and he suddenly became dejected like a frost-beaten eggplant.

On the other hand, Mini Dragon was very excited when he heard that his beloved was going to take him out for actual combat training in the afternoon.

As a dragon Pokémon and a child of the champion Kuailong, Mini Dragon's combative personality is even stronger than that of Lucario, a fighting Pokémon.

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