Elf’s Shorts Boy

Chapter 1308 Joey's obsession, soul bone! !

"Ding ding... ding dong... Cheng!!"

Ryoto is holding a dull beast, and Nanako is holding a beautiful flower in her arms.

Walking into the Pokémon Center, Joey, who I met in the doubles match in the city arena at night, changed into nurse overalls and was on duty at the front desk.

"Miss Joy, weren't you and Miss Junsha still competing in the city arena just now? Why are you still on duty tonight—" Nanako asked curiously.

"I wasn't on duty originally, but at the same time I felt a little uncomfortable, so I was temporarily called by her to take over for a while." Joey Chun said with a smile.

"Mr. Liangren, Miss Nanako, what's the score tonight?"

"Hey! It's rare for the two of you to compete, but because I have to help my colleagues on duty, I can't go to the scene to cheer for the two of you—" Joey Chun said with a sad expression.

"It's okay, although you didn't go to the scene, Ms. Joy, we have already received your wish." The beloved smiled. .

"By the way, Miss Joey, do you like Pokémon battles very much? In the doubles match tonight, I can see that Miss Joey, you have a lot of experience in battles." The good man asked.

Hearing what his beloved said, Joey shook his head.

"Actually, I don't hate Pokémon battles, but I don't like them very much. It's just that Frog Grass needs to participate in actual battles more." Joey said.

"Oh~ why? Is it because Froggrass likes to fight?" Although she already guessed the answer, Nanako still asked curiously.

"That's not the case. I'll tell you a story for both of you and you'll understand." Joey shook his head and said.

"Actually, the original trainer of Froggrass was not me, but a former mayor of Big City.

Because Froggrass is congenitally deficient in a certain hormone that is closely related to evolution, it is very difficult for it to evolve.

And it is for this reason that the frog grass was abandoned by the former mayor when it was still the seed of the frog, and the seed of the frog lived alone in the underground waterway of Big City. "

"Seven or eight years ago, a trainer who passed by Big City during his travels accidentally fell into the sewer, and the Frog Seed he released to explore the way was caught by the Frog Seed that lived alone in the sewer.


"After a series of events, the traveling trainer rescued his Frogseed, but the Frogseed that had been abandoned by the mayor in the underground waterway was also exposed."

"Because of abandoning his Pokmon, XX, who was already the mayor of Big City at that time, was dismissed.

I sympathized with what happened to Frog Seed, and I participated in the rescue and treatment of Frog Seed at that time, and Frog Seed was relatively close to me, so I adopted this child afterwards. "

"Because I couldn't evolve, I was abandoned by the former trainer. The Frog Seed has a very big obsession with evolution. Even if it is subdued by me, it will often go out to train and fight behind my back."

"I saw that the frog seed is so hardworking and eager to evolve, so I decided to help it realize its wish."

"However, this child has a congenital deficiency of evolution-related hormones and a lack of evolutionary genes. It can be said that it is very difficult to evolve.

I took this child to a more professional hospital for treatment, and visited Dr. Uchiki who consulted Daikan Island.

It is concluded that the level of evolution-related hormones in the child can be increased through drugs, and the evolution hormones in the body can be increased through combat absorption experience. "

"So Miss Joy, do you often bring the frog seeds to the city arena to fight?" Nanako asked after taking the conversation.

"Hmm—" Joey nodded.

"When I'm usually busy with work, I take time out in the morning, afternoon and evening to fight against other trainers in the battle hall of the Pokémon Center. If I'm not on duty at night or I can take a vacation on weekends, I will take this child to the city arena to compete. "

"However, this child's evolution is difficult, and the lack of related hormones in the body is only one of the reasons. The main reason is the lack of evolutionary genes and missing the best training age."

"So even if I train it so hard and often take it to the city arena to play games, after so many years, this child has only evolved into the second stage of the frog grass."

"It can be said that it is nowhere in sight to evolve into Miao Frog Flower." Joey couldn't help but sighed in frustration.

"Is there no way to make up for the lack of evolutionary genes in the froggrass?" asked Nanako, who sympathized with what happened to the froggrass.

"I have consulted many academic scholars and professional trainers, and I have learned that there is indeed a way to make up for the lack of evolutionary genes in the froggrass."

"What way?" Nanako hurriedly asked after hearing what Joey said.

"The "miracle seed" that breeds life and contains the power of miracles! ! "

"If the froggrass can be fused with a miracle seed, it can make up for the lack of body evolution genes and gain the possibility of continuing to evolve." Joy said.

"A 'miracle seed'? This is a very precious treasure that can enhance the power of grass-type Pokémon. Nanako was also a little surprised when she heard what Joey said.

"It is precisely because miracle seeds are so precious that I have spent a lot of hard work and failed to get them for so many years."

"Some time ago, I received news that Miss Lizi, the island queen of Akara Island in the Alola region, has a miracle seed on hand.

When I asked for leave to bring Froggrass to visit, I was told by Miss Lizi that the miracle seed in her hand was given to Ms. Mayo of Aina Cafeteria on Melomele Island in a previous big trial. . "

"And when I found Miss Mayo through this clue, I found that she had fried and ground the miracle seeds and made them into seasonings for dream cooking."

"Although Ms. Mayo generously gave me some seasoning powder ground from miracle seeds after hearing the story of Frog Grass, the high-temperature frying before that has already destroyed some of the structures inside the miracle seeds."

"So the 'seasoning powder' given by the other party did not help Froggrass make up for the missing evolutionary genes in the body." Joey said emotionally.

After the trainer tames the Pokémon, the fates of the trainer and the Pokémon are bound together.

Froggrass's obsession with evolution, over time, has gradually become the obsession in Joey's heart.

But as Joey himself said, "miracle seeds" are precious treasures that can enhance the power of grass-type Pokmon.

Every time the same type of power-boosting props appeared at the auction, the final transaction price was at least 30 to 40 million, and there was no market for it.

However, compared to the special ancient relics and naturally formed strange props such as "the certificate of the king, the immutable stone...".

"Miracle Seed" is the same as "Preemptive Claw, Sharp Beak, Poisonous Needle, Dragon's Tooth...", it is produced from Pokémon, so it is less difficult to obtain than the former.

Of course, this is also relative. To 'produce' this kind of augmentation item that can be possessed and is constant, the conditions can be said to be very harsh.

This kind of precious treasure props produced by Pokémon is equivalent to the soul bone produced in the body of the soul beast in the animation novel "Douluo Dalu"——

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