Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1301 Tourist Mode, Combined Doubles

"Stop arguing, I will definitely let you all play."

"It's just that I've been on the road all morning, and at the same time, in order to meet the game in the evening, you guys take a nap obediently, and you have enough energy before you can play the game."

The good man smiled and said to the group of Pokmon who surrounded him.

"Ya Duo—Okay~"




Seeing Lucario and Dumbmon climbed onto the bed obediently, and several other Pokémon got into his bedding, the beloved nodded in satisfaction.

Beloved: "Stupid beast, use yawn—"

"Sayuri, use sweet breath; beauty, use aroma therapy." On the opposite bed, Nanako also gave instructions to her Pokémon.

"Ya duo~"



The intoxicating fragrance of flowers, the yawn that makes people fall asleep, as the three Pokmon performed their skills one after another, the sound of steady breathing sounded in the room soon——



After a two-hour lunch break, the good man and all the Pokémon who had been on the road all morning have recovered their spirits again.

After a brief tidying up, the group went out again.

First, I took a taxi to Yangyu Street and found a nursing shop with a good reputation. I did some relaxing care for the bodies of Magneto and other Pokémon.

Then I went to a Pokémon supply store on Breeding Street, and bought some lubricating oil for the daily maintenance of Magneto's body...

After finishing the Pokémon work, Ryoto and Nanako have time to visit the beautiful city of Big City.

During this time, Nanako has been camping with him in the wild. Now that he returns to the city, Ryoto has also changed from being a trainer to being a boyfriend. He goes shopping, shopping, watching movies, and tasting delicious food with Nanako...

No matter it is training or doing other things, when you are fully immersed in it, time always passes very quickly, and the afternoon passes quickly, and it gets dark before you know it.

Coming out of a high-end restaurant after dinner, the two rubbed their bellies and smiled at each other.

"The food in this restaurant tastes pretty good, but it's still not as good as your cooking, brother Liangren." The girl said with a smile.

"I would be proud if you praised me like that, and Nana, your cooking skills have improved a lot compared to before."



After taking a walk along the pedestrian street to eat and drink, seeing that it was almost 18:00, the two took a taxi to the Big City City Arena as planned at noon.

While games are held at the City Arena from 9am to 11pm, during the daytime students go to school and parents and older citizens go to work.

Generally speaking, there are not many people who come to the city arena to watch the game during the day.

Only after dark, people who get out of school after school, go to work and get off work, people who have been busy all day finally have time to rest and relax.

The city arena has just ushered in the busiest time of the day.

In addition, if night is the busiest time of the day in the city arena, then Saturday and Sunday nights are the busiest time of the week.

As the liveliest nights of the week, Saturday and Sunday nights are also called "battle nights" in the city arena.

And today, it happens to be Saturday——

"Wow!! Today is indeed Saturday, so many people, so lively."

After getting off the taxi and looking at the bustling crowd in the square outside the city arena building, the girl couldn't help sighing.

Before, Nanako often played games in the Golden City City Arena, and the city size of Big City was naturally not comparable to that of Golden City, a super first-tier international metropolis.

The reason why she lamented the crowds and excitement in the square in front of her was because she had been traveling in the field for more than a month, and it was true that she hadn't seen so many people in a long time.

But after sighing, she didn't get any response from her beloved, the girl turned her head to look, but she didn't expect that the beloved who was standing beside her just now disappeared.

After standing there and waiting for a few minutes, the beloved came back with the dumb beast in his arms.

"Brother Liangren~ What did you just do?" Nanako asked with some doubts.

"It's nothing. I just saw a small vendor selling masks. I saw that they were quite delicate, so I bought two."

The beloved raised the two masks in his hands, and handed one of the masks with pink and emerald green patterns to the girl.

"These patterns are really beautifully carved. After a while, Brother Liangren, are you planning to hide your identity and participate in the "tourist mode" competition? "

Looking at the mask in her hand, Nanako suddenly thought of something and said.

Competitions in the city arena are divided into official competitions and tourist mode competitions. Official competitions are divided into matching matches and qualifying matches. Participating in official competitions, no matter whether you win or lose, you can get bonuses in the end.

In the tourist mode, participants can sign up without an ID card, and can wear a mask to hide their identity during the competition. Although there is no bonus for participating in the tourist mode competition, it is still very popular with some trainers——

The "tourist mode" competition in the city arena is often dubbed by the trainers in the circle as the scene where the top trainers delete their accounts and retrain, and the boss pretends to be abusive~

"I am now a professional five-star trainer. If I play an official game, it may not be easy to match people, so the tourist mode is more suitable for my situation."

"That's it, then I will accompany you to sign up for the tourist mode battle." Nanako thought about it and said.

"Okay, why don't we sign up for a "2.2" doubles match in a while? "

"Okay." Hearing her beloved's words, Nanako readily agreed.


Passing through the crowd in the square, the two came to the entrance of the city's arena building.

Tonight is the "Battle Night" in the city arena. There are a lot of spectators and trainers who come to watch the game.

In order not to be recognized, the two people who entered the registration hall of the city arena immediately put on the masks they bought outside.

"Two trainers, how can I help you?" At the registration desk, although seeing the masks on the faces of the two people, their expressions were slightly surprised, but their good professionalism still made the staff ask politely.

"We want to sign up for a "Tourist Mode" doubles match, please register for us. "The good man said.

"Is it a doubles match in tourist mode? Okay." Hearing what my beloved said, and seeing the masks on their faces, the staff immediately understood.

"Please choose a name for your group." The staff member asked the two while registering on the computer.

"The name of the combination is: Mu Nai—" Ryoto thought for a while, and took the first letter of his and Nanako's names to form a name.

"Is Mu Nai a team? Okay, the match between the two is in the 9th sub-venue. There are currently five groups of players in front of the two, so there is plenty of preparation time." The staff said after registering.

"OK, thanks--"

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