Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1303 The opponents in the first battle are Joey and Junsha



Hearing the staff's reminder to play, Ryoto and Nanako agreed, and got up from their seats.

But what surprised the two of them was that Joey and Junsha, who were sitting in the front row of the waiting hall, also raised their hands to the staff and stood up.

"The "Shuangshu Combination" we are going to fight next is actually Joey and Junsha! ! "

Yoshito and Nanako exchanged glances, and she couldn't help showing a very interesting expression on her face.

"Brother Liangren, you are not allowed to release water for a while. It has been a long time since I came to the city arena to play a game. The first game must be won smoothly." Nanako's heart is full of fierce fighting spirit.

"Okay—" the lover agreed with a smile.

"Let's see if their Shuangshu combination is stronger or our Mu Nai combination is better."



At the entrance of the passageway, Nanako of Ryoto, Joy of Junsha, and the two groups of opponents in the next doubles match looked at each other, smiled and nodded, and then walked into the passage respectively.

In a short corridor, Ryoto and Nanako, as well as Joey and Junsha on the opposite side, also entered the arena at the same time.

"Ho Ho..."


Because today is the battle night on Saturday night, the venue is almost full of people, and the contestants from both sides have just entered the competition venue, and the audience outside the venue erupted into enthusiastic cheers.

Ryoto and Nanako wore masks to hide their identities, and the audience outside the venue mainly cheered Junsa Joy on the opposite side.

Although there were no fans cheering for them, but after traveling in the field for nearly a month, the two of them rarely came to the city arena to play a game, but the blood in their hearts was immediately activated by the lively atmosphere of the arena.

"Next is the "Shuangshu Combination" against the "Munai Combination". Each team and each person of the two sides will send out a Pokémon until all the Pokmon appearing on the stage are eliminated, or the trainer of one side admits defeat, and the game will end—"

"Now, please send out the Pokmon that are ready to fight." The referee on the sidelines raised the signal flag in his hand and shouted.

"Miss Joy...Come on!!"

"Miss Junsha...Come on!!"



It is obviously not the first time that Joey and Junsha from the "Shuangshu Group" have come to the city arena to play a game. The audience on the sidelines are very familiar with them.

As soon as the referee's voice fell, the audience outside the court burst into enthusiastic cheers.

However, the four people at both ends of the field were not affected by the cheers of the audience. After looking at each other from a distance, Nanako of Liangren and Joy of Junsha released the elves at the same time with a tacit understanding.

"Snow Fairy~"

"Lucario, get ready to fight!!" Yoshito and Nanako threw the elf fairway in their hands.

Joey: "Come out, Froggrass~"

Junsha: "Come out, Wind Speed ​​Dog~"




"Wow woof..."

Four baby balls are opened simultaneously in the sky above the field,

At the same time, four Pokémon also appeared in the eyes of the audience full of anticipation.

"Miss Joy...Come on!!"

"Miss Junsha...Come on!!"



Joey and Junsha released the Pokémon, and the audience outside the venue unexpectedly burst into cheers again.

As opponents, Ryoto and Nanako didn't feel the pressure because of this. At the moment, they were observing the two elves facing each other.

Li Ren's eyes are on the wind speed dog in front of Junsha. As the final evolution of the katti dog, the wind speed dog has a race value of 555. It not only looks majestic and handsome, but also has the best strength among all fire-attributed Pokémon.

However, as a police dog in the Kanto region, the Katie dog series has been monopolized by the Junsha family, and there is no outside world at all.

Therefore, although Liangren has many Pokmon that are rarer and more powerful than Wind Speed ​​Dog, Liang Ren is still very envious of Junsha, the Wind Speed ​​Dog.

Compared with the lover who pays attention to the mighty and handsome wind speed dog, Nanako, who is on the side, has his eyes on Joey's frog grass from beginning to end.

After recognizing the other party's identity in the waiting hall just now, Nanako has already learned from Liang's mouth that the Joey in front of her is the Miss Joy who adopted the frog seed in the "Sewer Monster" story told by Liang.

Nanako sympathizes with the frog seed that was abandoned by the trainer and could not evolve.

Although it has evolved into Frogweed now, it is still only Frogweed after so many years, and Nanako basically believed in the conclusion drawn by Ryoto's previous analysis.

This froggrass does have flaws in its body. The evolution from froggrass seed to froggrass is probably the result of Joey's great efforts. As for the evolution into the final form of frogflower, there is probably no hope.

However, Nanako did not plan to release water in the next game just because she sympathized with Froggrass. Going all out on the field is the respect for the opponent.

And just as she reminded her beloved just now, since she hasn't come to the city arena for a long time, it can be said that she is bound to win this game.

On the opposite side, Joey and Junsha didn't know what they were thinking. When Nanako and Liangto looked at their Pokmon, they were also observing their Pokmon at the moment.

Lucario and Snow Fairy are spirits from the Sinnoh region, and they are rare to see in the Orange Islands, not to mention that these two Pokémon are quite rare even in the Sinnoh region.


However, after looking at Lucario and Snow Fairy released by Ryoto and Nanako, Joey couldn't help showing a look of surprise and uncertainty on the face across the field.

His eyes stopped at the two Pokmon, and then he looked up at the masked trainer.

"Lucario, Snow Fairy, the trainers are a man and a woman, their heights match very well, and the clothes they wear are the same as when they went out in the afternoon, and they even wear a mask on purpose."

"That's right, it must be them—" Joey, who was originally troubled by the matter of the frog grass, was depressed, but now he looked at his beloved and them with an excited expression and muttered to himself.

"What's the matter, little watercraft?" Junsha, who noticed that Joey was a little abnormal, asked suspiciously.

"Xiao Lan, you know about the fact that Director Mu Mu and Miss Nanako came to our Big City." Joey looked at his best friend who grew up with him and whispered.

"I know. At 11:30 in the morning, I rode a Bidiao and landed at the Baishi Dam. Afterwards, I had a 1v1 match with a lucky fan. The news has now spread throughout the Big City."

"Then do you know where the two of them are now?" Joey asked his best friend with a smile.

Back then, Tokiwa City resolved the bomb attack by the Rockets terrorists by itself. After that, Liangren was regarded as his idol by many young Junshas in the police circle. Joey knew that his best friend was also a fan of Liangren.

"I don't know. If I knew where Mr. Liangren was, I would have gone to him for an autograph on my beloved police scooter."

"But why did you suddenly mention this, little shield?" Junsha asked curiously.

"Hee hee...Because your idol is standing opposite us right now." Joey said with a smile.

"Xiao Zhe, you mean..."

"That's right, the ones who are standing across from us at the moment, who are about to fight us, are Director Mu Mu and Miss Nanako." Joey said very confidently.

"Xiao Shu, how do you know, and you are so sure that Mr. Ryoto and Ms. Nanako are in front of you?"

"Because I did a health check for Director Mumu and Miss Nanako's Pokémon at noon... so I can't admit my mistake." Joey said.

"Then I..."

"The game begins." Without giving too much time for the players on both sides to observe each other, before Junsha could finish speaking, the referee on the sidelines decisively announced the start of the game.

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