Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1292 Wild leveling, 1 week later~



Mini Dragon: LV.16



After an afternoon of actual combat training, the strength of the miniature dragon has increased a lot, and its level has been raised by two levels.

This kind of improvement speed is incredible to other trainers, but it is not surprising to put it on the mini dragon.

In order to give this little guy a relaxed and happy childhood, he applied to Jinhuang Middle School to hatch from an egg on the eve of early graduation, and then went to Sanshen Island to practice penance for more than two months.

Later, from Mandolin Island - Tangerine Island - Orange Island, until the fluorescent fish hatched from the eggs, and stayed in Dagan Island because of acclimatization and cold.

It was the first time that the mini dragon was sent to fight by Liangren, and then Liangren officially began to arrange mini dragon training during the journey to Little Orange Island→Yangbeila City.

Although there was no training during "childhood", as a dragon Pokémon, as a child of the noble and powerful champion Kuailong, the strength of the miniature dragon is also rapidly improving along with its physical and mental growth.

With a lot of accumulation, and now officially starting to clear the field and level up, the mini dragon will make rapid progress as it is now, no matter in terms of combat experience or strength level.

And lay a solid foundation with miniature dragons...

"Through clearing the wild and leveling, at least level before LV.20 in a short period of time will not worry about the problem of vain strength and unstable foundation." Liangren thought.



The lake to the south is some distance from the broadleaf forest camp.

After the battle with the last opponent, the big needle bee, it was already past 5:50, and when Liangren and his party returned to the camp, it was already 6:30.

"Brother Liangren, you're back~" In the open space of the camp, Nanako was helping to cook dinner.


"How is your place? I went to Big City in the afternoon. Did you buy the water-type elf food that the fluorescent fish likes to eat?" My husband poured half a basin of water to wash his face and hands.

"I got it. After recognizing my identity, the owner's sister gave me a recipe for water-type elf food..." Nanako said happily.

"That's a good relationship. In this way, after the food for the fluorescent fish is finished, you can prepare it yourself."



After washing his face, he chatted with Nanako for a while, seeing that he couldn't get his hands on her side, so my beloved came to the dining table to play with the Pokémon honestly.

After training for the same afternoon, it is not only the mini dragon that has improved, the strength of several other Pokémon has also improved a lot, especially the monarch snake whose combat power is not yet fully mature.

In the morning, the advanced intensive training of "hardening plants, sunshine and flames" was preliminarily completed.

In the afternoon, the task assigned by Liang Ren is to complete the mastery of the enhanced version of petrification skills, the seamless connection between hardened plants and petrification skills, as well as the training of shortening the energy storage of the sun and flames, increasing power and reducing consumption.

There are many content items,

However, the Monarch Snake has already mastered the two skills of Hardening Plants and Sunshine Flames proficiently, and advanced training is not too difficult for the Monarch Snake.

In addition to the advanced training of the sun and flames, 30% of the self-supplied energy, how to accurately convert the two attributes of water and grass, other training tasks, my beloved has already done an in-depth lecture and analysis for the monarch snake at noon~

So in the afternoon, although Liangren took the mini dragon out to practice leveling, he did not personally guide the Monarch Snake to do the training like in the morning, but the Monarch Snake still completed all the training tasks arranged for it very well by himself.

For the mastery of the four skills of "Strong Whiplash, Sunshine Flame, Flying Leaf Storm, and Hardened Plants", Liangren believes that there are still many details that can be corrected and improved, but in general, the training of the Monarch Snake at this stage is considered complete. it's over.

And these four powerful skills are already the final stage of training formulated by Liangren before the Monarch Snake hits the Heavenly King level.

In addition to the energy atmosphere that appeared on the Monarch Snake because it drank the dew from plants, my beloved is planning to let the Monarch Snake drink the dew for a long time to help it comprehend the special atmosphere force field like the spirit atmosphere of Zernias~

Before it breaks through to the Heavenly King level, the Monarch Snake has no content items to train for the time being. It can be said that the Monarch Snake is about to graduate just like Lucario.

After the two of them broke through to the Heavenly King level, the two of them, like Bi Diao, Silly Beast, and Iron Armor Shell, would become powerful aces under his beloved who no longer needed him to worry too much about.

"However, compared to the complete completion of Lucario's training, the Monarch Snake still needs some time to strengthen and consolidate."

"It's just that during this period of time, I want to take the mini dragon to level up in the wild, so let's stay here for a while." Liang Ren thought to himself.

There is no gymnasium stationed in Big City, and this city is just a place for temporary rest on the travel route planned by Liang Ren.

As for the attitude towards travel, Liangren has always paid attention to the process, and he doesn't pay much attention to the destination. Therefore, rather than rushing to Big City as soon as possible, Liangren cares more about the training of the Monarch Snake and the Mini Dragon~



However, not everything is as expected by Liangren. He originally said to stay in the broad-leaved forest camp temporarily, and spend two or three days helping the Monarch Snake to strengthen and bring the Mini Dragon to level up.

But in the end, the beloved found that two or three days was still a bit rushed.

In addition to the lake area surrounded by woods in the south, there are many wild Pokémon with a level higher than LV.30, which are suitable for leveling Lucario.

In the end, the lover and his party stayed in the broad-leaved forest camp for a week before preparing to leave.

However, although they stayed for a while longer, the strength of Monarch Snake, Lucario, and Mini Dragon has all improved a lot.

Monarch Snake has completely mastered all the skills in the skill pool including "Powerful Whiplash, Sunshine Flame, Flying Leaf Storm, Hardened Plant".

In particular, the 30% energy provided by Sunshine Flames has been tested by the Monarch Snake personally under the guidance of the beloved, and precise data has been obtained on the issue of energy distribution.

Water attribute is indeed better at defending against fire damage than grass attribute energy.

Originally, 30% of the self-supplied grass attribute energy, 1.50% was used to reconcile the fire attribute energy, and 1.50% was used to build a 'firewall' inside and outside the body

After switching the energy used to build the firewall from the grass attribute to the water attribute, the same defense, the energy consumption has indeed been reduced a lot.

Originally, it required 1.50% grass attribute energy to build a firewall, but now after switching to water attribute energy, it only needs 10% energy.

In the case of keeping 30% self-supplied energy consumption unchanged, 10% of the energy is converted into water attribute to build an energy firewall, and the other 20% of energy is converted into grass attribute to reconcile the fire attribute energy.

Because the energy of the grass attribute increases, the energy of the fire attribute absorbed from the external sunlight also increases correspondingly.

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