Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1304 Fierce battle, tacit understanding! !

"The game begins." Before Junsha could finish speaking, the referee on the sidelines decisively announced the start of the game.

"Don't be distracted, little girl, it's rare to have the opportunity to fight Director Mumu, don't be ashamed in front of your idol!!"

"Froggrass, use the hypnotic powder~" Joey finished speaking, and gave instructions to Froggrass decisively.

"Dana~" On the field, Froggrass received the instruction and raised a front foot to scratch the ground, shaking the pink buds wrapped in calyx leaves on its back.

A burst of gray-green dust was blown directly towards Lucario and the Snow Fairy.

Nanako also reacted very quickly. As soon as the referee gave the start signal and Joey commanded Froggrass to launch an attack, Nanako also gave action instructions for Snow Demon.

"Snow Fairy, use hail in the air." Facing the hypnotic powder attack of Froggrass, I have 100% confidence in Nanako's strength, and choose to use the weather skill of hail first to activate Snow Fairy's characteristic: "Snow Hidden"

"Milu~" The snow demon girl who received the order was like a geisha lady performing flying with a wire hanging, her sleeves fluttering in the wind and her sleeves fluttering.

At the beginning of the game, when Frog Grass and Snow Fairy started to move, Liangren also smiled and nodded to Joey and Junsha who recognized his identity on the opposite side.

Then Liangren didn't delay any longer. Looking at the hypnotic powder floating towards him, Liangren also gave instructions to Lucario, who had started to move flexibly at the beginning of the game.

"Lucario, use the waveguide to make a big breakthrough~" the man who entered the game state shouted with sharp eyes and concentration.

"Aww——" Lucario, who was moving flexibly, came to the front of the sleeping powder blowing, breathing and exhaling.

The breath strengthened the waveguide, and instantly turned into a strong gust of wind that rushed straight into the dust and mist.

"Hoohoo..." The wind blew up and the clouds were flying. Facing the hypnotic powder attack of the frog grass, Lucario made a waveguide breakthrough, which not only successfully prevented the hypnotic powder from approaching, but even made the hypnotic powder roll back.

"Not good! Wind Speed ​​Dog, hold your breath." Seeing the hypnotic powder that rolled back, Jun Shalan, who was a little distracted, suddenly withered, and gave Feng Speed ​​Dog a response command in a panic.

"Hoo hoo..."


On the battle field, the gray-green dust mist rolled backwards towards Frog Grass and Wind Speed ​​Dog, and at the same time, it flew towards the Snow Demon Girl above the arena.

At this moment, a dark snow cloud was also called, and then the sky quickly fell into hail.

"Wow!!" Without Lucario's 'reinforced iron frame', Wind Speed ​​Dog couldn't resist the damage of hail.

Ice marbles hit his body one after another, and the wind speed dog, who was originally majestic and elegant, grinned his teeth in pain at this moment, and his expression was very funny.

However, in the face of the hypnotic powder rolled upside down, the wind speed dog who was hit by the hailstone was in pain, but he still didn't dare to open his mouth and bark at will.

In order to prevent inhalation of the hypnotic powder, Wind Speed ​​Dog raised one front paw to cover his mouth and nose, squinted his eyes with a very uncomfortable expression.

Because he was afraid of being targeted, he hid behind the wind speed dog and did not rush forward.

As a grass-type Pokémon, although it is immune to the effect of the hypnotic powder, it is still suppressed in the face of the Snow Fairy's hail at this moment.

And seeing this scene, the lover who is very good at finding opportunities, he did not give up this great opportunity to attack.

"Lucario, use continuous wave missiles on Froggrass!!"

Ryoto seized the opportunity to launch an offensive, and Nanako was not idle, she also immediately issued an order to the snow demon girl above the arena.

"Snow Fairy, use the will-o'-the-wisp on Frog Grass!!"

One frontal attack, one rear control field, the combination of Froggrass の Wind Speed ​​Dog is exactly the same as the combination of Lucario の Snow Demon Girl on my lover's side.

Faced with such a combination in a doubles match, it is usually to kill the members who control the field from the rear, and then slowly take care of the Pokémon responsible for the frontal attack.

Therefore, seeing that the wind speed dog was suppressed by the hypnotic powder and the hail, and the frog grass was also suppressed by the hail, Ryoto and Nanako had a tacit understanding at the first time to choose the controlling hand of the frog grass to operate——

However, Liangren chose to use wave missiles to deal damage, while Nanako chose to use will-o'-the-wisps, which made Froggrass fall into a burn state of continuous blood loss.

However, as veterans who often come to the city arena to play games, Joey Chun and Jun Shalan are not vegetarians either.

Seeing that Lucario and the Snow Fairy took the opportunity to attack, the two responded without any hesitation.

Joey: "Frogweed, use the energy ball."

Junsha: "Wind Speed ​​Dog, block the will-o'-the-wisp for Frog Grass."


"Wow woof~"

After receiving the trainer's instruction, Froggrass opened its mouth and spit out an emerald green energy ball to hit the wave missile fired by Lucario, while the wind speed dog jumped to block Froggrass's will-o'-the-wisp from the Snow Demon ——

The characteristic of the wind speed dog is to intimidate or catch fire. When Lucario and the Snow Fairy appeared on the stage, they did not show any expressions of fear. Obviously, the characteristic of this wind speed dog is the fire that is immune to fire energy damage.

Although covering his mouth and nose with his paws and bearing the damage of hail, the movement of the wind speed dog who jumped into the air to block the skill of Froggrass seemed awkward and uncoordinated, but fortunately he successfully blocked the will-o-wisp for Froggrass in the end.

"Puff ~" The ghostly blue ghost fire landed on the wind speed dog, and was directly swallowed up and then annihilated.

And the wave missile fired by Lucario was also intercepted by Froggrass with the energy ball.

"Boom!!" One emerald green, one sky blue, two energy bombs collided in mid-air and exploded.

Although Froggrass was blown by the violent airflow from the explosion, it slid back several meters before stopping, but fortunately, Froggrass stopped Lucario's attack.

"Crack..." The hailstorm continued to fall from the sky, Ryoto and Nanako didn't give up the attack because the attack didn't take effect.

On the contrary, the two had smiles on their faces at the same time, without any words or eye contact with each other, but they commanded the Pokémon to launch a more violent attack in an unusually tacit harmony.

"Lucario, use super speed on the wind speed dog." Liang Ren shouted.

"Snow Demon Girl, use Freezing Wind on Frog Grass." Nanako also quickly issued an order.

Compared with the one Pokémon that was set on fire just now, this time Yoshito and Nanako launched attacks on one Pokémon respectively.


On the arena, Lucario, who was originally dodging from left to right and moved flexibly, after receiving the order, seemed to transform into a Super Saiyan, and his body burst into bright blue blazing flames.

Then Lucario's speed was astonishingly fast, turning into a flashing blue streamer, and charged towards the wind speed dog.


In the sky above the arena, the snow demon girl who was faintly visible in the snow curtain, after receiving Nanako's order, also raised her arms to aim at the frog grass below.

"Hoo hoo..." The snow demon girl's wide sleeves seemed to have turned into Feng Po's pocket at this moment, whizzing and blowing a violent white hair wind, sweeping towards the frog grass.

Just now, the hasty attack was already the limit, and now facing the more violent offensive from Ryoto and Nanako, the two on the opposite side were indeed in a predicament.

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