Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1293 starts again and arrives in Big City

It turns out that 100% of the energy required to display the sun's flames, 30% of the energy of the grass attribute is self-supplied, and 70% of the energy of the fire attribute is absorbed from the external sunlight. (3+7=10)


30% of self-supplied energy remains unchanged, but this 30% energy is mixed dual-attribute energy of untransformed aquatic plants, which is separated and transformed only when it is officially used (3=1 water+2 grass)

Originally, 1.5% of the grass attribute energy can reconcile the intensity of 70% of the fire attribute energy (7:1.5). Now that the grass attribute energy has increased from 1.5 to 20%, the fire attribute energy absorbed from the outside world has also increased from 7 to 9.3333~

This value does not seem to have increased much, but for the energy required to activate the Sunshine Flame, Liaoren has always used the generalization of "how many times".

Under normal circumstances, 100% of the energy (7 fire + 3 grass) required to activate the Sunshine Flame makes the initial power of the Sunshine Flame reach 120 values.

Now the self-sufficient self-supplied energy remains 30% unchanged, and the 70% fire attribute energy absorbed from the sun has increased to 9.33333... My beloved asked the super personality to help with the calculation.

Now the initial damage value of the skill "Upgraded Enhanced Sunshine Flame" has been increased from 120 to 159.9999..., infinitely close to 160

You must know that the initial damage value is as high as 150. After increasing the self-supplied energy to impact the third gear of Lotte Kappa, the initial lethal value of the skill hardened plant has only increased from 150 to 165.

Unexpectedly, the original lethality of the Sunshine Flame was only 120, but after the advanced enhancement by the beloved, the initial power of the skill even caught up with the hardened plant after strengthening.

For this result, even the beloved person was very surprised.

However, it is a good thing that the lethality of the strengthened eyesight flame has been greatly improved, so apart from being surprised, the lover is only happy.

After a whole week of staying and training, Monarch Snake is now considered to have officially graduated, and has become a combat force that his beloved can handle alone.

Next, my beloved’s plan for the Monarch Snake, although there are still——

Through "drinking plant dew to comprehend the energy atmosphere force field"

And by "absorbing the champion's inheritance of the water attribute part of the spirit bead of the dumb hippopotamus, and then driving the grass attribute to break through the bottleneck and break through to the king level"

However, these are not so much a training task arrangement as a relatively long-term plan, and none of these things can be accomplished overnight.

The Monarch Snake and Lucario in the second echelon are now fully mature in combat power, and now the beloved can focus more on the Mini Dragon and the little Magneto who just joined the team.

Both the miniature dragon and the magnetite have the noble and powerful bloodline of the champion. The former is the child of the champion Kuailong under Long Shidu, and the latter is the child of the shining golden monster under Dawu.

Strong genes and bloodlines make the starting point of the two Pokmon inherently higher than other ordinary Pokmon, and the ceiling height that they can reach in the future will also be higher than that of their predecessors.

Although Liangren has a system cheat to improve the talent of Pokmon by adding points the day after tomorrow, there is also an upper limit for adding points to the system.

Take the three Pokémon in the first echelon as an example:

[Bi の Carving] It is added by the beloved with the system attribute currency,

The talent value limit on the panel is 601~

【Stupid Beast】...660

【Iron Armor Shell】...644

The talents of the three pets have surpassed quasi-gods, phantom beasts, and third-level gods. Now they have collectively broken through to the heavenly king level. I believe that the champion level will not be their limit. Maybe we can look forward to a higher level in the future.

Although the three seniors of the first echelon are leading the way, realistically, if you look at talent alone, Mini Dragon and Magneto are undoubtedly higher than the former.

My husband's expectation for the mini dragon is to breed it into the most powerful dragon Pokémon, and there are many dragon Pokémon among the mythical beasts.

Like Rikkakuza, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Dialga, Palkiya... and even Wujitai, who are comparable to Arceus, are all dragon Pokmon.

'The strongest dragon-type Pokémon' shows how high his lover's expectations for miniature dragons are.

However, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and there is no way to reach a thousand miles without accumulating steps. To become the most powerful dragon-type Pokémon, the miniature dragon still has a long, long way to go.

But the little guy Mini Dragon worked very hard, and my husband had great confidence in it.

During the week of staying in the broad-leaved forest camp, after guiding the advanced training of the Monarch Snake Sunshine Flame, Liangren personally supervised the mini dragon for training every morning, and took it out to level up in the afternoon.

In one week, the level of the miniature dragon has been directly raised from the original LV.12 to the current LV.20

As the level increases, the Mini Dragon also understands a new skill: "High Speed ​​Movement". Although there is only one move, it just makes up for the embarrassment that the Mini Dragon has no speed-up skills in the early stage.



"Ya Duo—(-^〇^-)~The sun is shining in the sky, the flowers are smiling at me, and the little bird said early, why are you carrying a small schoolbag~ Xiaolu, pick it up."

"Aww—??????????????~ I go to school, and I'm never late every day~ Xiaolong, it's your turn."

"Yiyou—(?????????) ~ love to study, love to work ~ little monster, it's your turn."

"Lili—??(??◇????)э~When I grow up, I will make contributions to my master!!!"

"Okay... Xiaolu, Xiaolong and Xiaoguai all sang very well." Tie Jiabei and Monarch Snake applauded the three pets with great applause.

"Ya Duo—┤??ω??)??~Honey, what about me~" Dullbeast blinked and leaned on the armored shell and asked.

"Kaka—(︶︿︶) doesn't sound good."

"Yah Duo—(??﹏??) Hey ~ why?"



On the morning of the new day, Ryoto and Nanako did not take the Pokémon to train as usual, but broke camp and continued to set off for Big City.

The sky is as blue as washing, and the clouds like cotton are blowing in the wind.

As the rising sun gradually rose into the sky and the sun shone on his body, the lover only felt warm and comfortable all over his body.

The broad-leaved forest camp is not far from Bige City, and when Liang Ren took Mini Dragon and Lucario to level up in the field, he could see traces of people from time to time.

The map on the mobile phone shows that the broad-leaved forest camp is only two kilometers away from Bige City.

After leaving the camp, they walked through the woods for a while. After walking out of the woods, Liangren and his party soon saw a compacted dirt road.

In order not to destroy the ecological environment in the wild, there are very few roads between cities. Except for a closed road specially for vehicles, most of the roads marked on the travel maps of other trainers are such dirt roads.

This kind of road can only be walked, bicycle..., motor vehicles are not allowed to drive on this kind of road, of course, except for Junsha's police car and Joey's ambulance.

"We'll be in Big City soon, and we can finally take a hot bath." Looking at Big City at the end of the dirt road, my beloved sighed.

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