Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1302 Junsha and Joey in the City Arena

"Big City City Arena · No. 9 Branch Venue"

Big City City Arena has a total of 10 venues.

Venues 1, 2, and 3 are the main venues for star professional trainer competitions, venues 4...8 are sub-venues for non-star trainers, and venues 9 and 10 are dedicated venues for "tourist mode" .

Because there is no bonus for participating in tourist mode competitions, and there is a high probability of encountering high-star and high-level trainer masters, so there are generally only three types of people who choose to participate in tourist mode competitions——

The first type is just like the name of this game mode, non-professional trainers, but 'tourists, amateur players' who enjoy the fun of Pokémon battles.

The second is the high-ranking boss who hides his identity and comes to enjoy the abuse.

And the third type of person is a trainer who wants to temper himself by fighting against high-ranking bosses, and has a strong desire to become stronger.

Compared with the previous arena that only held official competitions, the atmosphere in the No. 9 sub-venue, which is dedicated to tourist mode competitions, is much more relaxed and cheerful because of the diversity of contestants' goals.

Although no ID is required to sign up for the "Tourist Mode", players can choose to hide or reveal their identities, but there are actually very few trainers like Ryoto and Nanako who wear masks to hide their identities.

However, the tourist mode allows the participating trainers to hide their identities, so the other trainers in the hall did not find it strange to see the two wearing masks and walking into the waiting hall.

Compared to Ryoto and Nanako who were wearing masks, the two people sitting in the front row were the most eye-catching in the waiting hall.

The two sat together, the one on the left was gentle and sweet, with pink hair draped over her shoulders, and the one on the right was heroic, with blue hair neatly tied into a ponytail.

Because both of them were wearing casual clothes, Ryoto and Nanako didn't recognize the identities of these two people at first, but after taking a closer look, they realized that these two people turned out to be Joey and Junsha.

Junsha's specific identity is not clear to the two, but the Joey in front of him is the Pokémon Center in Big City, and he will help his Pokmon under him for a full-body health check at noon.

In the end, he was pestered by his beloved to consult Miss Joy, who had a lot of experience in taking care of the little Magneto.

Liangren and Nanako looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of surprise in each other's eyes, as if they were saying, "Miss Joey and Miss Junsha also came to the city arena to play?"

In the front row of the waiting hall, Junsha and Joey, who were sitting together, didn't know that they were being watched and watched. Of course, it was possible that the two of them had long been used to such surprised gazes from others.

"Gulu Gulu~" Junsha carelessly crossed her legs, took a sip of the beer in her hand, and played with Joy's hair mischievously with one finger.

Seeing her girlfriend's unhappy face, Junsha didn't know how to comfort her.

"Little water shield, didn't you get the miracle seed from Miss Lizi during this trip to Alola?" Jun Shalan asked.

"No." Holding a can of orange juice in both hands, Joey shook his head dejectedly.

"Although I have made many inquiries before, I learned that Miss Lizi, the island queen of Akara Island in the Alola region, has a miracle seed in her hands."

"But the news was a long time ago.

This time I went to the Alola area to ask Miss Lizi, and I found out that she had given the miracle seed to Miss Mayo in the Aina cafeteria on Melomele Island during a trial. "

"As for Ms. Mayo, she has already dried and ground the miracle seeds into powder, and made it into a seasoning for their restaurant's dream dishes."

"Although the other party generously gave me some miracle seed powder after hearing the story of Froggrass Bulgaria, but after experimenting, these powders did not have any effect on the evolution of Frogweed Bulgaria—— "

Taking a sip of orange juice from the can, Joey said with some discomfort.

"Aside from Ms. Lizi, is there no news that other trainers have miracle seeds in their hands?" Junsha asked, frowning in distress.

Joey on the side shook his head.

""Miracle Seed" is a precious item that can increase the power of grass-type Pokémon, and it is simply impossible for ordinary people to have it. "

"And even if I have it, it may be difficult for the other party to exchange the Miracle Seed with me." Speaking of this, Joey became more and more frustrated.

"Take your time. It's been so many years. The Frog Seed couldn't evolve, but you have been insisting on bringing it to the city arena to play in these years. It has evolved from the Frog Seed to the Frog Grass."

"Miracle seeds are really hard to come by, but I believe that if you insist on letting the froggrass fight and grow, it will still have a chance to evolve into a frogflower in the future."

"And I will always be with you~" Jun Shalan cheered on her best friend~



Although I am surprised that Junsha and Joey will come to the city arena to play, but what the other party does during the break after get off work is not something that the beloved can interfere~

Ryoto and Nanako found a place to sit down, and did not eavesdrop on Junsha and Joey's conversation.

"By the way, Brother Liangren, which Pokémon are you going to send to the game later?" Nanako asked.

"Well, letting Bi Diao, Slow Beast, and Iron Armor Shell fight is somewhat bullying. I plan to send Lucario or Monarch Snake to fight."

"Nana, what do you think?" Ryoto asked, looking at the girl beside him.

"Brother Liangren, the Pokmon under your command are highly recognizable.

Monarch Snake participated in the grass-type Pokémon beauty pageant in Yangbeila City some time ago, during this time you took Monarch Snake to do skill training, and the exposure on the Sun Daily was also very high~"

"Brother Liangren, if you send the Monarch Snake to play in a while, I believe people will recognize it immediately, so I personally recommend Lucario to play." Nanako expressed her opinion.

"Nai Nai, what you said makes sense, but Miss Qun'er also participated in the grass-type Pokémon beauty pageant before, so who are you going to send to the competition, Nana?"

"Hmm... Sayuri's words are really easy to recognize. The rest of Meihua and the Snow Fairy, the Snow Fairy has less appearances in the competition. I will send the Snow Fairy to appear in the game at that time."

"The Snow Demon Girl has a lot of control skills, which can just match Lucario's frontal attack." Nanako said.

"Okay—" Ryoto nodded, agreeing to Nanako's arrangement.



In the waiting hall, Ryoto and Nanako chatted while watching other players' games outside.

When registering, the staff said that there were five groups of contestants ahead of them. After sitting and waiting patiently for more than half an hour, the staff finally reminded them to go on stage.

"Mu Nai Group, Shuang Shu Group, please prepare the trainers of these two groups to play." The staff at the entrance of the entrance reminded.

"Brother Liangren, it's our turn~"


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