Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1294 The monster in the sewer

"We'll be in Big City soon, and we can finally take a hot bath."

Although it is possible to take a hot bath during the trip, because it is troublesome to boil water, there is not a lot of hot water to boil, so every time I take a bath in a hurry.

In addition, it has been nearly two weeks since I set out from Yangbeila City to travel and camp in the wild. Now that I can return to the city suddenly, even my lover can't help but feel a little excited.


Lingang Town, Yangbeila City, and Bige City, these three cities are the largest and most populous cities on Little Orange Island.

Different from the seaside tourism and vacation style of the port town, Yangbeila City is a garden city that perfectly integrates classical and modern.

Bige City is the westernmost part of Little Orange Island. It is a large modern city full of high-rise buildings. It is also the place where the plot of the original animation "Sewer Monster" took place~

Xiaozhi and his party, who traveled across the entire Little Orange Island, finally arrived in Big City, but fell into the sewer of Big City because of the trap of Team Rocket.

And in the sewer, Xiaozhi's Frog Seed was snatched away by a monster. As soon as Xiaozhi crawled out of the sewer, he was arrested by Junsha. Hearing the rumors of the sewer monster, the released Xiaozhi couldn't wait to save the Frog Seed .

However, in order not to affect his own election, the mayor of Big City planned to block the spread of the "monster" incident by sealing the underground passage.

After many efforts, with the help of Ms. Joy, Xiaozhi and his party came to the underground passage and unveiled the mystery of the 'monster'.

It turns out that the so-called monster is actually a frog seed cultivated by the mayor of Big City before, but it was abandoned by the mayor because it couldn't evolve...

After the truth of the 'Sewer Monster' incident came to light, the citizens also knew what kind of person the mayor is. After they felt that his character was not worthy of trust, he also lost the chance of being re-elected in the subsequent election of the mayor of Big City. .


At this moment, Ryoto led a group of people towards Big City, and on the grounds of "I heard it from Xiaozhi", he told Nanako and other Pokémon about the "sewer monster" that once happened in Big City. Fantastic story.

"The mayor of Big City lost the trust of the citizens and his eligibility for re-election because he abandoned the frog seeds that he had not been able to evolve for a long time. He deserved it."

After listening to the story told by her beloved, Nanako nodded and said.

"Wum—(-"-anger)~ It's just that he lost the chance of being re-elected. I think it's too cheap for him. According to me, Miss Junsha should arrest him~"

Compared with Sinako's rationality, Monarch Snake, who had been abandoned by her trainer before, seemed very indignant after hearing the story of the "monster in the sewer" told by her beloved.

And it is so angry, except that the mayor of Big City abandoned his own elf, what really irritated it was that the elf abandoned by the mayor of Big City was nothing but a frog seed.

After it was abandoned by its second trainer, the Frog Flower (Old Frog) that adopted and took care of it was also a Pokémon abandoned by its trainer, and it was also abandoned by its trainer when it was still a seed of Miao Frog.

Now that he suddenly heard a story about an old frog, the Monarch Snake would be so angry.

"Brother good man,

What happened to the frog seed. " Nanako asked off topic.

"This incident happened when Xiaozhi first traveled to the Orange Islands. It was seven or eight years ago. I don't know what happened to that frog seed."

"Well... But I remember that the frog seed seemed to be adopted by Ms. Joy of the Pokémon Center at that time. I think it should live happily after that." Liangren recalled the plot of this part of the original book and said.

"Adopted by Ms. Joy from the Pokémon Center? This is indeed a very good home for the frog seed."

"I just don't know if the frog seed has evolved after so many years." Nanako looked up at the sky and thought in a daze.

"Who knows, but I think there is a high probability that there is no~"

"Why?" Hearing what her husband said, the girl hurriedly asked.

"You think."

"This wonderful frog seed is the initial Pokémon that the mayor of Bigge City received when he debuted when he was a child."

"The Brilliant Frog Seed has been abandoned by him for so many years. When the "Sewer Monster" incident happened, the once ignorant boy grew into middle age, and he became the mayor of Big City—"

"This Frog Seed has lived as a 'monster' in the sewer for at least ten or twenty years. After so many years, when Xiaozhi and the others met him, although his size had grown, he was still the Frog Seed. , no evolution."

"I think that Frog Seed has lost the ability to evolve, so even after so many years, I deduce that this Frog Seed still hasn't evolved."

"Of course, this is just my personal inference. As a Pokémon trainer, I certainly hope that the frog seed will grow healthily and vigorously over the years and successfully evolve to a more advanced form." Liangren said.

"That's it, what a pity~" After listening to her husband's analysis, Nanako also felt very sorry for this wonderful frog seed.

"Wum—no, I believe in that frog seed, I believe it has evolved." The Monarch Snake at the side suddenly spoke, with a very determined tone and expression.

"Since you are all so concerned about the situation of that Frog Seed, let's hurry to Big City and go to the Pokémon Center to see that Frog Seed."

"I just used my mobile phone to check the personnel changes at the Pokémon Center in Big City in the past ten years. I found that the Miss Joy at the Pokémon Center in Big City is still the same as before."

"So everyone, let's go to the Pokémon Center to see the Frog Seed." My husband raised his phone and said with a rare energetic smile like a teenager.



"Ya duo~"

"Aww~" Nanako and a group of Pokémon also followed her lover, and rushed to Big City on the horizon at the end of the dirt road amidst laughter.



Wangshan ran a dead horse, the same reason, it was not too far to look at Bige City, but Liangren and his party just arrived at Bige City from 9:30 to 11:30.

Ryoto and his party came from the hinterland behind, and felt that Bigge City was an inland city like Yangbeila City.

But in fact, Big City is close to the sea, and it is a port city with a very developed commercial and ocean-going trade industry.

The direction they came from, my beloved, was first low and then high. Behind a long hill that looked like the back of a tyrannosaurus, there was Big City, which was built near the sea.

At this moment, Liangren and his party were standing on a slightly higher hill, looking ahead, on the other side of Big City, which was full of tall buildings, was the sparkling blue sea.


"Gulls..." The sea breeze hit, the waves rolled and jumped, and a group of long-winged gulls with wings like white ribbons circled and danced above the port.

The sea breeze brought intoxicating refreshment, which made Liangren and his party, who were already tired of the sea and traveled inland for more than half a month, rekindle their love for the sea.

"Bi Diao, take off, aim at the seaside dam in Big City!!"

"Bi Diao, received." On the hill, Bi Diao jumped up, carrying his beloved and his party, like a paraglider, swooped and glided towards the long dam by the seaside of Bige City.

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